Conference: Innovative Users Group (2005)
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Conference Date: May 1-4, 2005
Deadline: Friday November 12, 2004
NOTE: This is one of the leading ILS Users Group Meetings in the world. The papers presented here focus on increasing our use of the Innovative/Millennium Integrated Library Systems in libraries of every type.
Innovative Users Group:
Suggested Topics:
Program Submission Form:
[From the Call] Remember, we aim for a variety of programs - basic to advanced, every
library type, how you use various Innovative modules, and how you use other programs in conjunction with Innovative software. The topics list is not meant to be exhaustive. Some topics have been duplicated (as appropriate) under separate categories for your convenience. If you have an idea of your own and don't see it listed, please submit a proposal anyway. You may also be interested in coordinating a panel discussion, but don't have all of the presenters lined up. It's perfectly fine to have some TBA's at this stage. The Program Committee
can work with you to help identify potential co-presenters.
If you have presented or coordinated at past IUG programs, please consider resubmitting a proposal for this year. I can speak from experience that it is impossible to attend every program one would like, and know our attendees will appreciate having another chance to see a refreshed/updated version of programs this year. There have also been a number of regional user group meetings taking place this summer/fall with a rich variety of program offerings. If you are presenting in one of the regional conferences, please consider repeating your program at
the annual meeting, so many more colleagues can learn from your experiences.
Contact, Cheryl Gowing, IUG 2005 Program Chair,
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
CFP: Technical Communication - Spaces
ATTW @ CEA 2005: Space(s)
Deadline: 15 November 2004
The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing invites submission of abstracts for presentations in ATTW-sponsored sessions at the College English Association's 36th annual meeting, March 31 - April 2, 2005 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This will be the second year ATTW has sponsored panels at CEA.
ATTW will consider submissions for presentations or panels on any topic related to technical, business, or scientific communication. But as the CEA's conference-wide theme this year is "Space(s)," we encourage proposals that complement that theme.
For example, scholars in technical, scientific, and business communication might focus on topics that address issues of spaces such as these:
* Academic spaces: the library, the classroom
* Virtual or cyberspaces: the Web, the web page, hypertext
* Disciplinary spaces: cross-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary
* Economic spaces: the workplace, the cubicle
* Environmental spaces: the moor, the sea, the national park
* Gendered spaces
* The page: negative space, document design
* Technological spaces: the laboratory, the computer desktop, the screen
* Writing spaces: the desk, the office
The deadline for proposals is 15 November 2004. Send 200-word abstracts by email (in the body, not as an attachment) to Please be sure to include the following information:
* Name
* Title for proposed presentation or panel
* Institutional affiliation
* Mailing address
* Phone number
* Email address
If you are proposing a panel, include all of the above information for each presenter.
Address all CEA conference correspondence to the CEA Program Chair:
Ann Hawkins
CEA 2005 Program Chair
Department of English
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
Other important information:
* All presenters must join CEA by 1 January 2005 to appear on the program.
* No one may read more than one paper at the conference.
* Presenters are encouraged to serve as a section chair or respondent. If you wish to be considered for a chair or respondent, please contact the CEA program chair.
* CEA does not sponsor or fund travel or underwrite participant costs.
Note to graduate students:
Graduate students may compete for the CEA Best Papers Award, which carries a $50 prize. For consideration, submit three copies of your paper to the Program Chair by 1 March 2005.
For more information about CEA and the conference, please see the conference web site at
Deadline: 15 November 2004
The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing invites submission of abstracts for presentations in ATTW-sponsored sessions at the College English Association's 36th annual meeting, March 31 - April 2, 2005 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This will be the second year ATTW has sponsored panels at CEA.
ATTW will consider submissions for presentations or panels on any topic related to technical, business, or scientific communication. But as the CEA's conference-wide theme this year is "Space(s)," we encourage proposals that complement that theme.
For example, scholars in technical, scientific, and business communication might focus on topics that address issues of spaces such as these:
* Academic spaces: the library, the classroom
* Virtual or cyberspaces: the Web, the web page, hypertext
* Disciplinary spaces: cross-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary
* Economic spaces: the workplace, the cubicle
* Environmental spaces: the moor, the sea, the national park
* Gendered spaces
* The page: negative space, document design
* Technological spaces: the laboratory, the computer desktop, the screen
* Writing spaces: the desk, the office
The deadline for proposals is 15 November 2004. Send 200-word abstracts by email (in the body, not as an attachment) to Please be sure to include the following information:
* Name
* Title for proposed presentation or panel
* Institutional affiliation
* Mailing address
* Phone number
* Email address
If you are proposing a panel, include all of the above information for each presenter.
