Call for Submissions
Marketing Libraries Journal
Volume 2, Issue 2 (December 2018)
(rolling deadline)
Volume 2, Issue 2 (December 2018)
(rolling deadline)
Aim and Scope
Marketing Libraries Journal (MLJ) is a peer-reviewed, independently published, open-access scholarly journal that focuses on innovative marketing activities that libraries are engaged in. Our aim is to publish research and practical examples of library marketing campaigns, library marketing research, public relations campaigns, SWOT analysis, segmentation research, assessment of marketing activities, and tools used for marketing activities. In addition to peer reviewed articles, the Journal also contains practical articles from different columns. Columnists will be accepting shorter articles on advocacy, branding, library marketing campaigns, "from the trenches", and technology tools. The Journal is published twice a year.
Guidelines for Submissions
The editorial board seeks submissions in the following two categories:
1. Articles (peer reviewed) (20-25 pages): research-driven articles that aim to provide original scholarship in the field of library marketing, communications, and outreach.
2. Practical Articles (editorial reviewed) (8-10 pages) : articles from different columns (advocacy, branding, "from the trenches", campaigns, and technology). Practical articles are reflective and provide best practices, however they should be written in an academic tone (3rd person).
Manuscript Format
Marketing Libraries Journal (MLJ) is a peer-reviewed, independently published, open-access scholarly journal that focuses on innovative marketing activities that libraries are engaged in. Our aim is to publish research and practical examples of library marketing campaigns, library marketing research, public relations campaigns, SWOT analysis, segmentation research, assessment of marketing activities, and tools used for marketing activities. In addition to peer reviewed articles, the Journal also contains practical articles from different columns. Columnists will be accepting shorter articles on advocacy, branding, library marketing campaigns, "from the trenches", and technology tools. The Journal is published twice a year.
Guidelines for Submissions
The editorial board seeks submissions in the following two categories:
1. Articles (peer reviewed) (20-25 pages): research-driven articles that aim to provide original scholarship in the field of library marketing, communications, and outreach.
2. Practical Articles (editorial reviewed) (8-10 pages) : articles from different columns (advocacy, branding, "from the trenches", campaigns, and technology). Practical articles are reflective and provide best practices, however they should be written in an academic tone (3rd person).
Manuscript Format
- Manuscript style should follow the conventions of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition
- Submissions should be 12 point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides
- Page number and running head should be placed in the upper right-hand corner of each page
- The title page should be submitted as a separate document and include each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address
- Submitted manuscripts should begin with a 100-word abstract, with a list of 5 keywords, numbered as page 1
- One submission per author per call
- Allow 3 months for manuscript status notification
Submission Process
Scholarly Submissions
Practical (Column) Submissions
Please ensure that your manuscript has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Review of manuscripts will begin after the call for papers deadline. When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, authors will be required to submit a complete electronic copy of the final version.
Editorship and Ethics
We reserve the right to make editorial changes for style, clarity, and consistency. To ensure ethical practices, all reviewers, editors, and authors must contact the Journal if there may be any conflict of interest. For more information, please contact the editors at
Open AccessThe Journal is open access "gold" and "green". There are no author processing fees. Authors are never charged any article submission or processing fees. Both readers and authors can access articles for free. Authors can self archive their articles at the time of publication. Authors can self archive in digital repositories or on their own personal websites at publication. Please ensure to indicate the URL of the journal when self archiving. Authors retain copyright and full publishing rights. Articles are published under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Indexing and Discoverability
Marketing Libraries Journal is indexed in the International ISSN database, World Cat, Ulrich's Serials Directory, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
ISSN: 2475-8116