CALL FOR ATG REPORTERS: Seeking Charleston Conference session reporters for publication, "Against the Grain"
Prior to the conference, contact reports compiler, Ramune Kubilius (, noting the session title/s, date/s, time/s of desired session/s for reporting (inclusion of the schedule url is helpful). To avoid duplication or overlap, reporters will receive confirmation of their sessions.
- Reports should be 100-200 words (preconferences and plenary session reports can run a bit longer, but not by too much).
- The succinct reports should re-cap the highlights of the session. Minute details are NOT needed, since a number of speakers post their presentations in the conference website and many also submit papers to the Proceedings.
- Reports should include any changes in titles or speakers that are revealed at the session and differ from what was presented in the listed program.
- Note session highlights, whether the session proceeded "as advertised", or if there were some shortcomings.
- Session reports will be due to the compiler, Ramune Kubilius, ( by
Friday, December 8, 2017.
The reports will be published in "Against the Grain", starting in the first 2018 issues, in conference session order.