CFP-Comics And Fotonovelas - Second International Vernacular Colloquium
Conference Location: University of the Americas-Puebla, Mexico
Conference Date: October 26-29 2005
Deadline: March 15, 2005
Conference URL:
The Comics and Fotonovela area will accept submissions for panel and paper proposals related to the study and analysis of comics and fotonovelas. The term comics for the purpose of this conference refers to comic strips, single panel cartoons, political/editorial comics, comic books, fotonovelas/photo-comics, comic albums/graphic novel/drawn novel. Proposals related to illustrated texts and animation will also be considered.
Papers and/or panels can focus on such aspects as the war on terrorism, historical development, globalization, post-colonialism, gender issues, censorship, publication and distribution, fans and popularity, and differing attitudes towards comics. Additional topics include educational comics, approaches to using/discussing comics in an educational setting and varying theoretical approaches to analyzing comics.
Papers in English and Spanish will be accepted.
Send a brief CV.
For paper submissions, send a 300 word abstract.
For panel submissions, send a 150 word abstract describing the panel
plus a 200 word abstract for each paper (keep panels to three or
four participants).
Include requests for any audio-visual equipment needed or desired.
Send abstracts and proposals to:
Jeff Williams,
Area Chair for Comics and Fotonovelas
Second International Vernacular Colloquium
Achával Rodríguez 1146
5000 Cordoba, Argentina
email submissions preferred: (make sure you put
\"Puebla Conf Submission\" in the subject line).