It's time! The Call for Proposals for IUG 2016 is now open. You can help make our next conference great by proposing a program, poster, forum, or birds of a feather session. Has your library done something unique lately? Tell us about it! Do you have particular knowledge in a specific area of circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials or system administration? Share it! Have you done a recent overhaul of some part of the system or a work process? Share what you did and what you learned! Interested in moderating a discussion for a certain part of the system? Propose a forum. Just want to have an informal get-together with like-minded people to discuss a certain topic? Propose a birds of a feather session. Don't feel comfortable presenting but have something to share? Submit a poster! A big part of what makes IUG great is sharing among ourselves what we know, what we've learned and what we can learn from each other.
IUG 2016 will be in San Francisco March 15-18, 2016.
To submit a proposal you need to have a MyIUG ID. If you already have one, proceed with the directions below. If you don't, go to, hover over Login/Register and click on Register. Create a username and password, then fill in the rest of your information. You will need your institution's IUG member number to complete the registration. Once done, you will be logged in to the members' only section of the website.
Log in. Hover over Conferences in the top menu bar; under IUG 2016 Conference, click on My Presentations. If you have presented at previous IUG conferences those sessions will be listed here under Previous Conference Presentations. If there is something there you'd like to propose again, you can click the Copy icon and that information will be copied to the current conference where you can edit it for any updates.
To create a new presentation, click Create Presentation. Choose the type of presentation, give it a title, and click on the Save icon. A new window will open where you can fill in all the information about your proposal. Click the edit button at the top of each section to work on that section. You must save each section as you go.
There are complete instructions under the link Tutorial for Presenters right under My Presentations.
The deadline for proposals is Friday, October 9th, 2015 for programs, posters and forums. Birds of a feather can be proposed right up until the conference. Don't wait until the last minute! Gather your co-workers and brainstorm about what you can contribute to IUG 2016!
Looking forward to a great conference!
Kathy Setter
IUG 2016 Program Committee Chair/IUG Vice-Chair
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Monday, August 31, 2015
Tech and Trends Workshop Call for Proposals (Michigan Library Association - May 25, 2016)
The MLA Technologies & Trends work group is seeking proposals for presentations at the Michigan Library Association's 2016 Technologies and Trends workshop.
This one-day event, on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at Delta College, will attract a wide variety of library practitioners. The work group is seeking proposals for sessions from public, academic, special and school-library professionals and staff that relate to the workshop's theme of Linked Data.
Possible presentation topics could include best practices for using linked data in technical services, methods for harnessing linked data in information services, best practices in the creation or use of linked data.
To submit a proposal, fill out the submission form at
The deadline for submission is Friday, November 6, 2015.
Email notifications of acceptance will be issued by Monday, December 7, 2015.
Questions? Contact Kathie Mason at (989) 774-1615 or Kristy Doak at (517) 394-2774.
This one-day event, on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at Delta College, will attract a wide variety of library practitioners. The work group is seeking proposals for sessions from public, academic, special and school-library professionals and staff that relate to the workshop's theme of Linked Data.
Possible presentation topics could include best practices for using linked data in technical services, methods for harnessing linked data in information services, best practices in the creation or use of linked data.
To submit a proposal, fill out the submission form at
The deadline for submission is Friday, November 6, 2015.
Email notifications of acceptance will be issued by Monday, December 7, 2015.
Questions? Contact Kathie Mason at (989) 774-1615 or Kristy Doak at (517) 394-2774.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Call for Speakers on tech topics in Atlanta, Georgia (Atlanta Emerging Librarians - October 17, 2015)
Atlanta Emerging Librarians is seeking speakers for a series of lightning talks on technology entitled “Library Tech Notes: Updates in the Field”. Speakers will have 10-15 minutes to showcase a piece of technology, software and/or tool that they apply in libraries. Talks should be geared towards early-career librarians and/or LIS students. Suggested topics include screen capture software, library marketing tools, accessibility technology, makerspaces and more.
Date: October 17th, 2015
Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Buckhead Public Library Auditorium
If you are interested, please send an email to with your name and a brief description of your chosen topic. Academic, public, school and special librarians are all welcome!
2015 Planning Committee
Elizabeth Christian
Kat Greer
Ashley Hoffman
Ruth Rowell
Thursday, August 20, 2015
CFP: 2016 Loleta Fyan Small and Rural Libraries Conference (Mackinac Island, Michigan - May 4-6, 2016)
The call for proposals for the 2016 Loleta Fyan Small and Rural Library Conference is open through October 19. Submit your session proposal online at
The conference will be held from May 4-6, 2016 at Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The conference is a specially crafted to reach the informational needs of small and rural library staff members throughout Michigan. The three-day event features vendors, awards, keynote speakers and an array of sessions geared to libraries serving small and rural communities.
You can find a copy of the proposal form to help you plan your submission content on the conference web page:
If you have questions about the event or submission process please feel free to contact me.
Shannon D. White
Library of Michigan
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
CFP: Public Services and User Engagement (Special issue of portal: Librarians and the Academy)
Call for proposals for a special issue of portal
Working title: Public Services and User Engagement
Guest editors
portal: Libraries and the Academy seeks proposals for a special-themed issue on the future of public services in academic libraries. The purpose of this issue is to prompt thinking and discourse around a broader definition of library services to the campus community, and most importantly, to examine the redefined role of innovative public services within twenty-first century academic libraries. Public services can involve any knowledge, skill, or functional specialty related to the user experience. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Publication of the special issue is tentatively planned for early 2017. Interested authors should submit an abstract of 300 words to the editors by December 1, 2015 and will be notified of decisions by January 1, 2016. Original, completed manuscripts are due by June 1, 2016, with earlier submissions encouraged. Final revised manuscripts will be due by September 1, 2016. Submitted papers should adhere to the format requirements of portal: Libraries and the Academy, described at Manuscripts will be subject to editorial assessment but not to blind peer review. Authors of papers invited to be revised and resubmitted will be expected to work within the designated time frame to meet the special issue’s publication deadline. We welcome inquiries and encourage authors interested in submitting to this special issue to discuss their submissions with the editors in advance.
Submission process and additional information
Send abstracts, related communication, and any questions about this special issue to the editors, Julie Garrison, Grand Valley State University,, Kathleen De Long, University of Alberta,, and Marianne Ryan,
Working title: Public Services and User Engagement
Guest editors
- Julie Garrison, Associate Dean for Research and Instructional Services, Grand Valley State University
- Kathleen De Long, Senior HR Officer (Secondment) and Director, Technology Training Centre, University of Alberta
- Marianne Ryan, Associate University Librarian for Public Services, Northwestern University
portal: Libraries and the Academy seeks proposals for a special-themed issue on the future of public services in academic libraries. The purpose of this issue is to prompt thinking and discourse around a broader definition of library services to the campus community, and most importantly, to examine the redefined role of innovative public services within twenty-first century academic libraries. Public services can involve any knowledge, skill, or functional specialty related to the user experience. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- New definitions and philosophies of public services
- Changing organizational structures and staffing models
- Increasing collaboration between university libraries and faculty
- Enhancing teaching and learning
- Examining the impact of emerging digital technologies and web services
- Transforming scholarly communication
- Emphasizing space as service
- Conducting effective service assessment
Publication of the special issue is tentatively planned for early 2017. Interested authors should submit an abstract of 300 words to the editors by December 1, 2015 and will be notified of decisions by January 1, 2016. Original, completed manuscripts are due by June 1, 2016, with earlier submissions encouraged. Final revised manuscripts will be due by September 1, 2016. Submitted papers should adhere to the format requirements of portal: Libraries and the Academy, described at Manuscripts will be subject to editorial assessment but not to blind peer review. Authors of papers invited to be revised and resubmitted will be expected to work within the designated time frame to meet the special issue’s publication deadline. We welcome inquiries and encourage authors interested in submitting to this special issue to discuss their submissions with the editors in advance.
Submission process and additional information
Send abstracts, related communication, and any questions about this special issue to the editors, Julie Garrison, Grand Valley State University,, Kathleen De Long, University of Alberta,, and Marianne Ryan,
Ticker: The Academic Business Library Review first issue is online & CFP
I am very happy to announce the that first issue of Ticker is now live and available to read at:
Ticker: The Academic Business Library Review is the new open access online-only journal from ABLD (Academic Business Library Directors) group. This journal was a few years in the making and we are excited that we have our first issue out.
Here are some key links:
- Online journal (also first issue): http://ticker.mcgill.
ca/ - Editorial policies (including section listing and parameters): http://ticker. editorialPolicies - Author Submissions: http://ejournal. index.php/TABL/about/ submissions
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write the editorial board or directly to me. We do not have a specific topic that we are looking at, but any subject or relevance to academic business librarians would be appropriate. To that matter, items reflecting social sciences librarianship and departmental libraries may also be appropriate for this journal.
We are excited about this opportunity to provide business librarians with an open access option for publication.
Corey Seeman
University of Michigan
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Call for Proposals: College Library Information on Policy and Practice (CLIPP)
The ARCL/CLS CLIPP Committee is hard at work launching a new series of publications, College Library Information on Policy and Practice (CLIPP).
Like their predecessors, CLIP Notes (which have been dormant since 2011), CLIPPs will provide college and small university libraries with examples of library practices, policies, and procedures, but they will include a more thorough literature review and more rigorous statistical analysis than was typical for CLIP Notes.
To make CLIPPs a success, we need your help!
- What topics would you be interested in seeing a CLIPP on? What problems has your library been confronting, and would you like to know how other libraries handle those problems? Which CLIP Notes did you find particularly useful that you would like to see updated?
