The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC) 2017
Preconference workshop and poster sessions on Wednesday, May 10 and Conference on Thursday, May 11, 2017
Radford University, Radford, VA
“What a great conference. The quality of all the presentations was really outstanding. This is really a gem of a conference and outshines many that are larger and more expensive. Well done and thanks for letting me be a part of it."- past attendee
"Best. Library. Conference. In. The. Universe."- another participant's feedback
We are now accepting proposals for TILC 2017. We are so excited to have Rebecca K. Miller, Head, Library Learning Services at The Pennsylvania State University, as our keynote speaker. Her talk will be about “Transformations through Learning and Leading.” You can use this idea as a jumping off point for your proposal, or you can submit anything related to innovative teaching. We like to cast a wide net!
Proposals are invited for three different session types:
• Posters (presented at the Wednesday evening social)
• 50-minute presentations
• 7-minute lightning talks
Two levels of review will take place. In the peer review, submissions will be rated for fit for the session type, relevance, and innovativeness. In addition, we will crowdsource interest in the topics submitted by authors. Abstracts submitted by authors will be blinded for the crowdsourced portion. Conference coordinators will make the final selections, basing decisions on both the peer review process and the crowdsourced information.
Submission deadline: November 17, 2016
Acceptance notification: January 13, 2017
We expect registration costs to be about $40.
Full details and a link to the proposal form are available at:
Selected papers based on conference presentations will be published, subject to double blind peer review, in a special issue of Internet Reference Services Quarterly dedicated to The Innovative Library Classroom. More information about IRSQ is available on the IRSQ website:
Rebecca Seipp | Outreach & Humanities Liaison Librarian
Wyndham Robertson Library
Hollins University
PO Box 9000, Roanoke, VA 24020-1000