Call for Proposals: Southern Miss Institutional Repository Conference (SMIRC)
The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries are now accepting proposals for the 2017 Southern Miss Institutional Repository Conference, which will be held on campus in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on April 12-13, 2017.
We are accepting proposals for concurrent sessions (approx. 45 minutes), lightning talks (approx. 5 minutes), and posters. Posters and lightning talks will be presented on the evening of April 12, while the concurrent sessions will take place throughout the day on April 13.
We welcome proposals from all institutions that either have an IR, regardless of platform, or that are interested in pursuing an IR for their campus. Topics for proposals may include (but are not limited to):
- Choosing an IR platform
- Promoting an IR on campus
- IR staffing models
- Getting faculty participation in IR initiatives
- IRs and student scholarship
- Electronic theses and dissertations
- Library-led publishing through the IR
- Open educational resources
- Data management
- Open access
- Author rights
- Migrating from one IR platform to another
The deadline for submitting proposals is December 16, 2016. Acceptance emails will be sent no later than February 15, 2017. Registration is free for all attendees. Proposals may be submitted at . Please contact for any questions about proposals or about SMIRC.