Friday, July 19, 2024

CFP: Beta Phi Mu Scholars Series Books by Rowman & Littlefield

CFP: Scholars Series by Rowman & Littlefield

The Beta Phi Mu Scholars Series, published by Rowman & Littlefield, an imprint of Bloomsbury, welcomes book proposals that advance knowledge in the discipline and profession of library and information science. The following broad topics are suggestions that future authors may wish to undertake, but is by no means an exhaustive list:

  • The economics of information and libraries
  • Innovative service options in different environments
  • Technologies that facilitate librarians’ and information specialists’ work
  • Examination of the dynamics of communities
  • Complexities of decision making
  • Developing professionals to make differences in organizations
  • Research into communication challenges
  • Serving ethnically, culturally, and/or linguistically diverse populations
  • Creating models for the sustenance of leadership in organizations
More information about the series can be found here. To see our most recent publications, please view the Rowman & Littlefield website.

Authors are asked to submit proposals that include the following:

  1. Working title
  2. Expected publication date and anticipated timeline
  3. Estimated length of manuscript
  4. Summary
  5. Outline of chapters
  6. Drafted chapter (if possible)
  7. Explanation of the significance of the manuscript
  8. Resume or vita addressing author’s qualifications

Inquiries, questions, and proposals should be sent directly to the Editor, Andrea Falcone, at

Andrea M. Falcone, Editor
Beta Phi Mu Scholars Series
Dean of Libraries
Binghamton University

Thursday, July 18, 2024

CFP: 2024 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium [free, virtual, Nov. 21, 2024]

The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the fourth MIRL Symposium (, a free event which will take place virtually on Thursday, November 21, 2024 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners and those with an interest in IRs at hospitals, academic medical centers, and other health settings to discuss and share case studies and best practices for digital archiving of institutional content. 


MIRL 2024 will feature a keynote by Dr. Jennifer Beamer, SPARC | Visiting Program Officer US Repository Network, who will highlight the strategic mission of USRN to create a more cohesive network of repositories in the US, recent activities of the network, and what role medical IRs can play in the stakeholder community.   


We are accepting proposals for:

  • Presentations (approximately 20 minutes including Q&A)
  • Lightning talks (approximately 10 minutes including Q&A)


The MIRL planning committee welcomes proposals on a variety of topics including, but not limited to:

  • Policies and practices that ensure confidentiality (eg. PHI /personal health identifiers in IRs), accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Unusual medical/health sciences institutional repository (IR) content, collections, use cases, collaborations, or challenges
  • Migrating repository platforms: stories, processes, and lessons learned
  • IRs in a time of budget cuts: ROI and justifying the cost
  • Finding your champions, marketing your IR 
  • Reporting out: telling your IR story with statistics and metrics 
  • IR harvesting and support tools, workflow 
  • Strategies for management of faculty/researcher publications, conference posters, student collections, digital exhibits, digital archives, preprints, datasets
  • Promoting open access (OA) initiatives
  • Use of technologies (from APIs to AI)


Submit your proposal here:



  • Deadline for submitting proposals: Friday, September 6, 2024
  • Acceptance emails will be sent no later than Monday, September 16, 2024
  • Registration is free for all attendees and will open on Monday, September 23, 2024

Please contact Steven Moore ( for any questions about the proposal process or about MIRL.


MIRL 2024 planning group members:

  • Lisa Buda, Rochester Regional Health
  • Jennifer Deal, Advocate Health
  • Anthony Dellureficio, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Sara Hoover, The National Institutes of Health Library
  • Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Steven Moore, Sladen Library, Henry Ford Health
  • Gbadeo Odularu, Howard University
  • Lisa Palmer, Lamar Soutter Library, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
  • David Stewart, OUWB Medical Library, Oakland University

Friday, July 12, 2024

CFP: NASIG Autumn Virtual Conference - October 15-17, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the NASIG Autumn virtual conference is scheduled to take place online October 15-17, 2024, and the call for proposals is now open. 


We are accepting proposals for the following session types:


  • Short (7 minutes): fitting for concise overviews or burgeoning ideas
  • Medium (15 minutes): perfect for case studies
  • Long (30 minutes): ideal for more detailed presentations


All of the session types are ideal for demonstrations. If you have an idea better suited for a longer session (1 hour), a panel discussion, or a workshop, please consider submitting your idea when the call for proposals for the 2025 NASIG Annual Conference comes out later this year.


Please submit your proposals here:  by Monday, August 19, 2024.


