Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Southeast and Southwest Chapters Joint Online Conference Call for Proposal
Started in 1973, Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) is a nationwide library association in the United States and Canada. CALA is also an affiliate of the American Library Association (ALA), International Federation of Library Associations Institutions (IFLA) , and Joint Council of Librarians of Color (JCLC).
The CALA Southeast and Southwest Chapter Joint Online Conference “Library 2020: Stories and Projects Sharing” will be held at 1pm-3pm (CDT), April 2, 2020. The conference committee is seeking speakers to present at the following sessions:
Presentation Session: The joint online conference offers a great opportunity for both CALA and non-CALA members to share their innovative ideas and projects. Each presenter will have 20-25 minutes to share his or her project. Suggested topics include:
· Acquisitions
· Archives
· Cataloging and metadata
· Reference and instruction
· Collection development and management
· Data visualization/management
· Digital preservation
· Digital services
· Electronic resources management - institutional repositories
· Scholarly communications
· Standards and specifications
· Serials
· Project management
· Diversity library service/library services for multicultural or diverse population
Lighting Talk Session: This session is open only for library school students. Each presenter will have 5-7 minutes to share a great idea or question related to her or his library school project or research.
Please send your presentation or lighting talk topic and proposal to Jingshan Xiao ( and Jia He ( by March 6, 2020 to be considered. Presenters will be announced in March, 2020. If you know anyone who might be interested in presenting, please pass this information to them.
We look forward to hearing from you!
We look forward to hearing from you!
CALA Southeast and Southwest Chapter Joint Online Conference Committee
Jia He
Cataloging Electronic Resources Librarian
Cataloging Electronic Resources Librarian
Liaison Librarian for International Students
P: (251)460-7711
University of South Alabama
5901 USA Drive N.,
Mobile, AL 36688