CFP - Education, Training, and Informatics - E-Learning
Please consider participating and kindly forward to those potentially interested in The 4th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2013 (
Submission deadline for both events: November 30th, 2012. Other deadlines are included in the conference web site.
Submissions for face-to-face and virtual presentations are both welcomed. Details about the following issues have also been included at the URLs given above:
• Pre- and post-conference virtual session.
• Virtual participation.
• Two-tier reviewing combining double-blind and non-blind methods.
• Access to reviewers’ comments and evaluation average.
• Waiving the registration fee of effective invited session organizers.
• Best papers awards.
• Publication of best papers in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JSCI), which indexed in EBSCO, Cabell and Google Scholar. (All papers to be presented at the conference will be included in the conference printed and electronic proceedings).
Information about both 1) collocated events with the above mentioned conferences, and 2) the events being organized for the IIIS Summer Conference on July 9 - 12, 2013, in Orlando, Florida, USA, can be found at
Best regards,
ICETI 2013 Organizing Committee
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