Technical Services librarians are faced with multiple changes in workflows, budgets, and technology. We are seeing an increase in usage of electronic resources, evidence-driven collection development, challenging budgets, space, and staffing, as well as rapidly changing technologies.
The OVGTSL 2020 Conference Program Committee invites forward thinking submissions in all areas related to technical services librarianship including acquisitions, cataloging, serials, electronic resources, collection development and management, systems, and preservation in academic, public, and special libraries.
Participants are invited to submit proposals that report on recent research, address emerging trends, or showcase new tools, services and projects. Time slots for all sessions are 50 minutes in length including time for questions.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
- Authority control
- Automation tools such as batch processing, regular expressions, MarcEdit, OpenRefine, APIs, widgets, dashboards, etc.
- Collaboration within and outside the library
- Communicating data in meaningful ways for library decision making
- Completed projects, including outcomes and learned experiences
- Current roles of technical services in open access, research data, scholarly communication, and other arenas
- Digital initiatives and collections
- Discovery and access
- Diversity and inclusion in technical services
- Electronic resource management
- Ethical issues in technical services
- Evidence-driven collection development
- Integration of non-MARC metadata within MARC cataloging workflows
- Managing change
- Metadata creation, reuse and interoperability
- New staffing models
- Practical applications for BIBFRAME and/or linked data
- Special formats cataloging and/or circulation
- Strategies for working with limited budgets and resources
- Training and staff development
- Workflow management, best practices, and documentation
Submissions for presentations, workshops and panel sessions will be considered in addition to specific proposals to lead sessions in non-traditional formats.
To submit a program proposal, visit to submit the following information by November 1st, 2019
- Title of presentation
- Type of program [presentation, workshop, panel, other please specify]
- Abstract (no longer than 250 words)
- Names, titles, institutional affiliations, phone, email of all presenters
- Primary contact for presenters
- Equipment and other special needs
Notification regarding acceptance will be sent via e-mail in early January 2020
The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians (OVGTSL) was founded in 1924 and draws its members from the states of Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. The annual conference rotates among these three states on a regular basis. Membership is open to anyone interested in library technical services.