The Journal of Web Librarianship is planning a special issue on Internet discovery on digital collections entitled: Digital Collection Metadata & Internet Discovery – Submissions due March 30, 2017.
Digital Collection Metadata & Internet Discovery
Many digital repositories and digital collections have been created in recent decades in academic and research libraries. As digital items are put into digital repositories, associated metadata records need to be effective for external indexing by search engines in order to be discovered. Current literature includes some discussion pertaining to digital resources discovery, metadata evaluation, search engine indexing, and search engine optimization strategies. However, due to the distinct options of digital repository software, the complexity of metadata schemas, the variety of formats of digital items, and the ambiguity of search engine indexing strategies, researchers have not come to an agreement about which metadata schema is the best to use, because the choice varies based on the format of the particular digital file, the repository system being used, and the search engine being queried. This journal issue aims to explore these approaches and offer insights into the current literature debating digital collection metadata and its discoverability on the Internet.
Subject Coverage
This special issue offers a platform for researchers to discuss topics relevant to the potential combination of best strategies regarding metadata, digital repositories, digital formats, search engine indexing, and Internet discovery. Subject coverage includes but is not limited to Digital Collection Metadata Evaluation, Digital Repository Systems Evaluation, Digital Collection Development, Indexing Evaluation of Digital Formats, Search Engine Indexing, Search Engine Algorithm Evaluation, and Internet Discovery on Digital Repositories.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Original Research
● Evaluation of metadata of digital collections
● Evaluation of digital repository system pertaining to facilitating content discoverability
● Evaluation of search engine indexing on metadata or digital file formats
● Evaluation of search engine algorithm and/or search engine optimization
2. Case Studies
● Best strategies for facilitating Internet discovery of digital collections
● Best practices for developing and promoting digital collections on the Internet
Important dates
● Full paper submission at : March 30, 2017
● Notification of decision: June 30, 2017
● Revised submission: July 31, 2017
● Final acceptance notification: August 31, 2017
● Final version of paper: September 30, 2017
● Publication: December, 2017
Guest Editors
Le Yang
Digital Initiatives Librarian
Texas Tech University
Joy M. Perrin
Digital Resources Librarian
Texas Tech University
Hannah Gascho Rempel
The Journal of Web Librarianship is an international, peer-reviewed journal focused on all aspects of librarianship as practiced on the World Wide Web, including both existing and emerging roles and activities of information professionals. The journal strives to find a balance between original, scholarly research, and practical communications on relevant topics in web librarianship. Web services and systems librarians are encouraged to contribute, as are librarians working in public services, technical services, special collections, archives, and administration.
For more information on this special issue, see the Call for Papers website.