CFP: Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Meeting (Ne Orleans 2015) - Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Popular Culture area
The Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association annual conference will be held April 1-4, 2015, at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, Louisiana. Scholars from a wide variety of disciplines will meet to share their Popular Culture research and interests.
The Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association annual conference will be held April 1-4, 2015, at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, Louisiana. Scholars from a wide variety of disciplines will meet to share their Popular Culture research and interests.
The Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Popular Culture area is soliciting papers dealing with any aspect of Popular Culture as it pertains to libraries, archives, museums, or research. Possible topics include descriptions of research collections or exhibits, studies of popular images of libraries or librarians, relevant analyses of social networking or web resources, Popular Culture in library education, the future of libraries and librarians, or reports on developments in technical services for collecting/preserving Popular Culture materials. Papers from graduate students are welcome.
Prospective presenters should enter their proposals in the PCA/ACA 2015 Event Management database at
The deadline is November 1, 2014.
Please direct any queries to the area chair for Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Popular Culture:
Allen Ellis
Professor of Library Services
W. Frank Steely Library
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099-6101
For more information see the associations' website at:
Allen Ellis
Professor of Library Services
W. Frank Steely Library
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099-6101
For more information see the associations' website at:
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