Call for Poster Session Proposals: The Academic Librarian in the Open Access Future
The Greater New York Chapter of the
Association of College and Research Libraries 2014 Symposium
Friday, December 5, 2014
The 2014 ACRL/NY Annual Symposium “The Academic Librarian in the Open Access Future” will consider new opportunities and real challenges for academic librarians as the movement toward open access (OA) begins to impact our users and our institutions in increasingly complex ways. Through case studies grounded in a range of institutional contexts, we will explore the role of librarians in the open access debate and projects. During small-group debriefing sessions, participants will have an opportunity to strategize with peers about how to support their users and find potential collaborators. For further information about the symposium, visit:
ACRL/NY invites you to submit a poster session proposal for the 2014 Symposium. Your poster session can address academic librarians’ roles vis-à-vis any issue related to this theme. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Open Access Collaborations
- Open Access Literacy
- Scholarly Publishing
- Author’s Rights
- Support for Faculty Researchers
- Institutional Repositories
- Students as Content Producers
- Open Access Workflows
- Copyright, Fair Use and Public Domain
- Libraries and Licensing
- International Intellectual Property
- Orphan Works
- Discoverability
- Digital Rights Management
- OA Policy Initiatives
Please submit your proposal using the online form at
The deadline for submission is Friday, September 12, 2014
Accepted posters will be notified by Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
For some helpful poster pointers, check the “poster presentations” tab on the LibGuide at /researchpresentation
The Symposium will take place on Friday, December 5, 2014 in New York City at:
The William and Anita Newman Vertical Campus Conference Center, Baruch College, 55 Lexington Avenue (at 24th Street) Room 14-220 (14th floor)
We look forward to your submissions!
The 2014 ACRL/NY Symposium Committee
Linda Miles
Public Services Librarian
Pollack Library
Yeshiva University