The deadline for submitting a proposal for the VRT Chair’s Program has been extended! You can now submit up to November 22.
Have you heard about the President’s/Chair’s programs that are happening at ALA Annual this year? As part of this series, each round table and division can sponsor a one-hour program on a topic of interest to members.
Have you heard about the President’s/Chair’s programs that are happening at ALA Annual this year? As part of this series, each round table and division can sponsor a one-hour program on a topic of interest to members.
The ALA Video Round Table Program Committee (VRT) needs your good ideas and input! We are seeking proposals, ideas and suggestions on just about anything related to video and libraries.
One program will be selected by the VRT Program Committee and the VRT Executive Board for inclusion in the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans (June 21-26, 2018).
ALA is especially looking for program ideas that encourage collaboration and support diversity and submissions from all types of libraries (public, school, academic, special) are welcome.
Past programs have included topics such as copyright, streaming media (both public and university models), ADA compliancy in media, working with community partners to raise awareness, effective PR in promoting film series or film events. Check out some of past VRT presentations for more ideas here( ).
The deadline for submissions is November 22, 2017. (New Deadline)
Please submit proposals via this online form ( ).
Send questions to the Chair of the VRT Program Committee, Erin DeWitt Miller at
Thank you,
Erin DeWitt Miller
University of North Texas
Head, Media Library
Chair, Video Round Table Program Committee