Friday, August 31, 2012

The Electronic Library Call for Editor

An exciting opportunity - The Electronic Library Call for Editor

The Electronic Library: The international journal for the application of technology in information environments 

Emerald Group Publishing Limited is inviting applications for the position of Editor of The Electronic Library. This is an excellent opportunity for an ambitious and focused individual with solid editorial experience to edit an exciting journal in Emerald's Library and Information Science portfolio. 

About The Electronic Library 

The Electronic Library is devoted to the applications and implications of new technology, automation, digitisation, the Internet, user interfaces, and networks in all types of libraries, information centres and museums throughout the world as well as the development of software and hardware for such applications. It provides a vehicle for the latest research and ongoing developments in today's digital library and information environments in different countries, and offers practical advice, useful information and descriptions of specific applications around the globe. Papers submitted to the journal are subject to double blind peer review to ensure academic rigor and integrity and the journal is Thomson Reuters ISI ranked. 

The role of the journal Editor 

Emerald is seeking to recruit an engaged and enthusiastic Editor or Editors to develop the journal. The journal Editor/s will be responsible for the following: 
  • Managing the journal's double blind peer review process with the assistance of the Editorial Advisory Board
  • Selecting and maintaining a pool of competent reviewers
  • Delivering appropriate content for six journal issues per volume to an agreed schedule
  • Upholding and developing editorial standards on the journal, through the good management of the peer review process
  • Engaging the Editorial Advisory Board in the work of the journal
  • Developing and maintaining a network of contacts to act as advocates for the journal or sources of content as appropriate
  • Attending conferences or similar events to promote the journal and generate submissions
  • Working with the journal Publisher (at Emerald) to achieve agreed development objectives for the journal and to raise its international profile and standing
The journal Editor receives an honorarium in lieu of his/her work on the journal. Additional budget is also made available to the Editor to part-fund attendance at conferences or other events of relevance to the journal. 

Emerald is looking for the new Editor to outline a position for the journal in terms of scope and coverage to further distinguish it from competitor journals, both Emerald and non-Emerald journals, to create a unique outlet in the field of LIS journals for authors and readers. 

Qualifications and requirements of candidates 

Some of the key qualities sought for the position of Editor are: 
  • An established record of scholarship in the field of library, information science or digital technology
  • Managerial skills to oversee the editorial cycle and to meet deadlines
  • The ability to inspire an active Editorial Advisory Board
  • Energy, enthusiasm and networking skills to promote the journal and to encourage submissions
  • A willingness to chase reviewers when necessary and to demand the highest standards in review and revision
  • A willingness to develop the journal in line with the changing nature of the subject area, to ensure the journal continues to publish the best, most relevant and cutting-edge research in the field
  • Previous editorial experience, such as Editor, Guest Editor or Editorial Advisory Board Member on an academic journal
  • Experience of using online submission and peer review systems such as ScholarOne Manuscripts is desirable
Next steps 

Interested individuals are invited to submit a CV and a proposal outlining how they would seek to develop the journal over the course of their editorship. Proposals from individuals or a team of two candidates will be considered. It is anticipated that the new Editor will start work on the journal in November 2012. 

Your application should include: 
  • A covering letter describing:
    • your goals and plans for the content of The Electronic Library. This may include an assessment of the current strengths, weaknesses, or gaps that you plan to address;
    • a description of how you would position the journal in terms of scope and coverage to distinguish the journal from others in the field and to identify a unique outlet for prospective authors and readers
    • previous editorial experience;
    • attendance at library and information science conferences during the last five years;
    • a clear description of the structure of the editorial team and responsibilities, where it is a team application;
    • support, if any, offered by your institution.
  • A current CV
Applications for this position should be submitted by 28th September 2012, by e-mail, to: 

Ruth Glasspool
Emerald Group Publishing Limited 

Please also direct any queries you may have to Ruth Glasspool, 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Call for Authors for new LITA Guides

Call for Authors for new LITA Guides

LITA is looking for authors for the following LITA Guides to be published by Neal-Schuman Publishing. These guides generally do very well and are marketed through ALA Publications. Authors receive 10% in royalties for their work. The turnaround time for publication is relatively short.

