Have a successful program, event or idea that you'd like to share with academic colleagues from across the state? Interested individuals have until Monday, February 9 to submit a poster proposal for Academic Libraries 2015 conference, to be held May 28th and 29th, 2015, in Bay City. But don't delay, you won't want to miss out on this opportunity.
Academic Libraries 2015 Conference
Call for Poster Proposals
Call for Poster Proposals
We're interested in thoughtful poster proposals on topics in every area of librarianship, addressing the range of issues of critical concern to academic libraries. We'd like representation across the spectrum of academic librarianship: from the development of BibFrame to the expansion of PDA/DDA, from new methods of electronic resource management to the integration of MOOCS, to ARL's 'New Roles for New Times' liaison model. Broad participation is encouraged from librarians, staff and administrators from all types of academic libraries (including but not limited to public universities, private colleges and community colleges).
Proposals should include a description of no more than 300 words and an abstract of no more than 75 words, along with at least one learning outcome. Proposals will be evaluated on relevance to academic library profession, originality and creativity, and clarity/applicability of content and outcomes.
The deadline for poster proposals is February 9, 2015
- Poster proposals may be submitted at: https://docs.google.com/forms/
d/12I40TA_VVR39Hrh44f- IqTDHx8QyKBzXzw7mfFzj6yw/ viewform?pli=1&edit_requested= true
For more information about the conference, visit the MLA website: http://www.milibraries.org/prof-development-networking/academic-libraries/schedule/
Feel free to post and forward this call for proposals to colleagues who are doing work that Michigan Librarians should know about! We're looking forward to seeing you!