Monday, May 03, 2021

CFP: ALA Annual 2021 CORE Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group (TSWEIG)

The CORE Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group (TSWEIG) invites proposals for presentations or topics of discussion at CORE IG Virtual Summit at 2021 ALA Annual. The meeting will take place the week of July 26-30, 2021, on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 / 10-11am (PDT) / 12-1pm (CDT) /1-2pm (EDT)

TSWEIG's charge is to provide a forum to exchange information and discuss techniques in workflows associated with the evaluation, selection, acquisition, and discovery of library resources. Possible presentation and discussion topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Streamlining workflows
  • Project management
  • Workflow collaboration between departments
  • Training personnel
  • Use of technology to improve workflows

Presentation or discussion proposals should include:

  • Title
  • A brief (300 words or less) summary of the topic
  • Amount of time needed to present or discuss topic
  • Name(s), position(s) title(s), and email address(es) of presenter(s)

Please submit your proposal by filling out this form by Monday, May 24, 2021 or so with notifications of selection-status for proposals going out early June. Proposals should not be sent in reply to this post.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Jesse & Sarah (TSWEIG Co-Chairs)

Link to form: