Bucknell University will host its fifth annual digital scholarship conference (#BUDSC18) from October 5th-7th. The theme of the conference is “Digital Scholarship: Expanding Access, Activism, and Advocacy.”
#BUDSC18 will bring together a community of practitioners–faculty, researchers, librarians, artists, educational technologists, students, administrators, and others–committed to promoting access to and through digital scholarship. We consider “access” in the broadest possible terms: accessible formats and technologies, access through universal design for learning, access to a mode of expression, access to stories that might not otherwise be heard or that might be lost over time, access to understanding and knowledge once considered beyond reach.
We encourage proposals that explore or critique digital scholarship as it relates to access, broadly conceived. Topics may include, but should not be limited to, the following:
- Accessibility of digital platforms and technology
- Access to resources to engage in or produce digital scholarship
- Digital scholarship and social change
- Sustainability and future access to digital scholarship
- Digital scholarship and multimodal/interdisciplinary access
- Access to digital scholarship beyond the academy
- The public mission of digital scholarship
- Creating opportunities for diverse voices and perspectives
- Designing for access, activism, and advocacy
Submissions may take the form of interactive presentations, project demos, electronic posters, panel discussions, work-in-progress sessions, workshops, lightning talks, or other creative formats.
We look forward to building on the success of the last four years, in which we have come together to discuss challenges, share working models, reflect on projects, and inspire new avenues for actively including students in public scholarly pursuits. For more information, please view our highlights from the 2017 meeting, the conference website and this year's call.
Proposal Submission Form: https://goo.gl/forms/4nVllpVvaLEW9Jc02
Proposals are due: June 30th, 8:00 PM, Eastern Time (US).
Notifications will be sent by July 15th.
If you have any questions please contact: budsc@bucknell.edu
Notifications will be sent by July 15th.
If you have any questions please contact: budsc@bucknell.edu