Whether you are new to libraries, working towards your MLIS, or have many years of experience, we are interested in learning more about your work with:


  • New or evolving tools, such as AI
  • Open Source library systems
  • Collection development and assessment
  • Licensing trends and workflows
  • Cataloging practices
  • And more!


Sessions may present a research study report, an analysis of a practical problem-solving effort, new findings related to a previously shared NASIG webinar or conference presentation, or a description of an innovative program that may interest the NASIG community. Demonstrations are particularly effective in the virtual format. This is not an opportunity to promote or denigrate a specific vendor, product, or service.


#NASIGAutumn is an entirely virtual event, open to speakers and attendees globally. Speakers will receive free registration. We intend to make NASIG Autumn content more widely available after the conference. Additional details will be included in the Speaker MOU.


The deadline for submission is Monday, August 19, 2024, after which our planning committee will convene and review all submissions. If you need an extension or any assistance with your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us at


We would be grateful if you would share this email among your own networks.


Many thanks in advance!


The NASIG Virtual Conference Committee (VCC)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

CFP: Women in Leadership Conference - Cambridge, Massachusetts - July 16-17, 2025

Women in Leadership Conference - Harvard Faculty Club | July 16-17, 2025

Empower. Inspire. Lead.

Join us at the 2025 Women in Leadership Conference, a prestigious gathering of trailblazing women in higher education. We're seeking dynamic speakers and panelists to illuminate key topics shaping the future of academia.

We're looking for speakers on:

  • Leadership & Governance
  • AI & Technology's Impact
  • Women's Career Advancement
  • Creative Fundraising & Finance
  • STEM Education & Research
  • Multicultural Perspectives & Equity
  • Emerging Trends in Higher Education

We are looking for panelists on: 

  • The Future of Higher Education: Visions from University Presidents
  • Strategic Leadership: Provosts' Role in Shaping Institutional Vision
  • Advocacy and Governance: How Deans Influence Policy
  • Guiding the Way: Women at the Forefront of State Higher Education Systems
  • Women Leading in Non-Traditional Roles: Athletic Directors, ROTC, and Beyond
  • Navigating the Shift: From Faculty Expertise to Administrative Leadership
  • AI & Education: The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Academia 
  • Financial Acumen: Budgeting and Financial Planning for Higher Ed Leaders
  • Engaging Stakeholders: Keeping Faculty, Students, and Donors Informed When It Matters Most
  • Transforming Tomorrow: Shaping the Future of STEM Education
  • And more!

Share your story:

Whether you have a transformative success story, pioneering strategies, or groundbreaking research, we invite you to submit your proposal. With over 60 panel opportunities available, you can contribute as a speaker, panelist, or both.

Multiple opportunities available:

  • Speaker presentations
  • Panel discussions (60+ openings!)

How to submit: 

Just use the speaker submission form to submit your proposal (or apply for both!). The early-selection deadline is July 31, 2024.

Conference Details

Location: Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, Mass. (Google map)
Date: July 16-17, 2025
Audience: Mid-to-senior career higher-ed administrators and faculty 


Thanks so much for your support!

Best regards,

Lynn Larkin (she/her/hers)
Women in Leadership 2024 | Oct. 8-9, 2024 | Cambridge, MA
Women in Leadership 2025 | July 16-17, 2025 | Cambridge, MA
Office: 702-900-8651 



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Call for Chapters: From Fargo to Hawkins: Exploring 21st Century Midwestern Culture

