Theme: "Librarians learning from the past to inspire, connect, enable and engage"
The IFLA Library History Special Interest Group invites proposals for papers to be presented at its open session on “Librarians learning from the past to inspire, connect, enable and engage” during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland.
The Library History Special Interest Group is about to embark on a series of projects on oral histories of the world’s librarians, hence the theme for its session at this conference. The project is ambitious and will have many approaches to it and we would hope that librarian oral histories include not only the history of their library at the time, but also the librarian’s immersion in social and political issues of their day, and how they faced the new issues presented to the profession at that time.
We invite papers that cover issues on librarian oral history/ies to include some of the following approaches:
· Your country’s/region’s collection of such oral histories;
· Why they were collected;
· How they are being managed;
· How they are being shared;
· Lessons learnt from this historical engagement with librarians of the past;
· Plans to collect future oral histories of librarians.
For proposal and submission details, please see: