Are you interested in taking on an important role within ALCTS? Consider applying to be a part of the Sudden Selectors Guide series editorial board. Applications to fill two positions on the board will be accepted through August 11. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity!
The ALCTS Collection Management Section Publications Committee seeks two individuals to join Helene Williams and Mary Feeney on the editorial board of the Sudden Selectors Guide series ). Editors appointed this year will serve for either a two or three year term in order to establish staggered appointment terms.
Applications are due by August 11.
Editors of the Sudden Selectors Guide series report to the CMS Publications Committee. The primary responsibility of the Editors is to work with authors contributing to the Sudden Selectors Guide series, from the proposal to finished manuscript stages.
Specific tasks include but are not limited to:
Applications are due by August 11.
Editors of the Sudden Selectors Guide series report to the CMS Publications Committee. The primary responsibility of the Editors is to work with authors contributing to the Sudden Selectors Guide series, from the proposal to finished manuscript stages.
Specific tasks include but are not limited to:
- Work with authors at all stages of process to:
- Develop proposals that meet ALCTS and CMS guidelines for manuscripts
- Provide feedback on and manage timeline for manuscript writing
- Provide developmental editing
- Seek and manage inside (CMS Publications Committee) readers
- Seek and manage outside readers
- Coordinate activities with other editors and ALCTS Publications (Brooke Morris)
- Work with ALCTS Publications on final manuscript editing and galley proof process
- Recruit potential authors for subjects agreed upon by CMS Publications Committee
- Meet virtually with other Editors regularly (currently monthly)
- Attend virtual CMS Publications Midwinter meeting
- Coordinate with Co-Editors to ensure attendance, on a rotating basis, at the CMS Publications Committee at ALA Annual
- Provide update reports for Midwinter and Annual meetings
- Contribute productively to discussions of future directions and needs of the Sudden Selectors Guide series
Term of appointment is for three years, and is renewable once. Until staggered appointment terms are established, initial appointment may be for fewer than three years. ALCTS provides a stipend of $1800 to support conference attendance in the third year of appointment.
Editors are ex-officio members of the CMS Publications Committee.
Required qualifications:
Editors are ex-officio members of the CMS Publications Committee.
Required qualifications:
- Current ALCTS-CMS member. (Applications will be accepted from non-members, but appointment is contingent upon joining.)
- Experience editing manuscripts for publication
- In-depth selecting and collection management experience
- Proven project management skills and a strong commitment to producing timely, quality publications
- Track record of professional publication
- Ability to work in collaboration with co-editors, CMS Publications Committee members, and ALCTS Publications
- Active in professional organizations, either library or discipline-related
To apply, send a cover letter detailing your interest in serving as an Editor for the Sudden Selectors Guide series and your previous editing experience, your CV, and the names and contact information of two or more references who are familiar with your work as an editor and selector/collection manager to:
Valentine Muyumba and Jennifer Bazeley, Co-Chairs, ALCTS-CMS Publications Committee, and
Valentine Muyumba and Jennifer Bazeley, Co-Chairs, ALCTS-CMS Publications Committee, Valentine.Muyumba@
Please combine all application documents into a single PDF file and format your subject line as SSG Editor application/YourLastName.
Questions about the application process may be directed to Valentine Muyumba and Jennifer Bazeley ( and Questions about the series should be sent to Helene Williams (
Questions about the application process may be directed to Valentine Muyumba and Jennifer Bazeley (Valentine.Muyumba@indstate.