Address all CEA conference correspondence to the CEA Program Chair:
Ann Hawkins
CEA 2005 Program Chair
Department of English
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
Other important information:
* All presenters must join CEA by 1 January 2005 to appear on the program.
* No one may read more than one paper at the conference.
* Presenters are encouraged to serve as a section chair or respondent. If you wish to be considered for a chair or respondent, please contact the CEA program chair.
* CEA does not sponsor or fund travel or underwrite participant costs.
Note to graduate students:
Graduate students may compete for the CEA Best Papers Award, which carries a $50 prize. For consideration, submit three copies of your paper to the Program Chair by 1 March 2005.
For more information about CEA and the conference, please see the conference web site at
PRIMO (ACRL - Emerging Technologies in Instruction)
The Emerging Technologies in Instruction Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online.
PRIMO is the new name for the Internet Education Project. This name emphasizes both the peer-reviewed nature of the project and the first-rate instruction models found in the project database. It also reflects how the project has evolved from teaching about the Internet, to teaching using the Internet as a medium.
Nominations: November 5, 2004
Submissions: November 19, 2004
The submission and nomination forms are available from the following page:
Site submissions for PRIMO are accepted continually, but are reviewed for possible inclusion twice per year. For further information contact
committee co-chairs Jennifer Knievel (
Kathy Magarrell (
PRIMO is the new name for the Internet Education Project. This name emphasizes both the peer-reviewed nature of the project and the first-rate instruction models found in the project database. It also reflects how the project has evolved from teaching about the Internet, to teaching using the Internet as a medium.
Nominations: November 5, 2004
Submissions: November 19, 2004
The submission and nomination forms are available from the following page:
Site submissions for PRIMO are accepted continually, but are reviewed for possible inclusion twice per year. For further information contact
committee co-chairs Jennifer Knievel (
Kathy Magarrell (
Call for Reviewers - Digest of Middle East Studies (DOMES)
Digest of Middle East Studies (DOMES) seeks reviewers
I would like to invite you to submit your research articles and book reviews for publication in DOMES. I would also would like you and other Middle East scholars in your institution to join our distinguished list of reviewers. DOMES’s Editorial Office receives outstanding books from many publishers and we are always looking for colleagues who are willing to review these books. You keep the book and e-mail us your 3-4 page review. The published reviews have been well received by our readers who are pressed for time and rely on these detailed reviews to be kept informed of the current literature. Librarians have found the reviews very helpful in making their book acquisition decisions. Due to the prevailing economic conditions, DOMES is published semi-annually (Fall & Spring), but we hope the conditions will improve so we can go back to publishing DOMES quarterly. Annual subscription rates remain low ($65). If you wish to place your library’s subscription please e-mail our distributor: Global Information Company You may be interested to learn that we now have a CD edition containing the full text of volumes t-11. Subsequent volumes will be available to our subscribers in print and e-format.
Professor Mohammed m. aman
Dean Emeritus & Professor- Editor-in-Chief
Digest of Middle East Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwuakee
PO Box 413
WI 53201
Fax 414-229-3314
Visit the website at
I would like to invite you to submit your research articles and book reviews for publication in DOMES. I would also would like you and other Middle East scholars in your institution to join our distinguished list of reviewers. DOMES’s Editorial Office receives outstanding books from many publishers and we are always looking for colleagues who are willing to review these books. You keep the book and e-mail us your 3-4 page review. The published reviews have been well received by our readers who are pressed for time and rely on these detailed reviews to be kept informed of the current literature. Librarians have found the reviews very helpful in making their book acquisition decisions. Due to the prevailing economic conditions, DOMES is published semi-annually (Fall & Spring), but we hope the conditions will improve so we can go back to publishing DOMES quarterly. Annual subscription rates remain low ($65). If you wish to place your library’s subscription please e-mail our distributor: Global Information Company You may be interested to learn that we now have a CD edition containing the full text of volumes t-11. Subsequent volumes will be available to our subscribers in print and e-format.
Professor Mohammed m. aman
Dean Emeritus & Professor- Editor-in-Chief
Digest of Middle East Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwuakee
PO Box 413
WI 53201
Fax 414-229-3314
Visit the website at
CFL - Science Fiction: one universe?
Science Fiction: one universe?
Book to be edited by Nick Heffernan and Lorna Jowett.
Deadline for Abstracts - December 15, 2004
Having received preliminary interest from a publisher, we invite chapter proposals or already completed essays for a collection focusing on the range of different media within science fiction (film, television, literature, comics/ graphic novels, computer games).
Science fiction has been examined in some detail from various perspectives but rarely with a holistic view. A large number of universities offer classes in science fiction, and these classes often look at more than one of the media mentioned above. Consumers of science fiction are likely to be familiar with the genre from more than one of these media. Film, literature, television shows, comic books and computer games inform us about what science fiction is and what it can do. In this book we propose to examine science fiction across these different media in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the genre and the ways it interacts through these forms.
