Call for Project Presentations
Open Science Conference 2019 (March 19-20, 2019, Berlin, Germany)
The Open Science Conference 2019 is the 6th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0. It is dedicated to the Open Science movement and provides a unique forum for researchers, librarians, practitioners, infrastructure provider, policy makers, and other important stakeholders to discuss the latest and future developments in Open Science.
The Open Science movement made substantial progress and receives increasing recognition in the research system. The achievements of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the FAIR data movement are only two popular examples for this development. However, establishing open science practices as natural component of daily scientific working routines is still a great challenge. Furthermore, the open movement is facing negative trends such as ‘predatory science’ that recently gained broader public attention.
Within this context, this call invites the research community as well as further important stakeholders of the open science movement to submit project presentations and other contributions covering topics including (but not limited to):
- Recent innovations in infrastructures, technologies, and tools supporting open science practices
- Best practices dealing with open science implementation and education
- Empirical studies and use cases about the application, acceptance, establishment, and improvements of open science practices
- Quality assurance in an open science system, e.g., in the context of ‘predatory science’
Please submit your English abstract which describes the main idea, the practical relevance, and its innovative and/or scientific impact. The abstracts may not be longer than 500 words and must be in anonymous format (e.g. no author names) to enable blind review. All contributing authors must be added in the metadata of the submission system.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the programme committee and a review board. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present a poster at the conference. The most outstanding contributions can also be presented as lightning talk. The abstract, the poster, and the lightning talk must be submitted and presented in English.
To also contribute to the open science movement, the programme committee will publish the scientific justification for acceptance on the conference website. All accepted posters (including the abstract) and corresponding lightning talks will be displayed on the conference website, too.
Please send your submission as PDF document via EasyChair (requires free EasyChair account):
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: October 12, 2018
- Notification of acceptance / rejection: December 7, 2018
- Final submission of abstract, poster, and lightning talks: February 08, 2019
- Conference dates: Berlin (Germany), March 19–20, 2019
Programme Committee
- Thomas Köhler, Technical University Dresden
- Stephanie Linek, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW)
- Peter Mutschke, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- Marc Rittberger, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)
- Klaus Tochtermann, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW)
- Andreas Witt, University of Cologne & Institute for the German Language Mannheim (IDS)
You can find this call as well as the complete review board also on the conference website:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Doreen Siegfried