From Fargo to Hawkins: Exploring 21st Century Midwestern Culture

Midwestern culture in the 2000-2025 era entered a distinct phase. The ubiquity of the internet, the coming of iphones, the demise of movie rental stores, the collapse of once-powerful urban newspapers, the thinning out of the cinema infrastructure, the fragmentation of media spaces, and the persistence and decline of institutions of regional culture all transformed the Midwest’s media and cultural landscape. Hastings College Press seeks proposals exploring all of these developments and various aspects of Midwestern culture throughout the first quarter-decade of the twenty-first century. Topics could include, but are not limited to, the Omaha-based movies of Alexander Payne, the Golden Age of television or prestige TV (did it pass the Midwest by?), the friction between a postmodern v. a traditional Midwest and the collapse of metanarratives, the creation of new literary journals (and their termination), new literary voices such as J. Ryan Stradal, the rise of new Muslim voices (--that novel set in Indiana, can’t remember at moment), the complexities of Rust Belt identity, Native American media (“Reservation Dogs”)) and writers (David Trauer), Barack Obama’s Kansas and Chicago, the television series “Fargo,” the Indiana of “Stranger Things,” how the Midwest was excluded from the Marvel Universe, Cleveland jokes (on “Thirty Rock” and elsewhere), the rise and exhaustion of trauma plots, essayists like Meghan O’Gieblyn, Roxanne Gay, and Debra Marquart, the emergence of gay rights themes (“Boys Don’t Cry”), Covid battles in the Midwest, Hannah Horvath (Lena Dunham) in Oberlin and Iowa City, the Caitlyn Clark media phenomena, the effective end of Prairie Home Companion, the free speech debate (the University of Chicago statement) as intertwined with CRT and wokeness, the “pretendian” controversy and Native American identity, the weakening of traditional Midwestern masculinity, and the “middle-ness” (or Midwest-ness) of Middle Earth and the Shire in the LOTR trilogy. Please send vita and 300-word proposals to, who will edit the collection to be published by Hastings College Press in 2026. Proposal deadline January 1, 2025.

CFP: Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review #OAJournal #BusinessLibrarianship


Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review is seeking articles for Volume 10, Issue 1, to be published in the Summer of 2025. This is a great opportunity for librarians interested in doing research in any and all areas related to business librarianship. We are an open access journal committed to promoting the widest possible discussion of original and translational research, evidence-based pieces, case studies, and more. 

Recent peer-reviewed research featured in our journal has included:
  • Hartman-Caverly, S., (2022) “ ‘The Da Vinci Code for IP Research’: Case Study of a Course-Integrated Educational Escape Room for Entrepreneurship Education”, Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review 7(1): 2. doi: 
  • Hosoi, M., (2021) “Free Lunch? Vendor Offers during COVID-19”, Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review 6(1). doi:
  • McCauley, A. et. al, (2020) “Investigation of British Columbia Entrepreneurs' Secondary Market Research Habits and Information Needs”, Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review 5(1). doi: 

If you’re interested in sharing your insights and ideas in a non-peer-reviewed format, we also publish editorials in a number of areas including:
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Tips
  • Business Libraries by Design
  • International Outlook 
  • Conference Reports; and, 
  • Opinions & Thought Pieces

We especially encourage submissions from early career librarians and those interested in supporting a fully open access publication! Peer-review articles will be due October 18, 2024. Editorials will be due January 10, 2025. 

For more information about each section and their requirements, please visit our journal's website:

Please reach out to Ash Faulkner, Editor in Chief with any questions at


Ash Faulkner, Editor in Chief
Kelly LaVoice, Managing Editor

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

CFP: New “ITAL &” column in Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL)

Information Technology and Libraries Journal (ITAL) is seeking authors for a new column titled “ITAL &”.

The “ITAL &” column is a non-peer-reviewed, featured column that focuses on ways in which the library’s role continues to expand and develop in the information technology landscape. The emphasis will be on emerging ideas and issues, with a particular aim to recruit new-to-the-profession columnists.

Some examples of possible topics include:

AI: How will the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning change various aspects of librarianship and different types of libraries? How are library professionals working with or fighting against artificial intelligence? Are libraries using generative AI in marketing materials or using large language models to streamline workflows? What cybersecurity implications arise?

General technology review: Looking back at the ten-year range, what are the major changes or improvements in library technologies that have occurred since 2014? What are the current and emerging technologies that enable telecommuting, cloud computing, and hybrid learning in libraries? What are the potential scenarios and implications of library technologies in the next five and ten years, and what are the best practices and strategies to prepare for them? This column could provide a platform to discuss and envision prospective library technologies.

Other topics of interest could include, but are not limited to: disability and accessibility, cybersecurity and privacy, the open movement / open pedagogy, linked data and metadata, digital humanities / digital praxis, digitization efforts, programming and workshops, the overlap between library technology and other library departments (acquisitions, readers advisory, information literacy and instruction, scholarly communications), or other emerging technologies and their implications for library work.

This column is intended to be practitioner-focused, and we will happily entertain submissions from folks who have expertise in libraries and technology but who may not work in a traditional “library” environment or role. We are also happy to work with first-time authors and folks based outside of North America, though columns need to be submitted in English.

Since this is a non-peer-reviewed column, there is also an opportunity to engage in new ways or different formats, so creative submissions will also be considered. (Examples: comics, zines, videos, autoethnography, case studies, white papers, policy documents, interviews, reports, or other things commonly referred to as "grey literature.") If you would like your column to be in a format that differs from a standard editorial essay, please explain in your proposal.

