We have received a fantastic selection of proposals for “Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students,” the only conference dedicated to graduate librarianship. We are still seeking submissions which focus primarily on copyright, scholarships, OER, data services, publishing, research teams and the research life cycle, and professional development for librarians who serve graduate programs. You can submit on any other topic relevant to graduate librarianship with the exception of graduate workshops or boot camps, unless yours are profoundly innovative.
Session options are for individual sessions (25 minutes); panel sessions (50 minutes); round table session (50 minutes); “train the trainer” workshops (90 minutes); and poster sessions. We would really like to double the number of posters already received, so if you’ve never done a poster or are shy about speaking in front of a group, please consider this option.
Additional conference information and the submission link are at https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/gradlibconf/
The proposal window will close for good on December 16, 2019, so get yours in now!
Take care,
Wendy Doucette, PhD, MSLIS
Graduate Research and Instruction Librarian
East Tennessee State University
Program Chair, Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students