ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Needs You!
ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors are seeking volunteers to author reviews for the February 2019 issue. To volunteer, choose a resource from the list below and complete our Reviewer Interest form ( by Friday, November 30.
Initial draft submissions are due Friday, January 4, 2019.
Contributing to ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews is a great opportunity to get involved with the Society, learn about interesting new resources, and help shape the publication. Please feel free to read the complete review guidelines and direct comments and questions about the reviews to .
Submitted by ARLIS/NA Multimedia & Technology Reviews Co-editors:
Melanie Emerson
Gabriella Karl-Johnson
Alexandra Provo
Resources for Review: We seek reviewers for the following resources.
- Burlington Contemporary - http://contemporary. - Sam Francis Online Catalogue Raisonné Project - https://cr. - Ways of Curating - https://waysofcurating. - Facsimile Finder and Facsimile Finder for Libraries - https://www.facsimilefinder.
com/ - Picturing Places -
places - Zaha Hadid at Serpentine Galleries - https://artsandculture. at-the-serpentine - The John G. Johnson Collection: A History and Selected Works - https://publications. - The History of the Accademia di San Luca, c. 1590–1635: Documents from the Archivio di Stato di Roma -
Complete the Reviewer Interest Form here:
**The snippets below are taken from each resource's web page and do not necessarily the opinions of the M&T Reviews Co-Editors**
1. Burlington Contemporary:
Every week, Burlington Contemporary will publish reviews of current exhibitions and recent books on contemporary art across the world, written by leading critics, artists and scholars. The reviews will be joined by an online journal, to be published three times a year from late 2018 onward. This will present cutting-edge research on recent art, written to the highest academic standards, yet accessible to a wide international audience.
2. Sam Francis Online Catalogue Raisonné Project:
The Sam Francis: Online Catalogue Raisonné Project is a scholarly resource dedicated to the life and oeuvre of the American-born abstract expressionist Sam Francis (1923–1994). This first installment documents all currently known unique works on paper and canvas and panel paintings attributed to the artist from 1945 through 1949. Given Francis's prolific career, the Sam Francis Foundation will regularly release portions of the catalogue raisonné sequentially as we continue our research and documentation. It is our intention to not only provide a historical record of Francis’s artworks but also to embrace his creative and innovative spirit by offering a catalogue that evolves and changes as new information comes to light.
**Registration required to review this resource**
The Sam Francis: Online Catalogue Raisonné Project is a scholarly resource dedicated to the life and oeuvre of the American-born abstract expressionist Sam Francis (1923–1994). This first installment documents all currently known unique works on paper and canvas and panel paintings attributed to the artist from 1945 through 1949. Given Francis's prolific career, the Sam Francis Foundation will regularly release portions of the catalogue raisonné sequentially as we continue our research and documentation. It is our intention to not only provide a historical record of Francis’s artworks but also to embrace his creative and innovative spirit by offering a catalogue that evolves and changes as new information comes to light.
**Registration required to review this resource**
3. Ways of Curating -
The exhibitions collected here trace Hans Ulrich Obrist’s journey from contemporary art to an expanded field including art, architecture, literature, philosophy, and science. The trajectory begins, temporally, with World Soup, the kitchen show in which Obrist brought together artists like Fischli/Weiss and Hans-Peter Feldmann for his first show, held in the kitchen of his studio.
4. Facsimile Finder and Facsimile Finder for Libraries:
Facsimile Finder is a supplier of books, specializing in facsimile editions. In addition to sourcing and procuring services, Facsimile Finder also hosts a free database. Facsimile Finder for Libraries is a software to help libraries display their facsimile collection and make it known to users. Based on the powerful software of Facsimile, this new tool will finally allow you to make the best use of your precious facsimiles.
5. Picturing Places:
A new free online resource which explores the British Library’s extensive holdings of landscape imagery. The Library’s huge collection of historic prints and drawings is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. Picturing Places showcases works of art by well-known artists such as Thomas Gainsborough and J.M.W. Turner alongside images by a multitude of lesser-known figures. Only a few have ever been seen or published before.
6. Zaha Hadid at Serpentine Galleries:
A Google Arts & Culture Site that explores the visionary architect’s early paintings and drawings in virtual reality in collaboration with Zaha Hadid Virtual Reality Group.
7. The John G. Johnson Collection: A History and Selected Works:
The John G. Johnson Collection: A History and Selected Works, edited by Christopher D. M. Atkins, is the first volume in an online series of scholarly publications focusing on the renowned collections at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It was published on the centenary of John G. Johnson’s extraordinary gift of European painting and sculpture to the City of Philadelphia. A related exhibition, Old Masters Now: Celebrating the Johnson Collection, was held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art from November 3, 2017, to February 19, 2018.
8. The History of the Accademia di San Luca, c. 1590–1635: Documents from the Archivio di Stato di Roma:
A Project of the National Gallery of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, in Association with the Archivio di Stato di Roma and the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca. The site now provides pages for all of the individuals mentioned in the documents, including references and links to the documents in which their names appear, with a new feature that indicates the role or roles that they played in Roman society and/or the Accademia, if retrievable. For well-known artists or artists who contributed significantly to the life of the Accademia, the site now incorporates artists’ pages that include not only links to the documents in which they are named but also selected bibliographies, related images, and in some cases portraits