ACRL/DVC Fall Program Lighting Round Proposal: Call for Submissions
The ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter is now accepting lightning round proposals for its Fall program: Fact, False, or Just Flawed: Critically Examining News in the Age of Truthiness. The event will be held on Friday, November 17, 2017 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
Have you developed a new campus partnership, program, or resource that addresses news literacy? Excited about a simple but powerful technique that you want to share with interested colleagues? Submit a lightning round proposal to teach folks to spot false, misleading, and all other shades of duplicitous public discourse. Topics may include…
- Statistics in reporting
- Scientific studies in the news
- Bias in the news
- Evaluating non-textual information (photos, video, infographics)
- Government sources
- Filter bubbles
There is no slide limit, but the round cannot exceed 10 minutes, so practice, practice, practice!
Submit your proposal online:
Deadline: October 20, 2017
Notification of acceptance by: October 30, 2017
Questions? Email Nancy Bellafante at