Openings: Studies in Book Art is an open-access, online journal published annually by the College Book Art Association (CBAA). As a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, Openings is dedicated to scholarship on the book as medium, construct, work of art, and, more generally, the arts of the book.
Openings seeks submissions on any relevant topic for its 2018 issue. We welcome articles (suggested length of 4,000-8,000 words) that span the full spectrum of aesthetic, semiotic, historical, political, pedagogical, or other approaches to book art. Contributions from diverse perspectives are encouraged as are interdisciplinary and international explorations of the relationship of book art to the broader art world or other related fields.
We also seek proposals for academic book reviews (750-1,250 words) of recently published criticism on book arts, media studies, or craft and artistic practices. Reviews of artist books or a group or genre of artist books may also be considered. Proposals are not peer reviewed but individually considered by the Editors. Proposals (250 words max.) for book reviews should include the name of the book and demonstrate how the book relates to the themes and audiences of Openings.
Submission and formatting requirements, along with further information about Openings, are linked from the homepage: . For any questions not addressed by the website, contact the Editor at Please note that membership in CBAA is not required to contribute to Openings; however, submissions that do not meet our requirements or fall outside the scope of the journal will not be considered.
Manuscripts formatted according to the Submission Preparation Checklist are due by June 15, 2018. Please consult the Author Guidelines for details: .
Molly E. Dotson | Editor
Openings: Studies in Book Art
College Book Art Association (CBAA)