- Would you be interested in authoring a CLIPP? If you work at a college or small university library, have some publication experience, and have knowledge and interests relevant to a topic that might make a good CLIPP, please contact us! In addition to the gratitude of your peers, authors of a CLIPP receive 10% royalties on the net revenues from the publication.
For topic suggestions or to indicate your interest in authoring a CLIPP, please reply to me by September 4th, 2015.
On behalf of the CLIPP Committee, thank you for your help in keeping college librarians up-to-date on best practices at peer libraries!
Nathaniel King
Nathaniel King
Director of Library Services
Marydean Martin Library
Nevada State College
Office: 702.992.2806
Friday, August 14, 2015
CFP - Training Research Consultants: A Guide for Academic Libraries
Call For Proposals: "Training Research Consultants: A Guide for Academic Libraries"
Mary O'Kelly, editor of the upcoming Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) publication "Training Research Consultants: A Guide for Academic Libraries," is seeking submissions for case studies of existing peer consulting/mentoring/tutoring programs in academic libraries. This practical guide will provide in-depth descriptions and examples of modern training practices, including the training program for the peer research consultants in the Knowledge Market at Grand Valley State University Libraries.
Peer tutoring is widely understood as a positive form of interactive learning, yet academic libraries have traditionally met student needs through direct library instruction, reference transactions, and by offering spaces for self-directed study, not by providing peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Meeting student need in the middle, by facilitating research mentoring or consulting using highly trained students, is a subset of peer tutoring with limited exposure in the literature.
Solicited cases will showcase best practices and answer common questions about building this kind of peer learning service in a variety of settings. They will include training philosophies and relevant influential literature, training schedules and agendas, and hiring/training/evaluation materials from institutions of varying sizes and missions. The tone should be professional with a mix of theory and practice, written in a style that is common to books on management and training. The final word count for each solicited case study is flexible based on the level of development of your training program but should not exceed 10,000 words. Chapters will be organized using a common template (to be shared after final selections are made), which will include a brief overview of the peer learning program, instructions for hiring, training, and evaluating the tutors, and reproducible training materials, including agendas, handouts, surveys, readings, etc. The goal is to provide a new training manual that pulls together a review of the literature on peer tutoring in libraries plus real-world, modern case studies and plenty of practical, replicable advice.
The target audience will include anyone who trains or collaborates with the trainers of student library workers, including reference managers, liaison librarians, service desk managers, writing center directors and staff, oral communication center directors and staff, and library administrators.
Proposals are due Thursday, October 1, 2015. Notices of acceptance will be sent Friday, October 9. Final chapters will be due Friday, December 18.
The form below will capture all required content for the proposal. Before starting the form please have the following information ready:
1. The primary author's name, e-mail address, and short bio with credentials
2. Names and e-mail addresses of additional authors
3. 150-200 words describing your peer learning program
4. 300-500 words describing your training program, including brief descriptions of your hiring and training philosophies, schedules, content, learning objectives, personnel involved, and measures of success.
Questions may be sent directly to Mary O'Kelly, MLIS, Head of Instructional Services, Grand Valley State University Libraries, Thank you.
Mary O’Kelly
Head of Instructional Services
Grand Valley State University Libraries
Mary Idema Pew Library – LIB 430d
Mary O'Kelly, editor of the upcoming Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) publication "Training Research Consultants: A Guide for Academic Libraries," is seeking submissions for case studies of existing peer consulting/mentoring/tutoring programs in academic libraries. This practical guide will provide in-depth descriptions and examples of modern training practices, including the training program for the peer research consultants in the Knowledge Market at Grand Valley State University Libraries.
Peer tutoring is widely understood as a positive form of interactive learning, yet academic libraries have traditionally met student needs through direct library instruction, reference transactions, and by offering spaces for self-directed study, not by providing peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Meeting student need in the middle, by facilitating research mentoring or consulting using highly trained students, is a subset of peer tutoring with limited exposure in the literature.
Solicited cases will showcase best practices and answer common questions about building this kind of peer learning service in a variety of settings. They will include training philosophies and relevant influential literature, training schedules and agendas, and hiring/training/evaluation materials from institutions of varying sizes and missions. The tone should be professional with a mix of theory and practice, written in a style that is common to books on management and training. The final word count for each solicited case study is flexible based on the level of development of your training program but should not exceed 10,000 words. Chapters will be organized using a common template (to be shared after final selections are made), which will include a brief overview of the peer learning program, instructions for hiring, training, and evaluating the tutors, and reproducible training materials, including agendas, handouts, surveys, readings, etc. The goal is to provide a new training manual that pulls together a review of the literature on peer tutoring in libraries plus real-world, modern case studies and plenty of practical, replicable advice.
The target audience will include anyone who trains or collaborates with the trainers of student library workers, including reference managers, liaison librarians, service desk managers, writing center directors and staff, oral communication center directors and staff, and library administrators.
