Call for Chapter Proposals
Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners (working title)
Editors – Leila Rod-Welch & Kendra Skellen
Proposal submission deadline: April 30, 2017
Submit your proposals to: or email
Editors Leila Rod-Welch and Kendra Skellen invite the submission of chapter proposals for a book on international aspects of American libraries. The focus of the book is to inform librarians about the challenges that international and ESL learners face in using academic libraries in the U.S. and to provide librarians the tools they need to help retain these learners, bring more diversity into libraries, introduce various outreach programs, learn how to collaborate with campus partners, and build international and ESL collections within the library.
New and completed research and case studies are welcome, provided any new studies can be completed within the timeline explained below. Chapters based on completed research must not be previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
We are seeking proposals for the topics described below. However, we will consider other topics provided they are within the spirit of the book and will add another dimension to the overall discussion:
· Growth of international students in America
· Introduction on who are our international students and what are their needs
· Outreach initiatives to international students
· Outreach initiatives to ESL learners
· Collaborating with campus partners
· Building a library collection for ESL learners
· Best library instruction practices
· Library resources for instructors of International Students
· Lesson plans
· Scavenger hunts
· Event planning
Submission procedure: Please submit chapter proposals of up to 500 words, a short author’s statement, and a writing sample, list of previous publications if applicable to by April 30th, 2017. If you are proposing new, uncompleted research, please provide a tentative timeline that includes a date for completion, evidence of institutional approval, if appropriate, as well as any additional dates you think are relevant.
If there are multiple authors for a chapter, please submit author statements for each author and at least one writing sample - it is optional to provide multiple writing samples (i.e. not all co-authors have to submit writing samples, but if you feel it best represents your team to submit
more than one, please do.)
Note: This initial stage requires a 500-word description, so just planning out your article now is fine. Final manuscripts should be approximately 1,500 to 5,000 words.
For additional information, contact the editors:
Dr. Leila Rod-Welch is the Outreach Services Librarian and Associate Professor at the University of Northern Iowa.
Kendra Skellen is the Robert W. Woodruff Library Service Desk Manager and the Marian K. Heilbrun Music & Media Library Manager.