Reference Reviews, an international, peer-reviewed Library and Information Studies journal, is seeking manuscript submissions for publication in the 2015 volume.
Manuscripts should focus on reference sources (as opposed to reference processes). Topic examples include, but are by no means limited to:
1. An overview survey or annotated bibliography of a particular format, type, or subject area of reference sources
2. A comparative review of two or more sources in a particular subject area
3. A viewpoint article about a range of resources or type of resource
4. Any other type of article which has as its primary focus a discussion of reference and information resources
Articles which are international in scope are particularly desirable. The word count is 2000 minimum, with 3000 being the average.
More information about the journal can be found at: .
If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, have questions, or would like further information, you may contact me, Erin Cassidy, at, or contact editor Bethany Latham at If you submit a manuscript online in response to this call, please mention “Erin Cassidy” when asked where you heard about the Call for Submissions.
Please feel free to forward this call to any colleagues or peers who may also be interested.
Erin Cassidy
Member, Peer Review Board, Reference Reviews
Associate Professor, Web Services Librarian
History, Foreign Languages, & Military Science Subject Liaison
Newton Gresham Library
Sam Houston State University
SHSU Box 2179, Huntsville, TX 77341