Some questions we envisage the volume addressing include:
* How is science fiction identified across these different media? How do they interact?
* How do fans construct the genre from the different media?
* Does the academy construct the genre from these different media or does it seek to keep them separate?
* Is there a significant disjunction between sci-fi and sf? How do issues of quality affect science fictions?
* Are the major tropes of science fiction constructed or represented differently within these different media?
* How do thematic areas compare across different formats or genres?
* Are, for example, class, race, sexuality, or heroism, romance and science constructed similarly or differently across different formats?
* What distinguishes the treatment of such themes in closed, short narrative (stand-alone film or novel) as opposed to their treatment in serial, developing narrative (comic book, television show, series of novels)?
* How do varying emphases on narrative and/or spectacle (according to format) affect science fictions?
* What advantages and disadvantages are there in these varying formats for the messages of science fiction? Does the range of formats provide limitations or new departures?
Contributors might wish to address debates about what science fiction is,
what it is used for, and by whom. We particularly welcome papers that
examine more than one format, that explore the difficulties in integrating
different formats, or that reflect on how science fiction is used in the
Essay abstracts of 500 words, or completed papers of 5-6,000 words, plus a
brief CV should be forwarded by 15 December 2004 to BOTH editors:
* Nick Heffernan,
* Lorna Jowett,
Book to be edited by Nick Heffernan and Lorna Jowett.
Deadline for Abstracts - December 15, 2004
Having received preliminary interest from a publisher, we invite chapter proposals or already completed essays for a collection focusing on the range of different media within science fiction (film, television, literature, comics/ graphic novels, computer games).
Science fiction has been examined in some detail from various perspectives but rarely with a holistic view. A large number of universities offer classes in science fiction, and these classes often look at more than one of the media mentioned above. Consumers of science fiction are likely to be familiar with the genre from more than one of these media. Film, literature, television shows, comic books and computer games inform us about what science fiction is and what it can do. In this book we propose to examine science fiction across these different media in an attempt to gain a better understanding of the genre and the ways it interacts through these forms.
Some questions we envisage the volume addressing include:
* How is science fiction identified across these different media? How do they interact?
* How do fans construct the genre from the different media?
* Does the academy construct the genre from these different media or does it seek to keep them separate?
* Is there a significant disjunction between sci-fi and sf? How do issues of quality affect science fictions?
* Are the major tropes of science fiction constructed or represented differently within these different media?
* How do thematic areas compare across different formats or genres?
* Are, for example, class, race, sexuality, or heroism, romance and science constructed similarly or differently across different formats?
* What distinguishes the treatment of such themes in closed, short narrative (stand-alone film or novel) as opposed to their treatment in serial, developing narrative (comic book, television show, series of novels)?
* How do varying emphases on narrative and/or spectacle (according to format) affect science fictions?
* What advantages and disadvantages are there in these varying formats for the messages of science fiction? Does the range of formats provide limitations or new departures?
Contributors might wish to address debates about what science fiction is,
what it is used for, and by whom. We particularly welcome papers that
examine more than one format, that explore the difficulties in integrating
different formats, or that reflect on how science fiction is used in the
Essay abstracts of 500 words, or completed papers of 5-6,000 words, plus a
brief CV should be forwarded by 15 December 2004 to BOTH editors:
* Nick Heffernan,
* Lorna Jowett,
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
CFP - ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group
Conference: ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group at ALA
Conference Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Conference Location: Boston
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group is calling for speakers for its meeting at the ALA midwinter meeting, Boston, Saturday, January 15, 2005, from 2-4 pm. Presentation topics should be of current interest to catalogers. Possible areas of discussion include but are not limited to: AACR2, electronic resources, FRBR, authority control, digital libraries, bibliographic control of media resources, and training of professional/paraprofessional staff. Presentations should be approximately 15-20 minutes in length. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers.
Please respond to me directly and not the list.
Elizabeth Lilker
New York University Libraries
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-2489
Conference Date: Saturday January 15, 2005
Conference Location: Boston
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group is calling for speakers for its meeting at the ALA midwinter meeting, Boston, Saturday, January 15, 2005, from 2-4 pm. Presentation topics should be of current interest to catalogers. Possible areas of discussion include but are not limited to: AACR2, electronic resources, FRBR, authority control, digital libraries, bibliographic control of media resources, and training of professional/paraprofessional staff. Presentations should be approximately 15-20 minutes in length. Additional time will be allowed for questions and answers.
Please respond to me directly and not the list.
Elizabeth Lilker
New York University Libraries
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-2489
CFP - LILAC (Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference)
LILAC 2005: Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference.
