ACRL 2013 Call for Roundtable Discussion Proposals
Are you interested in leading a discussion about a hot topic, but you don't have the time to prepare a full presentation at ACRL 2013? Consider leading a roundtable.
Roundtables are small, informal group discussions that give attendees the opportunity to exchange information, discuss best practices, and network with others around common themes and issues. Discussion facilitators should identify and develop a topic that will allow participants to discuss how they are dealing with specific issues at their libraries.
Roundtable discussions are limited to ten individuals per table, including participants and facilitator.
Individuals submitting roundtable proposals should address the topics to be covered, their importance to academic libraries, and three questions they would use to keep the discussion moving.
Potential topics can be seen in the program tags that are included on the proposal instructions page (link below). Poster topics from underrepresented categories are of particular interest. Here are some examples:
* cataloging & technical services
* collections projects
* data management and services
* digitization
* preservation projects
Please use the application form to submit your idea in a brief, dynamic summary and provide a more complete discussion of the contents for the reviewers. Please plan to submit an electronic version of your poster so that it can be posted online with conference handouts. Submissions are due by November 9, 2012.
Program Proposal Instructions
Proposal Submission Form
Questions should be directed to Margot Conahan at or call (312) 280-2522.