Call for Chapter Proposals
Integrating LibGuides and LibApps in Library Websites: A LITA Guide
Editors – Aaron W. Dobbs & Ryan L. Sittler, Ph.D.
Send Proposals to
Aaron and Ryan have a contract with Rowman and Littlefield & LITA to produce a new book on integrating LibGuides and LibApps - particularly version 2 - to enhance library websites. This is a follow-up to Using LibGuides to Enhance Library Services: A LITA Guide (2013) published with us and Dr. Douglas Cook.
We are looking for authors.
If you are interested in writing one of the following chapters OR in suggesting something for the book that we have simply just not thought of yet, please send a proposal Proposal guidelines are at the end of this document.
- Proposals must be submitted by July 6, 2015 at 5:00pm EST.
- Final accepted chapters will be due to us by September 25, 2015 at 5:00pm EST (though earlier is fine) for revisions and feedback.
- Those requiring additional edits will be due back by October 30, 2015 at 5:00pm EST. The publication date is currently set for early 2016.
We welcome proposals on the following topics. Your proposal can address all of the sub-points listed or only one or two. Authors with complimentary proposals may be asked to work together:
1. Introduction to LibGuides and LibApps - This is an overview meant to explain the difference between LibGuides and LibApps, the types of tools available within each, and to help the reader determine whether or not LibGuides and/or LibApps are something they could effectively utilize.
2. Migrating to LibGuides / LibApps Version 2 – This section will address making the case for migration to your constituencies, as well as addressing the planning that needs to take place - as well as the formal migration.
3. Behind the Scenes / Administration - This part will deal with the administrator side of LibGuides / LibApps. This can include: administration, resource management options, incorporating LibApps into site structure, recommendations for changes to CSS for fixing issues and/or modifying functionality, and/or training others to use LibGuides within your institution.
4. Design & Development - Well-designed LibGuides will be used more often and with a higher level of success. This section will address: site structure for SEO and discoverability, designing for mobile first, page design, page layout, page structure, visual design principles, multimedia integration, incorporating LibApps widgets into your site, advanced CSS/HTML/Javascript for customization.
5. Real World Best Practices – Show us how you’ve successfully used LibGuides and/or LibApps to do any of the following: training (students, staff, patrons, etc), reference, scheduling, information repository, archiving, teaching, online teaching, other ways that we haven’t listed here - or just show us an exemplary LibGuide that you’ve created.
6. Usability and Accessibility – How do you know your LibGuides are successful from a usability and accessibility perspective? Areas for inclusion here could be: direct feedback with LibSurveys, 3rd party analytics, assessing LibGuides through an information literacy lens, or ADA usability testing and potential fixes for the site.
7. Other Ideas and Suggestions - We are highly receptive to your suggestions for something not listed here. If you have a great idea that you think would fit within the scope of this book, please submit a proposal. We like new ideas and perspectives. Every idea will be given thorough consideration.
Proposal Guidelines
Proposals are due by July 6, 2015 at 5:00pm EST.
Final accepted chapters will be due to us by September 25, 2015 at 5:00pm EST.
Those chapters requiring additional edits will have be sent back to the authors with feedback and a new deadline of October 30, 2015 at 5:00pm EST.
Publication is anticipated in early 2016. Chapters must be unique to this book, if you have published an article about LibGuides and/or LibApps, your chapter cannot be a rehash of the same topic. Workshops and presentations are fine as a basis for a chapter.
Send Proposals to –
Chapter proposals should be no longer than two pages. Please include the following
a. Your name and contact info
b. Other publications/qualifications
c. Proposed Chapter Title, Outline, and several paragraphs of description
Email either or both of us with questions.
-Aaron W. Dobbs, Scholarly Communications & Electronic Resources Librarian, Shippensburg University of PA, awdobbs at
-Ryan L. Sittler, Instructional Technology / Information Literacy Librarian, California University of PA, sittler at