Final Call for Book Chapters: ++ Global survey [$25 Gift card, enter to win ]
Thank you if you have responded to this call. In case you missed, I again cordially invite you to submit a chapter proposal by April 8 2021 for the forthcoming scholarly book:
The book is Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Achieving Civic Engagement and Social Justice in Smart Cities, to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research.
First section of the book is the subject of this call for chapters. The book editorial board has a team of six professional thought leaders .
For the second section of the book I invite you, now to participate and provide your input in the two surveys:
On-going (since two weeks-- please ignore if you have already completed this): Five Minute survey: Library, Archive, and Museums' during COVID-19, a link to the survey is here:
NEW: Eight Minute Post-COVID-19 survey entitled, "global survey of Library, Archive, and Museums' digital readiness in building a better “new normal.” (survey link is here ).
(with a chance to win $25 gift card; some conditions apply,).
$$$ Chance to Win a $25 Gift CARD. $$$ You must complete, both, and entire surveys [COVID-19 survey link is here:- ].
Your Name, E-mail and Name of your office (to skip the scam) are required to enter the gift card drawing.
Mohamed Taher
Editor's Contact Email: