Bilingual reviewers needed (School Library Journal)
I am looking for bilingual librarians, fluent in English and Spanish, interested in reviewing Spanish- language materials for children. Please contact me at: . Subject: Reviewing for SLJ. Please include your full name, position, phone number, email, postal address and your experience evaluating children materials. Please do not send your replies to this list server.
Reviewers must have a full command of the Spanish-language and the ability to evaluate the quality of original materials and translations. Interviews will be conducted, in the evenings, over the phone, in Spanish. There is no monetary compensation. Reviewers keep the books they review as their compensation.
Reviews will be published in School Library Journal, monthly (July and August) and every other month (October and December.) These reviews will be also published on the Library Journal web site20as part of an effort to bring back Críticas reviews:
The first set of reviews is already available on line at:
Publishers must send titles for consideration to:
School Library Journal
Book Review
360 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010-1710
Contact: Luann Toth
646 746-6764
Trevelyn Jones
646 746-6757
Thank you,
Freda Mosquera