CFP: Canadian Print Culture (Universities Art Association of Canada 2010 Conference )
University of Guelph, Ontario
October 14-16, 2010
An interest in print culture as a primary field of art historical inquiry has, in recent years, been gaining significant ground. The relationship between artists, the graphic arts and the publishing industry at the turn of the twentieth century, the impact of little magazines and mass-circulation periodicals on the development of modernism, and the extensive use of print media by artists active in the post-war period are among the issues that are being seen increasingly as crucial to a full understanding of the practice and reception of art. This panel proposes to investigate the history of print culture in Canada and aims to provide an assessment of the state of research into print culture within Canadian art history. We welcome papers that address any aspect of the role that print – in all its myriad forms – has played in the history of the visual arts in Canada.
300-word proposals should reach session chairs no later than May 3, 2010.
Dr. Loren Lerner & Zoë Tousignant
Department of Art History
Concordia University
1455, de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, EV-3.809
Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1M8