Small and Rural Libraries -- Call for speakers for the second Big Talk From Small Libraries Online Conference
Big Talk Call for Speakers
Do you have a program or service in your small library that other librarians might like to hear about? Have you implemented a new (or old) technology, hosted an event, partnered with others in your community, or just done something really cool? The Big Talk From Small Libraries online conference can give you the opportunity to share what you’ve done and learn what your colleagues in other small libraries are doing.
Big Talk From Small Libraries got such a great response last year that we’re doing it again. This free one-day online conference is aimed at librarians from small libraries; the smaller the better.
For Big Talk From Small Libraries 2013, we’re looking for seven 50-minute presentations and five 10-minute “lightning round” presentations.
Big Talk From Small Libraries 2013 will be held on Thursday, February 28, 2013 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CT) via the GoToWebinar online meeting service. Speakers will be able to present their programs from their own desktops. The schedule will accommodate speakers’ time-zones.
If you are interested in presenting, please submit your proposal by Friday, January 11, 2013. Speakers from libraries serving fewer than 10,000 people will be preferred, but presentations from libraries with larger service populations will be considered.
Listen up small and rural libraries! Here is an opportunity to share your successes to other small libraries outside of Michigan. The Nebraska Library Commission (state library in NE) is once again hosting a day-long online conference aimed at libraries serving populations under 10,000. The day is composed of 50-minute and 10-minute webinar sessions from small libraries doing big things.
The event is called “Big Talk from Small Libraries” and you can find information about the upcoming event on February 28 as well as view last year’s content here
If you would like to submit a proposal to present during Big Talk take a look at their Call for Speakers page
Below is a little more information about the program. Participation is open to library staff across the country.
So, if you are a small (under 10,000) library that’s offering some great programs, or using new technologies effectively, or is advocating or marketing really well go ahead and submit a proposal.
Shannon D. White
Continuing Education Coordinator
Library of Michigan
702 West Kalamazoo, P.O. Box 30007, Lansing, MI 48909-7507
P: 517.373.9489 F: 517-373-5700