Proposals are due Thursday, October 1, 2015. Notices of acceptance will be sent Friday, October 9. Final chapters will be due Friday, December 18.
The form below will capture all required content for the proposal. Before starting the form please have the following information ready:
1. The primary author's name, e-mail address, and short bio with credentials
2. Names and e-mail addresses of additional authors
3. 150-200 words describing your peer learning program
4. 300-500 words describing your training program, including brief descriptions of your hiring and training philosophies, schedules, content, learning objectives, personnel involved, and measures of success.
Questions may be sent directly to Mary O'Kelly, MLIS, Head of Instructional Services, Grand Valley State University Libraries, Thank you.
Mary O’Kelly
Head of Instructional Services
Grand Valley State University Libraries
Mary Idema Pew Library – LIB 430d
CFP: Computers in Libraries 2016 (Washington, DC - March 8-10, 2016)
Computers in Libraries 2016
Washington Hilton (Washington DC)
March 8-10, 2015
Call for speakers
library labs: research, innovation & imagination
Many organizations have innovation labs, incubating spaces, and ways to stimulate imagination and support research. Our theme for Computers in Libraries 2016, Library Labs: Research, Innovation & Imagination, aims to:
Information Today Inc., a key provider of technology conferences for more than thirty years with Internet Librarian and KMWorld, is pleased to announce the 31st annual Computers in Libraries – the most comprehensive North American conference and exhibition concentrating all aspects of library technology. The conference offers a multifaceted program designed to meet the needs of librarians, community and information managers, systems professionals, researchers, webmasters and web managers, content evaluators, digital strategists, and information specialists. The focus of the conference is on leading edge technology that allows us to engage with, and bring strategic value to, our user communities. It provides the latest information and practices for you to make informed choices for your community -- whether it is an academic, corporate, non-profit, public, or school library community.
Conference tracks & topics
Computers in Libraries caters to all interests and all levels of knowledge, offering five simultaneous tracks plus many workshops, networking opportunities, and an extensive exhibit hall. This year’s tracks and themes encompass: Innovative Libraries & Practices; Internet @Schools; Learning from Labs & Incubators; Community Building: Partnerships & Collaboration; Creative Making & Makerspaces; Digital Engagement; Information Discovery & Search; Content Management; Web Tools & Leading Edge Technology; Web Design & Development, and more. Speakers are knowledgeable, authoritative and focus on practical applications, “how to” solutions, and case studies as well as technical and managerial issues. Please consider sharing your knowledge and ideas; send us a proposal to speak. Below are some of the topics we hope to cover, but don’t let this list limit your imagination! We look forward to hearing from you.
Submitting Proposals:
If you would like to participate in Computers in Libraries 2016 as a speaker or workshop leader, please submit a proposal as soon as possible (September 18, 2015 at the very latest). Include the following brief details of your proposed presentation on the form: title, abstract, a few sentences of biographical information that relate you to the topic, and full contact information for you and your co-presenters (title, address, email, phone & fax). All abstracts are reviewed by the Organizing/Review Committee and notification regarding acceptance will be made in the fall.
Washington Hilton (Washington DC)
March 8-10, 2015
Call for speakers
library labs: research, innovation & imagination
Many organizations have innovation labs, incubating spaces, and ways to stimulate imagination and support research. Our theme for Computers in Libraries 2016, Library Labs: Research, Innovation & Imagination, aims to:
- highlight library research that translates into useful strategies and practices for libraries
- share new and exciting projects from information industry labs
- feature innovative services and libraries
- stretch our imagination with possible areas for further library research and testing
Information Today Inc., a key provider of technology conferences for more than thirty years with Internet Librarian and KMWorld, is pleased to announce the 31st annual Computers in Libraries – the most comprehensive North American conference and exhibition concentrating all aspects of library technology. The conference offers a multifaceted program designed to meet the needs of librarians, community and information managers, systems professionals, researchers, webmasters and web managers, content evaluators, digital strategists, and information specialists. The focus of the conference is on leading edge technology that allows us to engage with, and bring strategic value to, our user communities. It provides the latest information and practices for you to make informed choices for your community -- whether it is an academic, corporate, non-profit, public, or school library community.
Conference tracks & topics
Computers in Libraries caters to all interests and all levels of knowledge, offering five simultaneous tracks plus many workshops, networking opportunities, and an extensive exhibit hall. This year’s tracks and themes encompass: Innovative Libraries & Practices; Internet @Schools; Learning from Labs & Incubators; Community Building: Partnerships & Collaboration; Creative Making & Makerspaces; Digital Engagement; Information Discovery & Search; Content Management; Web Tools & Leading Edge Technology; Web Design & Development, and more. Speakers are knowledgeable, authoritative and focus on practical applications, “how to” solutions, and case studies as well as technical and managerial issues. Please consider sharing your knowledge and ideas; send us a proposal to speak. Below are some of the topics we hope to cover, but don’t let this list limit your imagination! We look forward to hearing from you.
Submitting Proposals:
If you would like to participate in Computers in Libraries 2016 as a speaker or workshop leader, please submit a proposal as soon as possible (September 18, 2015 at the very latest). Include the following brief details of your proposed presentation on the form: title, abstract, a few sentences of biographical information that relate you to the topic, and full contact information for you and your co-presenters (title, address, email, phone & fax). All abstracts are reviewed by the Organizing/Review Committee and notification regarding acceptance will be made in the fall.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Students Lead the Library- Call for chapter proposals
We invite you to consider submitting a chapter proposal for our upcoming ACRL publication: Students Lead the Library: The importance of student contributions to the academic library. Details below.
Carissa Tomlinson, Towson University,
Sara Arnold-Garza, Towson University,
This edited book, to be published by ACRL, will include practical case studies on library programs and initiatives that seek student input, assistance, and leadership in the academic library. In addition to case studies, the book will highlight the importance of such programs for academic libraries and student success.
Chapter Ideas:
Chapter proposals should focus on implementing, managing, or assessing programs/initiatives related to student contributions to the academic library. Proposals should also explain how their program/initiative does one or more of the following:
· enhances the student experience with experiential learning
· provides students with leadership experience
· allows the library to meet the needs of students through direct student input/contributions
· meets institutional needs for retention, student success, or other strategic priorities
Examples of programs/initiatives could include:
· Student leadership in the library
· Student library ambassadors
· Peer research assistants
· Student advisory boards in the library
· Significant projects or services that students have designed and/or implemented in an academic library that illustrate the mutual benefits of such a relationship
· Enhanced student employee programs
· User research led by or with innovative input from students
Chapters will be approximately 5500 words (15-18 double-spaced pages long) submitted as a .doc file by January 15, 2016.
Instructions for Proposal:
Interested contributors should email an abstract to with the following information:
· Contributor(s) name and institution
· Proposed chapter title
· 250-500 word summary of proposed chapter
· Current CV
Contributors are welcome to submit proposals on topics/programs/ideas already presented or published on, but all chapters must be original, unpublished work.
Information about publishing with ACRL can be found here:
Deadline: All proposals should be submitted by October 2nd, 2015.
Notifications: Contributors will be notified of acceptance by October 12th, 2015
Carissa Tomlinson
Coordinator of Student Engagement & Outreach
Albert S. Cook Library
Towson University
CFP: Reference in the Digital Age (The Reference Librarian)
For a special issue of The Reference Librarian , on the general topic of Reference in the Digital Age, the editors are seeking submissions that address questions such as these: Do we need print reference collections at all? Should we always retain a core of print reference materials? Are open-access resources sufficient to answer most, or all reference questions? Can new reference librarians be trained to understand the structure of the literature of various fields without access to print collections? Is Reference itself an outdated or superfluous function in an age when so much can be accessed online without an intermediary?
Please query the editors if you have ideas for articles on these or related questions. Be sure to copy both editors on all messages: and Deadline for initial submissions is December 1, 2015. --William Miller and Rita Pellen, editors
CFP: 3rd Annual Liberact Workshop (Raleigh, NC - September 17-18, 2015)
The North Carolina State University Libraries will be hosting the 3rd Annual Liberact Workshop on September 17-18, 2015 at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library in Raleigh, North Carolina [1]. We invite you to participate in this exciting workshop for practitioners and researchers involved in interactive technologies in Libraries.
Liberact strives to meet the need for libraries and museums to stay current with the rapidly changing landscape of interactive technologies through an intensive collaborative experience that provides a rich opportunity for cross-channel communication. Most workshop attendees are also presenters, as librarians, technologists, and faculty come together to present current projects, discuss next steps and brainstorm future projects. Previous workshops were hosted by Harvard University [2] and the University of Calgary [3]. This workshop will immediately precede the Designing Libraries IV conference to be held at the same location on Sept. 20-22.
Presentations are encouraged to explore the topics of immersive experiences, visualization spaces, and associated technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and 3D environments. Proposals are being accepted for the following formats: presentation (15-45 min.), interactive poster/demonstration, and lightning talk. The deadline for proposals is August 24, 2015.
Event details, including registration link, proposal submission form, and accommodation information are available through the workshop website at . The registration cost of $150 covers breakfasts, lunches, breaks, and the cost of bus travel from the downtown hotel to the Hunt Library. A block of hotel rooms will be available for $137/night + tax for reservations made until August 17. Attendance will be limited to a total of 50 people.
Thanks for your interest in Liberact 2015!