*         Transforming Libraries into Maker Spaces
*         Basics of Responsive Design
*         How to Get your Data out as Linked Data
*         How to use APIs for Discovery Layers

We also welcome proposals on a variety of technology topics that involve libraries.

Let me know if you are interested in authoring a guide, have any questions or would like to run an idea past me. You can email me directly at

Marta Deyrup

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oklahoma ACRL Fall Conference Call for 20x20 Proposals (a.k.a PechaKucha)

Oklahoma ACRL Fall Conference Call for 20x20 Proposals (a.k.a PechaKucha)

Oklahoma ACRL Fall 2012 Conference
Library without Walls: Mobile Tech and the Future of Libraries
November 2, 2012 at Tulsa Community College SE Campus, Tulsa, OK

This year the Oklahoma Association of College and Research Libraries (OK-ACRL) will be hosting a conference on the themes of mobile technology and the future of libraries. We are looking for presenters for a series of 20x20 presentations.  The 20x20 presentations follow a specific format: 20 slides, 20 seconds a slide (entire presentation will be under 7 minutes).  Submit a 200 word maximum abstract along with contact information of presenters by October 5th, 2012 to Word document attachments or plain text emails are acceptable; please put "Library without Walls 20x20 presentation proposal" in subject line.

Final selection of presenters will be made by October 12, 2012.

Preferred (but not required) presentation topics include: Mobile technology initiatives, connecting with students in new ways, or the future of libraries.

For more information about the 20x20 presentation format (a.k.a PechaKucha):

Jason Cimock, BA, MLIS, MA
Reference and Instructional Services Librarian
University of Central Oklahoma
Chambers Library
Edmond, OK 73034

Amanda Elizabeth Lemon
Electronic Services/Reference Librarian
Oklahoma City Community College
Keith Leftwich Memorial Library, Room 203
7777 S. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73159
Phone: 405.682.1611 ext. 7416

Saturday, August 25, 2012

CFP: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

CFP: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

Evidence Based Library and Information Practice* (EBLIP) is a peer reviewed, open access journal, which provides a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to
decision making in professional practice. EBLIP seeks submissions for the following sections:

- *Classics:* Contributions to the “Classics” section follow a structured format designed to highlight, summarize, and critically appraise research studies that stood the test of time and continue to have an impact on library and information practice.

- *Commentaries:* Commentaries are opinion pieces on a topic related to evidence based practice. This is a non peer-reviewed section.

- *Review Articles:* Review articles provide a way for librarians to obtain an overview of the evidence on a  particular topic, and stay current with the literature.

- *Using Evidence in Practice: *The “Using Evidence in Practice” section features brief reports of LIS practitioners' use of evidence to assist with decision making. This is a non-peer reviewed section.

For more information about these sections, please visit

*About the Journal:*

EBLIP is a peer reviewed, open access journal published quarterly by the University of Alberta Learning Services <>. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics. 

Please visit the *Evidence Based Library and Information Practice *web site ( for more information about the journal.

Thank you,
Alison Brettle

Friday, August 24, 2012

ACRL 2013 Call for Roundtable Discussion Proposals

ACRL 2013 Call for Roundtable Discussion Proposals

Are you interested in leading a discussion about a hot topic, but you don't have the time to prepare a full presentation at ACRL 2013?  Consider leading a roundtable.

Roundtables are small, informal group discussions that give attendees the opportunity to exchange information, discuss best practices, and network with others around common themes and issues. Discussion facilitators should identify and develop a topic that will allow participants to discuss how they are dealing with specific issues at their libraries.

Roundtable discussions are limited to ten individuals per table, including participants and facilitator.

Individuals submitting roundtable proposals should address the topics to be covered, their importance to academic libraries, and three questions they would use to keep the discussion moving.

Potential topics can be seen in the program tags that are included on the proposal instructions page (link below). Poster topics from underrepresented categories are of particular interest.  Here are some examples:

* cataloging & technical services
* collections projects 
* data management and services 
* digitization
* preservation projects

Please use the application form to submit your idea in a brief, dynamic summary and provide a more complete discussion of the contents for the reviewers.  Please plan to submit an electronic version of your poster so that it can be posted online with conference handouts. Submissions are due by November 9, 2012.

Questions should be directed to Margot Conahan at or call (312) 280-2522.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

CFP: ForwardFocus conference for community college librarians (E. Peoria, IL - November 2, 2012)

CFP: ForwardFocus conference for community college librarians (E. Peoria, IL - November 2, 2012)

Illinois Central College invites librarians to submit program proposals for the ForwardFocus Conference.  The event is meant to inspire library innovations in community college libraries by showcasing current projects, pilot projects, or out-of-the box ideas that have yet to take off. The event will be held on Friday, November 2, 2012 at Illinois Central College in East Peoria, Illinois, as well as online via Blackboard Collaborate and will feature a keynote presentation by Dr. Anthony Molaro.

We’re looking for solo, group, and discussion moderators on hot topics.  You don’t have to have a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation to play a vital role in the conference.  It’s all about your great ideas regarding services and issues facing community college libraries. Submit your proposal now or by September 7 to be a leader in the conversation! 

Would you rather participate in the conference? Registration is opening soon with early bird rates!

The ForwardFocus conference will include highly interactive online and in-person sessions. We are interested in a broad range of submissions that highlight current, evolving and future issues in community college libraries.

The following program tracks are suggested for presentations, but don’t let this list limit your creativity:

·         Student success
·         Instruction (in-person & alternate modes of delivery)
·         Technology integration
·         PR/Marketing
·         Patron satisfaction
·         Interdepartmental relationships
·         Programming
·         Facilities
·         Assessment
·         Staffing
·         Mobile solutions

Submit your proposal for an online or in-person presentation by completing this web form by September 7.

Your proposal can address the topic in a variety of ways.  Select the best option:

        a 45-minute solo presentation (with corresponding synchronous webcast)
        a 15-minute lightning presentation, combined with others interested in the same topic (with corresponding synchronous webcast)
        a 30-minute moderated discussion led by you on a topic of interest (online only or in-person only)

You will be notified by September 21, 2012 if your proposal has been accepted.  Conference registration fees are waived for speakers.

Presenters are expected to: 

·         Conduct your online only session using Blackboard Collaborate (computer, Internet, & mic required)
·         Submit any presentation slides to the conference coordinators 1 week prior to the event (October 262012)
·         Provide a digital photo of yourself for the conference website & Collaborate room
·         Respond to questions from attendees
·         Attend an online 30-60 minute training on Blackboard Collaborate prior to the conference

We appreciate your proposals!  If you have any questions, please contact:

Kind regards,
The ForwardFocus Team

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Call for Poster Sessions: ACRL 2013 Conference (Indianapolis, Indiana - April 2013)

Call for Poster Sessions: ACRL 2013 Conference (Indianapolis, Indiana - April 2013)

ACRL 2013 Conference Call for Poster Proposals

Got an innovative library-based project, best practices to solve a problem, or unique research findings? Consider sharing them in a poster session! Posters should be an eye-catching visual representation of a topic, including graphics, tables, charts, text, and images. Presenters can communicate additional details via online handouts. Presenters share their ideas with colleagues as attendees circulate during one hour time blocks in the poster session area, located in the exhibits hall. Since space is limited at a poster session, a maximum of two presenters per poster at any one time is recommended. The Poster Session Committee looks for topics that will engage attendees during repeated presentations.

Potential topics can be seen in the program tags that are included on the proposal instructions page (link below). Poster topics from underrepresented categories are of particular interest.  Here are some examples:

* cataloging & technical services
* collections projects
* preservation projects
* digitization
* data management and services

Use the application form to sell your idea in a short, dynamic summary and provide a more complete discussion of the contents for the reviewers.  Please plan to submit an electronic version of your poster so that it can be posted online with conference handouts. Submissions are due by November 9, 2012.

Program Proposal Instructions

Proposal Submission Form

Questions should be directed to Margot Conahan at or call (312) 280-2522.

Friday, August 17, 2012

CFP: European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL)

CFP: European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL)

October 22-25, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey

Organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University and Department of Information and Communication Sciences of Zagreb UniversityEuropean Conference on Information Literacy (or ECIL) will take place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 22-25 October 2013.

ECIL is an international conference supported by Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, Information Literacy Section of IFLA and many other prestigious universities, associations, and organizations actively involved in media and information literacy.

Paul G. Zurkowski is the Honorary Chair of the Conference. Conference committees include over hundred distinguished experts from over sixty countries. The language of the Conference is English.
Aim & Scope
Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Lifelong Learning being the main theme, ECIL aims to bring together researchers, information professionals, media specialists, educators, policy makers, employers and all other related parties from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience and discuss current issues, recent developments, challenges, theories, and good practices.
Main topics of the Conference include (but not limited with) the following:
  • Information literacy and lifelong learning
  • Information literacy in theoretical context (models, standards, indicators, etc.)
  • Information literacy and related concepts (transversal competencies, media literacy, transliteracy, metaliteracy, e-literacy, digital literacy, computer literacy, scientific literacy, visual literacy, digital empowerment, etc.)
  • Media and information literacy (MIL) as a new concept
  • Information literacy research (methods and techniques)
  • Information seeking and information behavior
  • Information literacy good practices
  • Information literacy networks and networking
  • Information literacy policies and policy development
  • Information literacy and libraries (college and university libraries, school libraries, public libraries, special libraries)
  • Information literacy and LIS education
  • Information literacy and knowledge management
  • Information literacy across disciplines
  • Information literacy in different cultures and countries
  • Information literacy in different contexts (juristic, health, etc.)
  • Information literacy and education (Bologna Process, etc.)
  • Planning strategies for information literacy training (promotion and marketing, training the trainers, partnership, collaboration across professions, teacher education, integrating into curricula)
  • Information literacy instruction (teaching techniques and methods, instructional design, curriculum development, measurement and evaluation, Web-based training, e-learning)
  • Information literacy education in different sectors (K-12, higher education, vocational education)
  • Information literacy in the workplace
  • Information literacy for adults
  • Information literacy for disadvantaged groups
  • Information literacy for multicultural societies
  • Information literacy and ethical and social issues
  • Information literacy and democracy
  • Information literacy and citizenship
  • Information literacy and digital divide
  • Information literacy and emerging technologies and tools (Web 2.0, Web 3.0, mobile technologies)
  • Information literacy in the future
All suggestions and comments are welcome. Please send your ideas about possible themes and topics to
Important Dates
First Call: July 2012
Second Call: September 2012
Third Call: November 2012
Submission deadline for contributions: 1 February 2013
Notification of acceptance: 5 April 2013
Deadline for submitting final versions: 15 May 2013
Registration starts: 1 May 2013
Conference sessions: 22-24 October 2013
Conference tour: 25 October 2013
Paper Submission
The conference will be composed of several types of contributions, such as full papers, posters, PechaKucha, best practices, workshops, panels, invited talks, doctoral forum, each has different requirements and restrictions regarding the length, time allocation and content. Contributions should be prepared using the templates available through the Conference web site and submitted electronically via the conference management system by February 1, 2013. At least one of the authors should register online via Conference web site and take part at the conference to make the presentation.

Contributions will be peer-reviewed and the authors will be notified of the outcome by April 5, 2013. Final copies of the accepted contributions should be sent in by May 15, 2013, in order for them to be included in the book of abstracts. Full-text papers will be also be published and made available to the registered participants. Selected papers will be published in refereed journals.
Looking forward to your contributions to and participation in the Conference.
If you wish to receive updates on ECIL 2013 you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook(
Serap Kurbanoğlu, Co-chair of the Standing Commitee and Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Sonja Špiranec, Co-chair of the Standing Committee and Chair of the Programme Committee
Conference Secretariat:

CFP: Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy

CFP: Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy

This is an amazing conference, full of wonderful sessions, networking opportunities, and ideas.  I've presented there twice, and it is a wonderful opportunity for library and information professionals to share directly with higher education teachers, administrators, and vendors.  The best part might be the registration cost:  $0.00!  I highly recommend proposing your ideas and attending!

5th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
February 6-8, 2013
Proposal Due Date: October 8, 2012

The 5th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy is focused on higher education teaching excellence and the scholarship of teaching and learning. The conference showcases the best pedagogical practice and research in higher education today. Sessions address disciplinary and interdisciplinary instructional strategies, outcomes, and research.

The conference continues to grow and attract a widening community of US-based and international educators and scholars from an increasing number of institutions. The 2012 conference welcomed 760 participants from 150 institutions, 31 states, and 14 countries including Canada, Chile, Egypt, Nepal, Portugal, Singapore, and the UK. Participants report that the diverse and high-quality conference program, organization, and facility combine to promote rich dialogue and exchange that informs and energizes their teaching.

      Proposals Due: October 8, 2012
      Notification of Acceptance: October 22, 2012
      Registration Due: January 15, 2013
      Conference Date: February 6-8, 2013

Full guidelines, templates, and details for proposal submission can be found on the conference web site. Proposals are two pages in length for practice and research sessions and abstracts only for poster sessions. Accepted proposals, following a blind peer-review process, are printed in the full proceedings (see ).
** Practice sessions are focused on sharing, modeling and discussing higher education teaching and learning, while allowing for interaction among session participants.
** Research sessions inform participants of the design, implementation, and results of empirical research focused on teaching and learning in higher education.
** Poster sessions provide an opportunity to present and discuss scholarly research and/or practice in an informal scholarly environment.

The full Call for Proposals is available on the conference web site: To submit a proposal for review, the proposal must be submitted electronically on or before October 8, 2012.

Helen L. Chen will address Electronic Portfolios and Student Success: A Framework for Effective Implementation, highlighting that ePortfolios are more than just a technology: they imply a process of planning, keeping track of, making sense of, and sharing evidence of learning and performance. She is a researcher in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the director of ePortfolio initiatives at Stanford University, as well as co-author of Documenting Learning with ePortfolios: A Guide for College Instructors (2011).

Loreto R. Prieto will address Culturally Competent Teaching and the "Browning" of the Academy: Working with Latino/a Students, an approach to conceptualizing culturally competent teaching with Latino/a students and offer a summary of related teaching practices. Dr. Prieto is a Full Professor of Psychology and Director of US Latino/a Studies at Iowa State University, as well as co-author of Getting Culture: Incorporating Diversity Across the Curriculum (2009) and The Teaching Assistant Training Handbook: How to Prepare TAs for their Responsibilities (2001).

There is no registration fee; however, both presenters and participants must register. Registration is available online at: The conference is free because we believe that budgetary reductions of travel money and professional development funds should not be a barrier to increased instructional effectiveness and student learning.

The conference hotel is
      The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center
      540-231-8000 or 877-200-3360
The special conference room rates are $95.00 (plus taxes) for a single and $115.00 (plus taxes) for a double occupancy. Reference the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy to receive these special rates. Further information regarding transportation and accommodations (e.g. directions, maps, room descriptions, ground transportation) is available on the conference web site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: 
Peter Doolittle (, Director
Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research (CIDER)

CFP: Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA) 22nd Annual Conference

CFP: Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (PIALA) 22nd Annual Conference

13-15 November 2012, Guam.
We welcome a variety of sessions related to our theme – “RESET: Information Services Trends in 2012.” We invite all who work in libraries, archives, museums, records management, and historical preservation agencies in the Pacific region. Please complete the presentation form and submit by August 24, 2012, to the Guam Library Association (GLA). Please use ”Subject: Call for Papers” when emailing submissions ( Please be prepared to provide a copy of your paper or presentation at the end of the Conference to be included in the Conference Proceedings.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

CALL FOR CHAPTER : Progressive Trends in Electronic Resources Management in Libraries

CALL FOR CHAPTER : Progressive Trends in Electronic Resources Management in Libraries

A book edited by Nihar K Patra (National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management, India); Bharat Kumar (Management Development Institute, India); and Ashis Pani (XLRI, Jamsedpur, India).

To be published by IGI Global:

A paradigm shift from print to electronic resources in libraries has great impact on library and its users. With the influx of electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books, full-text / aggregated databases have a great impact on operational and organizational procedures of the library along with changes in library usage pattern and budgets. This book will deal both with theoretical and practical frameworks and with recent empirical developments on electronic resources.

Objective of the Book
This book will aim to provide relevant theoretical frameworks and latest empirical research findings in this area. It will be written for professionals who want to improve their knowledge / understanding on current issues on electronic resources. This publication will explore the concept of electronic resources and make effort to encompass every facet of e-resources in a nutshell.

Target Audience
The target audience of this book will comprised of professionals, researchers working in the field of electronic resources, e.g. management practices and life-cycle of electronic resources comprises selection, acquisition, ordering / renewal / cancellation; cost benefit analysis; usage pattern; impact on users’; license agreement, etc.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Ø         Electronic resources: history, scope, challenges and overview
Ø         A journey from print to electronic resources: A Bird’s eye view
Ø         Electronic Resources: planning, implementing and strategy
Ø         Cost benefit analysis: from print to electronic resources
Ø         Life cycle of electronic resources: selection, acquisition, access, renewal / cancellation
Ø         Electronic Resource Management Systems: proprietary software / Open Source Software (OSS), ERM
Ø         Search interface, federated search, etc
Ø         Branding, authentication and access management
Ø         Application of ICT for subscription and access
Ø         Copyright, license agreement, IPR and ethical issue
Ø         Usages and statistics analysis
Ø         Electronic resources: a future

Proposal Submission Procedure
Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before August 30, 2012, a 2 – 3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his/her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by September 30, 2012 faculty members, researchers, and academic librarians / scientists / about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are accepted to be submitted by December 30, 2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit . This title is anticipated to be released in 2013.

Important Dates
August 30, 2012                     Proposal Submission Deadline
September 30, 2012               Notification for Acceptance
December 30, 2012                Full chapter Submission
February 28, 2013                 Review Process Returned
April 1, 2013                          Revised Chapter Submission
April 15, 2013                                    Final Acceptance Notifications
April 30, 2013                                    Submission of Final Chapters

Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Ø        Amy Slowik, Assistant Professor, Electronic Resources Librarian, Western Kentucky University, USA
Ø        Anjana  H. Bhatt, University Librarian (Electronic Resources), Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida
Ø        Anne Moon, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Ø        Allan Cho, Program Services Librarian, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ø        Eduardo Alentejo, Professor, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ø        Jaideep Sharma, Professor, Indira Gandhi National Open University, India
Ø        Smita Joshipura, Electronic Resources Management Coordinator, Arizona State University, Arizona
Ø        Suzie Allard, Professor, Associate Professor & Associate Director, University of Tennessee, USA
Ø        Vesna Injac, Library Advisor, National Library of Serbia, Serbia

