Call for Posters - MiALA Annual Conference 2019
Our Value: Communicating, Promoting, Visualizing
MiALA invites you and your colleagues to submit poster proposals for the 4th annual conference to be held May 13-14, 2019 at Saginaw Valley State University. Please consider sharing your innovations, creative endeavors, and practical solutions for communicating, promoting, or visualizing value in academic libraries.
We welcome posters in any topic related to work in academic libraries, and particularly if they have a connection to the conference theme. Broad participation is encouraged from librarians, library support staff, LIS students, and administrators from all types of academic libraries (including but not limited to public universities, private colleges, and community colleges). Poster proposals should include a description of no more than 300 words. They will be evaluated on relevance to the academic library profession, originality and creativity, and clarity/applicability of content and outcomes.
You must be a student, individual, or retiree member of MiALA to submit a proposal and/or present a poster. Regardless of the decision on a proposal, MiALA encourages you to attend the conference. Poster session proposals may also be submitted if your presentation proposal is not accepted.
Please submit your poster proposal using the online form here ( ) by February 28, 2019.
The primary contact listed on each proposal will receive a message indicating receipt of the proposal when it is submitted; decisions on all proposals will be communicated to the primary contact by March 22, 2019.
Questions can be sent to Poster team leader, David Scott ( Questions about the conference in general can be sent to