Bret Davidson
Call For Book Chapter Proposals: Peer-Assisted Learning in Academic Libraries
Call For Book Chapter Proposals: Peer-Assisted Learning in Academic Libraries
The editors of the forthcoming Libraries Unlimited book Peer-Assisted Learning in Academic Libraries seek chapter proposals from librarians who have utilized peer-assisted learning programs to enhance library services in the areas of reference, instruction, and/or co-curricular outreach. Our interpretation of peer-assisted learning is based on the definition developed by O’Donnell and King, in their book Cognitive Perspectives on Peer Learning which describes peer-assisted learning as “An educational practice in which students interact with other students to attain educational goals." In the context of academic libraries, peer-assisted learning is differentiated from the practice of assigning student employees transactional functions, such as circulation and shelving, and instead focuses on strategically preparing, placing, and supporting student employees in situations where they can enhance the learning experiences of other students. This book will provide a diversity of perspectives on the design, implementation, and assessment of peer-assisted learning programs in academic libraries by including case studies from various institutions that offer best-practices for these programs.
We welcome chapters on the following contexts for peer-assisted learning programs: the use of peer mentors in reference, in information literacy instruction, or in co-curricular outreach. Topics that should be addressed by each chapter include:
- The background or context for the program
- The training or preparation of peer mentors
- How the program was implemented
- How the program was assessed
- Implications for practice and lessons learned
- Next Steps
We are also interested in highlighting how peer-assisted learning can foster transferable skills in peer mentors’ personal, academic, and professional lives, so programs that have considered this aspect are especially encouraged to submit a proposal.
Submission Procedure:
Proposal submission deadline is: September 30, 2015
Proposals (in Microsoft Office format) should include:
- A 150-300 word summary of your peer-assisted learning program, indicating on which library service (reference assistance, instruction, or outreach) your program has made the most impact.
- A one or two sentence explanation for each of the following: how peer mentors were trained, how your program was assessed, and how this has impacted your practice.
- A statement of contributor(s) qualifications to write the chapter on proposed topic, including a brief biographical sketch of contributor(s), and names and contact information for all contributors (please identify a main contributor).
Accepted chapters will be notified by October 12; final chapters will be due January 15, 2016.
Send inquiries and submissions to:
Erin Rinto
Erin Rinto, Undergraduate Learning Librarian
John Watts, Undergraduate Learning Librarian
Rosan Mitola, Outreach Librarian
University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Call for Chapters: Technology Instruction in Libraries for Staff, Patrons, and Students
Technology Instruction in Libraries for Staff, Patrons, and Students
Book Publisher: McFarland
Carol Smallwood, co-editor. Google for Patron Library Use ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public library administrator, special, school librarian.
Lura Sanborn, co-editor. Women, Work, and the Web, contributor, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public, academic, school librarian.
One or two chapters sought from United States and Canadian practicing academic, public, school, special librarians about technology instruction for staff, patrons, and students. Chapters are encouraged that could apply to more than one type of library: public, school, special, academic, LIS faculty. Creative case studies especially encouraged. How-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues; innovation highly valued.
No previously published, simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; each chapter by the same author(s). Compensation: one complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word chapter accepted no matter how many co-authors or one/two chapters: author discount on more copies.
Please e-mail titles of 4 proposed chapters each described in a few sentences by October 28, 2015, brief bio on each author; place TECH, Your Name on subject line:
Book Publisher: McFarland
Carol Smallwood, co-editor. Google for Patron Library Use ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public library administrator, special, school librarian.
Lura Sanborn, co-editor. Women, Work, and the Web, contributor, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public, academic, school librarian.
One or two chapters sought from United States and Canadian practicing academic, public, school, special librarians about technology instruction for staff, patrons, and students. Chapters are encouraged that could apply to more than one type of library: public, school, special, academic, LIS faculty. Creative case studies especially encouraged. How-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues; innovation highly valued.
No previously published, simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; each chapter by the same author(s). Compensation: one complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word chapter accepted no matter how many co-authors or one/two chapters: author discount on more copies.
Please e-mail titles of 4 proposed chapters each described in a few sentences by October 28, 2015, brief bio on each author; place TECH, Your Name on subject line:
Call for Chapters: Women's Studies in the Library: Case Studies of Innovative Programs and Resources
Women's Studies in the Library: Case Studies of Innovative Programs and Resources
Book Publisher: McFarland
Carol Smallwood, co-editor. Google for Library Applications, ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public library administrator, special, school librarian.
Lura Sanborn, co-editor. Women, Work, and the Web, contributor, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public, academic, school librarian.
One or two chapters sought from United States and Canadian practicing academic, public, school, special librarians, LIS faculty, sharing practical know-how about what works for women's studies programs and resources. Chapters are encouraged that could apply to more than one type of library: useful to public, school, special, LIS faculty. Proven, creative, case studies encouraged. How-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues; innovative workshops, outreach, grant resources highly valued.
No previously published, simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; each chapter by the same author(s). Compensation: one complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word chapter accepted no matter how many co-authors, or if one or two chapters: author discount on more copies.
Please e-mail titles of 4 proposed chapters, each described in a few sentences by October 28, 2015, brief bio on each author; place WOM, Your Name on subject line:
Book Publisher: McFarland
Carol Smallwood, co-editor. Google for Library Applications, ed. (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public library administrator, special, school librarian.
Lura Sanborn, co-editor. Women, Work, and the Web, contributor, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015); public, academic, school librarian.
One or two chapters sought from United States and Canadian practicing academic, public, school, special librarians, LIS faculty, sharing practical know-how about what works for women's studies programs and resources. Chapters are encouraged that could apply to more than one type of library: useful to public, school, special, LIS faculty. Proven, creative, case studies encouraged. How-to chapters based on experience to help colleagues; innovative workshops, outreach, grant resources highly valued.
No previously published, simultaneously submitted material. One, two, or three authors per chapter; each chapter by the same author(s). Compensation: one complimentary copy per 3,000-4,000 word chapter accepted no matter how many co-authors, or if one or two chapters: author discount on more copies.
Please e-mail titles of 4 proposed chapters, each described in a few sentences by October 28, 2015, brief bio on each author; place WOM, Your Name on subject line:
Friday, August 07, 2015
CFP: The Christian Librarian
The Christian Librarian is the journal of the Association of Christian Librarians ( We are now accepting papers and essays for publication in our next issue. Our primary focus is librarians who serve in Christian higher education institutions. If you have interest in a topic that can relate to Christian higher education libraries, please consider submitting content. We publish a variety of differing styles of content, including personal essays, literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, critical book reviews, and research articles. Any content can be submitted to Please feel free to contact Editor-in-Chief, Garrett Trott ( if you have any questions about submissions, content, or the journal.
Garrett Trott
Reference/Instruction Librarian
5000 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, Ore.
Reference/Instruction Librarian
5000 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, Ore.
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Call for Presenters: Catholic Library Assocation (San Diego, CA - March 2016)
Catholic Library Association invites the submission of quality proposals for presentation at the 2016 Annual Conference in San Diego, CA, March 29 - 31, 2016. CLA meets in conjunction with National Catholic Educational Association during Easter Week each year.
Those attending CLA are librarians serving patrons of all ages primarily in K-12, academic, theological, parish and public libraries. In addition to general topics for these groups, additional sessions focus on archives, information literacy, technical services and
preservation of American Catholic materials. Teachers and administrators registered with NCEA may also attend any CLA session.
Include a description of the topic or title of the program, name of presenter(s) with complete contact information, brief description of the proposed program, audience level and references for prior presentations, if available. Proposals should be submitted before
August 28 at
Contact the CLA Office at or 225-408-4417 with questions or comments.
Sigrid Kelsey
General Editor, Catholic Library World
Those attending CLA are librarians serving patrons of all ages primarily in K-12, academic, theological, parish and public libraries. In addition to general topics for these groups, additional sessions focus on archives, information literacy, technical services and
preservation of American Catholic materials. Teachers and administrators registered with NCEA may also attend any CLA session.
Include a description of the topic or title of the program, name of presenter(s) with complete contact information, brief description of the proposed program, audience level and references for prior presentations, if available. Proposals should be submitted before
August 28 at https://cla2016convention.
Contact the CLA Office at or 225-408-4417 with questions or comments.
Sigrid Kelsey
General Editor, Catholic Library World
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
CFP: Mid-Atlantic IUG Meeting (Innovative Users Group) - Langhorne, Pennsylvania
Calling all Sierra, Millennium, Polaris, and VTLS users in the Mid-Atlantic Region. The MAIUG is active again and the first meeting back will be Monday, October 12, 2015 at Cairn University in Langhorne, PA.
Are you a create lists and regular expressions user? Do you have a recently completed project or a changed workflow saving time and money? We welcome any interested speakers to submit their ideas. Presentations of 30-60 minutes, with a portion of that time set aside for Q&A, will be considered. Other ideas for forums or panels to discuss a topic are also invited.
Please email Stephanie Kaceli, MAIUG Chair, at stephaniekaceli at cairn dot edu by Friday, August 21, 2015 to submit your idea.
Sign up to receive updates from the group at:
And, save the date to attend the 2015 MAIUG Conference on October 12, 2015.
Hope to see you there,
MAIUG Steering Committee
Stephanie S. Kaceli
Cairn University
Are you a create lists and regular expressions user? Do you have a recently completed project or a changed workflow saving time and money? We welcome any interested speakers to submit their ideas. Presentations of 30-60 minutes, with a portion of that time set aside for Q&A, will be considered. Other ideas for forums or panels to discuss a topic are also invited.
Please email Stephanie Kaceli, MAIUG Chair, at stephaniekaceli at cairn dot edu by Friday, August 21, 2015 to submit your idea.
Sign up to receive updates from the group at:
And, save the date to attend the 2015 MAIUG Conference on October 12, 2015.
