Beyond the Numbers – November 7, 8, and 9, 2018
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis will again host its biennial free conference on economic data and information: “Beyond the Numbers: Economics and Data for Information Professionals” in November 2018. The conference brings together librarians and other information professionals, as well as data researchers and managers, to improve their understanding of economic resources and how to find, use, and share them.
Help us make 2018 the best conference yet by joining our planning committee. The estimated time commitment is 1-2 hours per month until fall of 2018, plus attendance for the full span of the conference. All planning will be done remotely.
Committee members will serve as the review panel for conference submissions, help promote the conference to diverse economics, business, and data science communities, assist St. Louis Fed staff with key conference planning decisions, and serve as on-site hosts and moderators during the conference.
We invite interested librarians and professionals to send a brief email to conference coordinator Genevieve Podleski at with a brief bio and 1-2 sentences expressing your interest in participating. For more information on the conference, visit .
Adrienne Brennecke
Research Information Specialist
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Research Information Specialist
Economic Research
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis