This is a call for proposals of case studies to be included in an issue of Library Technology Reports (published by ALA TechSource) focusing on the strategic and intentional integration of tablets and mobile devices into library services. This issue will be edited by Rebecca K. Miller, Heather Moorefield-Lang, and Carolyn Meier, and will be published in Summer 2015.
In past publications (available here: ), we have explored how libraries are integrating tablets and other mobile devices into library services, highlighting best practices and effective methods. However, now that libraries have had a few years to experiment with these technologies, we are interested in exploring the question of how libraries strategically integrate these technologies into their services. Case studies selected for inclusion in this report will demonstrate effective practices for intentionally integrating technologies in any areas of library services. These practices may include, but are not limited to: front-end or need assessments, cost-benefit analyses, user experience research, and summative and formative evaluations. We will accept 4-6 case studies, and expect that each case study will total around 3,000 words.
In order to submit a proposal, please send a 1-2 paragraph summary of your case study--which should include a description of your project, the methods you used to gather data about the project, and the decision that your library made based on the data--along with a current CV highlighting relevant experience and publications. Proposals and accompanying material should be submitted by August 15, 2014 to: . We will notify authors of the editors’ decision regarding their proposal(s) by September 1, 2014.
Ultimately, we hope that this issue of Library Technology Reports will help readers be able to
- Think more critically about the technologies that they want to integrate into their libraries
- Identify and use new methods for gathering and analyzing data related to integrating technologies into their libraries
- Make sound investments in and decisions about the time and resources spent on integrating technologies into their libraries
Anticipated timeline of project:
- August 15, 2014: Deadline for submitting proposals for contributed chapters to editors
- September 1, 2014: All contributors notified of acceptance or rejection of chapter proposal
- November 1, 2014: Full contributions (around 3,000 words) due to editors
- December 1, 2014: Editors send revisions to authors
- January 15, 2015: Revised chapters due back to editors
- February 1, 2015: Authors receive final suggested revisions from editors
- March 1, 2015: Final manuscripts due to editors
- March 2015: Editors assemble manuscript and finalize entire report
- April 1, 2015: Editors deliver final manuscript to ALA for publication
Questions can be directed to all editors via email:
This information is also available on our project website: