Call for abstracts for 2020 themed issue of New Review of Academic Librarianship: “Involving the community – engaging students in taking academic libraries forward”
For the first time ever, the New Review of Academic Librarianship has Guest Editors from two different countries overseeing the annual themed issue. Olaf Eigenbrodt (Germany) and Karen Latimer (Northern Ireland) are working jointly on the 2020 themed issue which will bring together papers from across the world on student engagement and academic libraries. The themed issue will focus on developments in student engagement for organisational change as well as services, infrastructures, and spaces.
The deadline for submitting abstracts for consideration will be the 5th August 2019. More information on the topic, process and focus can be accessed from the journal’s web site. If you need any further information, contact Olaf Eigenbrodt
Dr Graham Walton BSc MA MBA PhD
- Editor, New Review of Academic Librarianship
- Guest Editor (with Jeremy Atkinson) - themed issue of Information and Learning Science on assessing impact and proving value
- Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Information Management, Loughborough University