Hope to see you there,
MAIUG Steering Committee
Stephanie S. Kaceli
Cairn University
Call for Chapter Proposals - The Library Assessment Cookbook (Deadline 8/15/15)
Call for Chapter Proposals - The Library Assessment Cookbook (Deadline 8/6/15)
The Library Assessment Cookbook
Editor - Aaron W Dobbs
Send proposals to: Aaron Dobbs aaron at
Happy August!
Please feel free to share this extended call with lists you feel are relevant
I've made a quick scan of recipes proposed so far and see several assessment areas which could use additional assessment project recipe ideas.
The following proposed sections have received recipe proposals between "not enough to fill up the section" to "less than one"(and I'd like to include these sections, plus any you'd like to propose that aren't already listed)
If you work with any of the following, please propose an assessment recipe:
* Outreach
* Website / Webservices
* Database products (contents or interfaces or other)
* Personnel (reviews, etc.)
* Strategic Planning (writ large or small)
* Service Points (Ref, Circ, Archives, Periodicals, Triage, etc.)
Plus, if you have a proposal for other assessment topics, I miscalculated the original deadline date (I forgot I will be offline August 7-11 on a canoe trip on the Susquehanna river) so if you're debating any additional recipe proposals you've got about 5-10 extra days to write it/them up :)
Please send me your proposed Assessment Recipes by August 15th & profuse thank yous to the ~50 or so people who have proposed recipes to date!
ACRL has approved Aaron’s proposal to create a Library Assessment Cookbook. Depending on the number and variety of proposals, there will be 5 to 7 sections of 5 to 10 recipes each which describe achievable library assessment projects.
Working Book Title: The Library Assessment Cookbook: 50+ recipes for effective assessment. Edited by Aaron W Dobbs (Chicago: ACRL, Spring 2016) (proposal process at end of page)
The goal of this cookbook is to offer practical projects with suggestions for measurable, useable, useful assessment projects. Many libraries have no idea what to assess or what can be assessed. This cookbook will offer hopefully useful ideas and options for library assessment projects. The ultimate goal is a cookbook which any librarian or library administrator can flip open, select a recipe, and adapt a project for their local situation.
In addition to summarizing why assessment of library services, resources, collections, etc. is important, this cookbook depends on Assessment Chefs proposing and providing tested, workable project plans which can make assessment easier for librarians and more useful for stakeholders.
Recipes focusing less on input measures, more on output measures, and especially on outcome measures will receive extra weight. CLIR Publication 105 Appendix D has a nice overview of library input, output, and outcome measures.
Recipes proposed will guide the development of the sections, with a loose initial organization as follows:
- Introduction to Library Assessment
- What it comprises
- Why it is so important
- What areas can be assessed
- Including broad Literature Review covering the topics above
(introductions for each section including re-summarizing introduction for each section with additional lit review and strategies for incorporating these assessments into planning and reporting processes)
- Collection Assessment
- Instruction Assessment
- Outreach Assessment
- Personnel Assessment
- Space Assessment
- Strategic Planning Assessment
- Etc. (additional areas dependent on recipes proposed)
- Summary of Library Assessment
- How to frame assessment measures for planning
- How to frame assessment measures for reporting
- Working with stakeholders to identify appropriate measures
- Recipe Title
- Your Name, Affiliation, and E-mail
- Potential Cookbook Category (if it’s not listed suggest one)
- Occasion
- Assessment Goal/Purpose
- Main Ingredients (Data Collection Tasks, Equipment, Supplies, etc)
- Preparation (Data, Background)
- The Assessment Itself
- Main Assessment Technique
- Discipline/Resource/Service/Subject/Topic/etc. assessed
- Length of project (time required to crunch the numbers and length of resulting report, if any)
- Audience (for whom are you preparing this assessment)
- Display (effective framing of results)
ALA Information/Library Dietary Standards Addressed (see Standards for Libraries from ACRL, for examples, but don't feel limited to just these if you have more, or different, standards for your library)
- Cautions
- Reaction/Reflection
- Preparatory Resources/Useful Worksheets
- Representative Sample (Example Results)
To recap the recipe proposal process:
Recipe Proposals Deadline: due by 8/15/15
Name & Contact Information
Quick Summary of Assessment Experience Related to Recipe
Proposed Recipe Title, Outline, & a couple paragraphs describing the project and its uses
Recipe Acceptance Notification: 8/20/15
Completed Recipes : due from Authors: 10/15/15 (earlier is fine)
Send Proposals to –
Email your proposals (in an attachment, preferably) to Aaron Dobbs by August 6, 2015. If your proposal is accepted, the final recipe will need to be submitted (tentatively) by October 15, 2015. My challenge is to have the Library Instruction Cookbook available by ALA Midwinter 2016. My more realistic goal is to have the cookbook available by ALA Annual 2016.
Please email me with any questions!
-Aaron W. Dobbs, Scholarly Communications & Electronic Resources Librarian, Shippensburg University of PA, aaron at
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