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded by e-mail to:
Bharat Kumar
Management Development Institute
Gurgaon – 122 007, India
Mobile: +91-9968456404,    +91-9560899434
E-mail -

Nihar K Patra
National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management
Kundali, Sonipat, India
Mobile:  +91-8901358463
E-mail -

CFP: Proving Value and Improving Practice: Assessment Strategies for the Small Academic Library (College & Undergraduate Libraries)

CFP: Proving Value and Improving Practice: Assessment Strategies for the Small Academic Library (College & Undergraduate Libraries)

College & Undergraduate Libraries invites proposals for articles to be published in a special issue addressing how smaller academic libraries are documenting their contribution to institutional effectiveness in student learning, engagement, and retention, as well as faculty teaching and research, and using the data to spur improvements. As institutions of higher education have responded to calls for accountability with assessment, libraries have also taken up the challenge, aided by ACRL publications like the Value of Academic Libraries report (2010) and Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2011).

The issue will be co-edited by Jill Gremmels, Davidson College,, and Christopher Millson-Martula, Lynchburg College,

In their articles, authors should focus on writing about concerns, challenges, and successes of assessment. Authors are invited to submit articles/proposals for articles such as:
• Theoretical, philosophical, or ideological discussions on assessment
• Opinion or position paper on the impact of assessment on libraries and their users
• Case studies of library projects and initiatives
• Research studies on assessment results and libraries' uses of those results

Proposals from librarians and faculty or other partners, both individually and as teams, are welcome. Proposals should consist of an abstract of 500 words and up to six keywords describing the articles together with all author contact information. Articles should run at least 20 double-spaced pages in length.

Please submit proposals to Jill Gremmels,, by September 15, 2012. Questions can be directed to either of the editors.  For more information about College & Undergraduate Libraries, including complete submission instructions, please visit the journal's webpage:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

CFP: NASIG 28th Annual Conference (Buffalo, NY - June 6-9, 2013)

CFP: NASIG 28th Annual Conference (Buffalo, NY - June 6-9, 2013)

NASIG 28th Annual Conference
The Art of Information/The Architecture of Knowledge
June 6 - 9, 2013
Buffalo, New York

The 2013 Program Planning Committee (PPC) invites proposals for conference sessions. Publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in the field of electronic resources and serials are encouraged to submit proposals relating to scholarly communication, publishing, resource acquisition, management, and discovery. Proposals based on emerging trends, case studies, and descriptive and experimental research findings are encouraged.

This year PPC would like to develop programs focusing on the Core Competencies that the NASIG Core Competency Task Force developed for Electronic Resources Librarians. Please refer to the Core Competencies (
for the draft document.

Program topics from the Core Competencies:
•       Electronic resource life cycle and management
•       Collection analysis and development
•       Standards and systems of cataloging and classification, metadata, and indexing
•       Technology and providing access to electronic resources
•       Licensing and legal framework
•       Standards, initiatives, and best practices
•       Scholarly communication

Please use the online form ( to submit a proposal or program or idea. This Call for Proposals will close on September 14, 2012.

Please note the following:
•       The Program Planning Committee welcomes proposals that are still in the formative stages, and may work with potential presenters to focus their proposals further.
•       Proposals should name any particular products or services that are integral to the content of the
presentation. However, as a matter of NASIG policy, programs should not be used as a venue to promote or attack any product, service, or institution.
•       Time management issues generally limit each session to two to three speakers for conference sessions. Panels of four (4) or more speakers must be discussed in advance with the Program Planning Committee (
•       Please refer to the NASIG reimbursement policy ( for reimbursement of speaker expenses.

Inquiries may be sent to PPC at:

We look forward to a great conference in Buffalo!

Karen Davidson and Kelli Getz
NASIG PPC Chair and Vice-Chair