Call for Proposals
LibTech Conference 2019
March 20-21, 2019
Macalester College
St. Paul, MN
Do you have a technology-related library project, experiment, or innovation you’d like to share? We invite you to submit a session proposal for the 2019 Library Technology Conference. The conference features presentations, workshops, and lightning round sessions and is attended by library staff, library students, educators, technologists, designers, and others interested in libraries and technology.
- We seek innovative proposals in both traditional and new formats. A few ideas to get you started:
- A presentation on a project still in progress
- An experiment with new and emerging technology -- including successes and failures
- A ready-to-go technology tool or solution that participants can use at their home institution
- A critical and/or reflective session on a pressing issue in libraries
- An workshop on a tool or tools commonly (or uncommonly!) used in libraries
Need a little help preparing your proposal? Check out our proposal planning page. Submissions are due October 8, 2018.
Questions? Contact us at .