Call for Proposals: 2014 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
The TCDL 2014 planning committee invites you to share your proposals for participation at the 2014 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries.
TCDL 2014 will take place April 28-29 in Austin, TX. The conference covers topics relevant to the creation, promotion and preservation of research, scholarship and cultural heritage digital materials. This year's conference theme, Engaging Outliers: Context, Collections & Community, will explore the full range of projects, workflows, use cases and ideas-in-the-making related to digital library work with a special emphasis on those projects that lie outside of the ordinary.
The conference will address such questions as: How are you using digital collections or materials in ways that are outside of their original context? What are you doing that no one else is doing? What would you like seen done that no one else is doing? Possible topics could include the following:
· Transformative ventures beyond library contexts
· Use and adaptation of systems in ways not originally intended
· Innovative processes that are changing established library workflows
· Use and reuse of digital materials in novel ways
· Unique collections
· Gaps in collecting areas or formats
· Demographics not represented in typical digital library projects
· Anticipating emerging needs for potential communities
Proposals on other topics of interest to a digital libraries audience are welcome.
TCDL 2014 has multiple avenues for participation, including individual presentations, panel sessions, posters, workshops and tutorials, "birds of a feather" sessions, and – new for 2014 – a 24x7 lightning round format. All completed presentations will be published on the conference website, and each presenters will have the option to submit a short paper to accompany the published presentation slides.
Submission Guidelines
Proposals will be accepted in the following categories. Please follow the links for more detailed information about proposal requirements.
· Presentations: General presentations on practical work, theoretical or speculative issues, or on-going or completed research.
· Panels: Panel sessions should address a single topic from multiple perspectives and should engage the audience for a full 80-minute session.
· 24x7 Presentations (24 slides in 7 minutes): 7-minute presentations comprising no more than 24 slides.
· Posters: Posters will be featured at the conference reception and through a “Minute Madness” session, during which presenters will give a 60-second summary of each poster.
· Workshops, Tutorials & Demos, Birds of a Feather Sessions: These sessions will take place on April 29th in the afternoon.
Proposals of no more than 500 words can be submitted through the “Proposal Submission” link on the conference website.
Key Dates
· November 14: Call for Proposals
· January 31: Deadline for proposals for Workshops, Tutorials & Demos, and Birds of a Feather Sessions
· February 7: Deadline for all other Proposal Submissions
· March 14: Notification of Acceptance
· April 1: Early Bird Conference Registration Deadline
· June 2: Deadline for OPTIONAL papers (Presenters and panelists will have the option to produce a short paper to accompany their published presentations. The paper is not a requirement for participation. Papers will be published on the conference website under Presentations, along with the presentation slides.)
Note: No individual shall participate as a speaker in more than one presentation/panel session; however, presenters and panel speakers are welcome to participate in the poster sessions.
Also note: Accepted presenters, including co-presenters, panelists, and poster presenters, must register for the conference and pay applicable registration fees.
Submission Instructions
Proposals should be submitted through the “Proposal Submission” link on the conference website. Detailed instructions can be found in the Call for Proposals on the conference website.
Need help? If you have questions about using the online submission system, please contact