Interested in seeing your name in print? Want to add another line to your CV?
Have something to share with other business librarians?
The Business Reference in Academic Libraries Committee of BRASS is seeking articles for the next issue of its online publication Academic BRASS. Academic BRASS is a newsletter--not a journal--that publishes issue-based articles and information for the general and educational interest of BRASS members and academic business librarians.
Topics of interest to the editors are those dealing with business librarianship, such as resources, liaison and outreach activities, strategies, and instruction. Reviews of books, databases, and web sites are welcome as well.
Maybe you have another cool idea - that's fine too - get those submissions in!
Deadline for submissions for the upcoming issue is April 10, 2020.
You may want to see previous editions. For access to the full text articles of past issues of Academic BRASS, see < >
The typical length of an Academic BRASS article is 500-800 words, but past articles have been as long as 1,000 words or more. Authors should be guided by what they have to say rather than an arbitrary word length. All articles are subject to editing for length, style, and content. The newsletter follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition for all matters of style and citation. Authors whose articles include references to print or Internet resources are urged to observe the conventions set forth in that publication and on the APA web site (< >).
Please send article proposals or submissions to both of the editors, Janet Franks at and Wendy Pothier at
Have something to share with other business librarians?
The Business Reference in Academic Libraries Committee of BRASS is seeking articles for the next issue of its online publication Academic BRASS. Academic BRASS is a newsletter--not a journal--that publishes issue-based articles and information for the general and educational interest of BRASS members and academic business librarians.
Topics of interest to the editors are those dealing with business librarianship, such as resources, liaison and outreach activities, strategies, and instruction. Reviews of books, databases, and web sites are welcome as well.
Maybe you have another cool idea - that's fine too - get those submissions in!
Deadline for submissions for the upcoming issue is April 10, 2020.
You may want to see previous editions. For access to the full text articles of past issues of Academic BRASS, see
The typical length of an Academic BRASS article is 500-800 words, but past articles have been as long as 1,000 words or more. Authors should be guided by what they have to say rather than an arbitrary word length. All articles are subject to editing for length, style, and content. The newsletter follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition for all matters of style and citation. Authors whose articles include references to print or Internet resources are urged to observe the conventions set forth in that publication and on the APA web site (<http
Please send article proposals or submissions to both of the editors, Janet Franks at and Wendy Pothier at