Have you used the Business Research Competencies<http://www.ala.org/rusa/sites/ala.org.rusa/files/content/sections/brass/brassprotools/Research_Competencies_Public_Draft.pdf > or the ACRL Framework<http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework > to teach business information literacy? Have you conducted research that focuses on business information literacy and student success, assessment, theory, or other related topic? If you answered yes to either of these questions, please consider submitting a lightning talk proposal for the upcoming RUSA BRASS preconference Let's Get Down to Business: Using Business Research Competencies and the ACRL Framework to (Re)design Business Information Literacy Instruction.
This preconference will include two rounds of lightning talks, one round focusing on interesting business information literacy case studies featuring the BRC and/or the ACRL Framework, and another round focusing on research that has been conducted about the BRC and ACRL Framework in a business information literacy context. You can submit your proposal using this form until February 7, 2020 at 5 pm PST:
The form also contains preconference registration rates, information about a timeline for proposal review and notification, and a rubric that will be used to evaluate submissions. Please note that presenters who agree to present their lightning talks will be expected to register for the preconference. If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Nielsen, Co-Chair, BRASS Education Committee at jnielsen@sfsu.edu
Jordan Nielsen, MSIS, MBA
Associate Librarian/Research Assistance Co-Coordinator
Liaison to the Lam Family College of Business
J. Paul Leonard Library
San Francisco State University
This preconference will include two rounds of lightning talks, one round focusing on interesting business information literacy case studies featuring the BRC and/or the ACRL Framework, and another round focusing on research that has been conducted about the BRC and ACRL Framework in a business information literacy context. You can submit your proposal using this form until February 7, 2020 at 5 pm PST:
The form also contains preconference registration rates, information about a timeline for proposal review and notification, and a rubric that will be used to evaluate submissions. Please note that presenters who agree to present their lightning talks will be expected to register for the preconference. If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Nielsen, Co-Chair, BRASS Education Committee at jnielsen@sfsu.edu
Jordan Nielsen, MSIS, MBA
Associate Librarian/Research Assistance Co-Coordinator
Liaison to the Lam Family College of Business
J. Paul Leonard Library
San Francisco State University