As the cost of textbooks and other educational materials are exponentially increasing, many institutions of higher education and PK-12 schools are adopting open educational resources (OER) as alternatives for their students. Libraries are starting to see OER as part of a trickle-down effect. More and more librarians are now being tasked with supporting faculty, students, and other members of their communities with the adoption of OER.
Join us on December 4, 2019 for an Amigos Library Services online conference, The Library's Role in Supporting Open Educational Resources, where we will explore the roles libraries of all types play in supporting open educational resources.
Amigos Library Services is now accepting 45-minute presentation proposals for this conference. Suggested topic areas include but are not limited to:
- Understanding open educational resources
- Teaching and learning with OER
- Finding and vetting OER
- The value of OER
- Implementing OER initiatives in the library and/or community
- Measuring the impact of OER on learning, the community, and/or the library
- Policies & strategies for OER
- Supporting faculty, students, and the community with OER
- Accessibility, availability, and affordability of OER
- Future and sustainability of OER
- Legal and ethical considerations for OER
If you can speak to one of these topics, or have another idea in mind, please submit your proposal at by September 25, 2019. Don’t worry if you’ve never presented online. It’s easy, and we are happy to train you and will provide technical support during your presentation.
For more information about this conference, contact Jodie Borgerding,