We invite you to consider submitting a chapter proposal for our upcoming ACRL publication: Students Lead the Library: The importance of student contributions to the academic library. Details below.
Carissa Tomlinson, Towson University, ctomlinson@towson.edu
Sara Arnold-Garza, Towson University, sarnoldgarza@towson.edu
This edited book, to be published by ACRL, will include practical case studies on library programs and initiatives that seek student input, assistance, and leadership in the academic library. In addition to case studies, the book will highlight the importance of such programs for academic libraries and student success.
Chapter Ideas:
Chapter proposals should focus on implementing, managing, or assessing programs/initiatives related to student contributions to the academic library. Proposals should also explain how their program/initiative does one or more of the following:
· enhances the student experience with experiential learning
· provides students with leadership experience
· allows the library to meet the needs of students through direct student input/contributions
· meets institutional needs for retention, student success, or other strategic priorities
Examples of programs/initiatives could include:
· Student leadership in the library
· Student library ambassadors
· Peer research assistants
· Student advisory boards in the library
· Significant projects or services that students have designed and/or implemented in an academic library that illustrate the mutual benefits of such a relationship
· Enhanced student employee programs
· User research led by or with innovative input from students
Chapters will be approximately 5500 words (15-18 double-spaced pages long) submitted as a .doc file by January 15, 2016.
Instructions for Proposal:
Interested contributors should email an abstract to ctomlinson@towson.edu with the following information:
· Contributor(s) name and institution
· Proposed chapter title
· 250-500 word summary of proposed chapter
· Current CV
Contributors are welcome to submit proposals on topics/programs/ideas already presented or published on, but all chapters must be original, unpublished work.
Information about publishing with ACRL can be found here: http://www.ala.org/acrl/publications/publicationsfaq
Deadline: All proposals should be submitted by October 2nd, 2015.
Notifications: Contributors will be notified of acceptance by October 12th, 2015
Carissa Tomlinson
Coordinator of Student Engagement & Outreach
Albert S. Cook Library
Towson University