Those who are interested in being an author for this column should submit a brief proposal / abstract that outlines the topic to be covered. Proposals should be no more than 250 words. Please submit your proposals to this Google Form no later than June 30, 2024.

Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by July 8, 2024, with the submission deadline for our quarterly issues on the first of February, May, August, and November. Completed column submissions should be roughly 1500-2000 words.

Please contact column editor Shanna Hollich ( with any questions. Please forward this call to any colleagues who may be interested. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Call for Chapters: A Handbook for Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion in Library Work #ACRL Publication

The editors of A Handbook for Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion in Library Work (tentative title) invite chapter proposals. The book will be published by ACRL Publications, and will be an edited volume focusing on how library workers in different library types and across different services can concretely implement trans and gender diverse inclusion. It will highlight real-world case studies, research-based guidance, and recommended practices for how library workers can support trans and gender diverse people in the course of their many different jobs and duties to help library workers bridge the gap between meaning well toward trans people, and implementing trans and gender diverse inclusion in library work.

Proposals are due August 31, 2024. More information can be found on the book’s proposal page.

For those interested in submitting a proposal or learning more about the book, the editors will be holding two identical information sessions to introduce the project and to answer questions from potential authors. Information sessions will take place over Zoom and will not be recorded. Register to attend using this form.
  • June 18, 4-5 PM EST
  • June 20, 2-3 PM EST
If you are unable to attend an information session, want to run an idea by the editors before submitting your proposal, or have other questions, email the editors at

CFP: SUNY OER Summit 2024 - Open Educational Resources: Supporting Faculty, Empowering Students (Virtual - October 16th & 17th)

Announcing the SUNY OER Summit 2024 - Open Educational Resources: Supporting Faculty, Empowering Students

Virtual, October 16-17, 2024

This summit aims to bring together practitioners from SUNY and beyond to explore innovative approaches, successful case studies, and emerging trends, and to promote community and collaboration around OER.
We invite you to participate in this exciting event and share your expertise by submitting a proposal for a presentation, interactive demo/discussion, or lightning presentation. This is a unique opportunity for you to showcase your work, insights, and experiences related to OER and make a valuable contribution to the summit.
We welcome proposals on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • OER Implementation, Adoption and Assessment
  • Impact of OER and Affordable Learning Initiatives
  • OER Institutional Support and Sustainability
  • Open Education and Open Pedagogy
  • Future Directions and Challenges

Deadline for submission: July 31, 2024
To submit your proposal and view additional information, please visit the conference website at

Registration will open in September.

Questions? Contact Cori Wilhelm at For registration questions, please contact Meghan Martin at

Supported by
SUNY Center for Professional Development |


SUNY OER Services |

Call for Submissions - UKSG 2025, Brighton UK

UKSG 2025: Call for suggestions

We are pleased to announce that an in-person event is scheduled to take place from 31 March-2 April 2025 in Brighton, UK.

The conference attracts delegates from across the global knowledge community, including librarians, publishers, intermediaries, technology vendors, consultants and more. It provides a friendly and inclusive forum with a reputation for showcasing initiatives, exploring trends and connecting people from across the sector. You can see this year's programme here:

Like many conferences, we welcome developed proposals from those who wish to deliver or co-deliver plenary sessions, breakout sessions, workshops and lightning talks. These proposals ultimately form the core of our programme. However, we also welcome suggestions on themes, topics, and initiatives. In all cases, we welcome recommendations for speakers alongside topic ideas. This approach is one of the distinctive and defining features of how we co-develop our programme. It enables us to explore the issues that matter most to us as a community. You can see the whole programme for 2024 here to get an idea of topics/level etc.

Please submit your suggestions via the UKSG website:

A critical part of our strategic vision is that UKSG will represent the diversity of the global knowledge community. Our annual conference should reflect a variety of perspectives and backgrounds - and we particularly want to encourage and include those from under-represented communities.
If you have something interesting to say but do not feel you are ready for a plenary, break-out session or workshop, we can provide supportive mentors to help you prepare, or you might consider presenting a shorter lightning talk or poster.
If you need any assistance with any aspect of your submission, including any accessibility needs, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our call for suggestions closes on Tuesday 30 July 2024. Our programme committee will then review all submissions and communicate outcomes in August.

I would be grateful if you would share this email far and wide to your own networks - many thanks in advance!

Bev Acreman
Executive Director