Call for Presentations for the ALA International Relations Round Table (IRRT) Preconference (Innovative Library Services and Programs in Digital Era)
Deadline: January 30, 2013
Innovative Library Services and Programs in Digital Era – An International Perspective
The American Library Association, IRRT Preconference Committee invites proposals for presentations at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago on June 28, 2013. The IRRT Preconference provides a forum for librarians interested in international librarianship to discuss current state of librarianship in the United. The preconference also offers a platform to showcase best practices in creative use of emerging technologies, international collaboration, and library advocacy from a global perspective.
This year, the IRRT Preconference is inviting presentation proposals that address important issues, trends, and strategies that contribute to the understanding of the transformation of 21th century libraries along with the emerging technology. Of particular interest for this year’s preconference are case studies of innovative programs and services that address the digital and technology divides with an international perspective. The following topics are suggested for presenters to consider, but other topics pertaining to the theme are welcome:
· Design and creation of a digital library
· Budget reallocation and procurement for digital resources
· Open access options
· Implementation of open source software for small libraries
· Practice of mobile technology to support libraries
· Use of Social media to promote library services
· Preservation and access to local culture and oral history
· Enhance sister libraries programs through technology
In the proposal, please provide:
1. Title of the presentation
2. Abstract of the presentation (no more than one page or 300 words)
3. Name, title of position, and affiliation of the presenter(s)
4. Contact information (e-mail address and phone number)
5. Brief biographical statement of the presenter(s)’ credentials
Please submit your proposal to and no later than January 30, 2013. All proponents will be notified by February 28, 2013.
The IRRT Preconference will be held on Friday, June 28, 2013 in conjunction with the ALA Annual Conference (June 27– July 2, 2013) in Chicago. It will be a half-day program from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Up to six presenters will be selected. Each presenter is expected to give 15 minutes of presentation followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. All presenters are encouraged to submit a copy of PowerPoint slides or full length paper by May 1, 2013, to be included in the preconference packets and published on the IRRT web site after the conference.