We invite submissions on the theme “Copyright and Licensing in Music Librarianship” for a special issue of Music Reference Services Quarterly (MRSQ). MRSQ is a peer-reviewed journal that supports zero-embargo Green Open Access (OA) and author copyright retention: https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/publishing-open-access/zero-embargo-green-open-access/
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Implications of new and/or proposed copyright legislation for librarians and library services
- Case studies on copyright and licensing in the music library
- Copyleft as a social justice initiative
- Librarian support for user education on copyright and licensing
- Librarian support for institutional copyright and licensing
- Copyright and licensing in music librarianship education or professional development
Please email both editors if you would like to discuss article ideas or questions. The deadline for initial submissions is January 20, 2020. Articles tentatively accepted by editors will subsequently go through double-blind peer-review.
Ana Dubnjakovic (ANA@mailbox.sc.edu) and Rachel Scott (rescott3@memphis.edu)