Call for Book Chapters
Book Title: Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries
Book Publisher: Facet Publishing
Editor: Starr Hoffman
This book is focused on new kinds of research support in academic libraries that go beyond the traditional reference interview. Chapters sought from international (primarily outside of the U.S., but all are welcome) practicing academic librarians. Chapters written by multiple authors are welcome.
Potential topics include:
- data citation, altmetrics, bibliometrics, or related library services for faculty
- research dissemination (OA journals, IRs, social media, etc.)
- preserving research outputs (in any format--data, images, text, etc.)
- data management plans and related services
Chapters should focus on a particular service or project (supporting research) at an academic library, with a focus on how it was developed, what needs it met, and how librarians interact with faculty/researchers. Some questions related to this that you might consider answering, as appropriate:
- What need(s) did you see, that caused you to develop the service?
- What was the decision-making and/or implementation process, or was this an individual on-the-fly response?
Final chapters will be due May 10, 2015, with a projected word count of 4,500 - 5,000 words.
Read more about the book at:
Compensation: complimentary copy of the book when published.
Please e-mail the volume editor (Starr Hoffman) indicating the desired topic, describe in a few sentences (250-500 words), and include your name, position, and institution: