Submit proposals here:
We recommend that prospective presenters review our evaluation rubric at:
Please help us spread the word on social media using #miraulv2020!
The Makerspaces for Innovation and Research in Academics (MIRA) conference planning Committee seeks proposals for its third annual conference at the University of La Verne, La Verne, CA on July 15-16, 2020.The MIRA Conference seeks to bring together a group of makers, librarians, educators and practitioners for presentations, workshops, discussions and networking. We encourage participation from all types of makerspaces such as academic, community, museums, libraries (K-12, higher education, public, special), institutions, and organizations.
We especially welcome session proposals that are hands-on, engaging and include audience participation activities! We also welcome proposals from makerspace students. Students will have an opportunity to apply for registration/travel scholarships.
Sessions can include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
· Assessment of makerspaces and making
· Managing, maintaining and updating makerspaces
· Facilitating learning and engagement through making
· Integration of making into the curriculum
· How makerspaces inspire innovation and entrepreneurship (prototyping, disruptive technologies)
· Future directions of makerspaces in learning
· Equity, diversity and inclusivity in makerspaces
· Maker projects and concepts relating to machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality
· Environmental effects of makerspaces and systems put in place to reduce impact
· Using makerspaces to create partnerships
· Civic and community engagement in makerspaces
· How to set up a makerspace (costs, safety, staffing, training, location, value and buy-in, etc.)
Session Types (hands-on, engaging and include audience participation activities are welcomed):
· Pre-Conference Workshop (3 hours): An in-depth, interactive and hands-on exploration of a topic. Presenter will need to bring their own equipment and supplies.
· Workshop (45 mins): A hands-on training session. Presenter will need to bring their own equipment and supplies.
· Presentation (20 mins): A session that can include ideas, experiences, original research, engaging discussion questions or activities.
· Roundtable Discussion (45 mins): A session that offers conversations in a casual, round table setting.
· Panel Discussion (45 mins) : A session that brings together 2-5 presenters into a cohesive conversation intended to engage audience members.
Proposal Submission Deadline: Jan 31, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: Mar 20, 2020
Conference Registration Opens: April 6, 2020
If you have any questions, contact Vinaya Tripuraneni, Planning Committee Chair, at