Imperial College, London 4th-6th April 2005
Deadline: December 17, 2004
Organised jointly by ASSIGN (Aslib Social Science Group and Network) and the Information Literacy Sub-group of CSG - CILIP.
Call for Papers: The conference committee are issuing a call for short papers for parallel sessions that address one or more of the conference themes. Papers are welcomed from both researchers and practitioners. Closing date for proposals: Friday 17th December 2004.
Conference themes
-Collaboration within HE with academic staff
-Plagiarism and copyright issues: new technology, new problems?
-School librarians and key skills
-Information literacy and e-learning
-Widening participation: the role of the librarian
-Research in information literacy
Papers should be 20 minutes in length with 5-10 minutes for questions. A PC with limited Internet access and PowerPoint will be available to presenters. Please do not send us a full paper; we require a 300 word abstract which will be sent to a panel of reviewers. Note that the papers will be presented on Monday 4th or Tuesday 5th April during the parallel sessions.
For more information visit:
Call for Papers:
Main Conference Page:
Imperial College, London 4th-6th April 2005
Deadline: December 17, 2004
Organised jointly by ASSIGN (Aslib Social Science Group and Network) and the Information Literacy Sub-group of CSG - CILIP.
Call for Papers: The conference committee are issuing a call for short papers for parallel sessions that address one or more of the conference themes. Papers are welcomed from both researchers and practitioners. Closing date for proposals: Friday 17th December 2004.
Conference themes
-Collaboration within HE with academic staff
-Plagiarism and copyright issues: new technology, new problems?
-School librarians and key skills
-Information literacy and e-learning
-Widening participation: the role of the librarian
-Research in information literacy
Papers should be 20 minutes in length with 5-10 minutes for questions. A PC with limited Internet access and PowerPoint will be available to presenters. Please do not send us a full paper; we require a 300 word abstract which will be sent to a panel of reviewers. Note that the papers will be presented on Monday 4th or Tuesday 5th April during the parallel sessions.
For more information visit:
Call for Papers:
Main Conference Page:
Sunday, October 24, 2004
CFP - Historical Consiracies and Popular Culture
Call for Papers: Masons, Templars and the Holy Grail: Historical Conspiracies and Popular Culture Conspiracy Theories and Claims for the Paranormal Area
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference
March 23-26, 2005
San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina
[NOTE: What has the book "The DaVinci Code" meant for collection development?]
The Conspiracy Theories and Claims for the Paranormal Area invites papers, panels, and multimedia presentations on the sub-topic of Historical Conspiracies and Popular Culture for presentation at the PCA.
We invite papers from all disciplines on the use in and impact of historical conspiracy theories on literature, movies, media, or any other area of popular culture. Presenters are encouraged to examine the idea of conspiracy itself; but also any of the meta-aspects the use, characterization, or even reference to conspiracy creates. Possible topics of inquiry include, but are by no means limited to: Freemasons; ; Alchemy and other alternate forms of science/philosophy; Gnosticisim; Templar Knights; Illuminati; The Holy Grail / Merovingian Dynasties;
Hollow earth and other alternate cosmologies; Cagilistro , St. Germain, The Wandering Jew, and other legends of immortality...
Participants are encouraged to look not only at these types of theory and text, but at their implications in a broad and multidisciplinary sense. Possible issues could include but are not limited to:
-Masonic symbols in film, effect or affect?
-The conspiracy presented as a hero/villain in literature/film
-Issues of the occult in presentation of conspiracy
-The question of secret knowledge, both as plot device and as cultural marker
-The holy grail and popular imagination
-Codes and Cryptograms, re-interpreting texts to fit the conspiracy plotline
-Or any additional line of inquiry related to perception or presentation of the historical conspiracy
Presentations from a variety of academic and critical perspectives and disciplines are welcome and should be suitable for a 15 to 20-minute reading/presentation time limit. Please e-mail a one page abstract and a working bibliography (optional) along with your contact information to the address below. The deadline for submission is November 10.
Todd B Stevens
Co-Chair Conspiracy Theories and Claims for the Paranormal Area
Villanova University
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference
March 23-26, 2005
San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina
[NOTE: What has the book "The DaVinci Code" meant for collection development?]
The Conspiracy Theories and Claims for the Paranormal Area invites papers, panels, and multimedia presentations on the sub-topic of Historical Conspiracies and Popular Culture for presentation at the PCA.
We invite papers from all disciplines on the use in and impact of historical conspiracy theories on literature, movies, media, or any other area of popular culture. Presenters are encouraged to examine the idea of conspiracy itself; but also any of the meta-aspects the use, characterization, or even reference to conspiracy creates. Possible topics of inquiry include, but are by no means limited to: Freemasons; ; Alchemy and other alternate forms of science/philosophy; Gnosticisim; Templar Knights; Illuminati; The Holy Grail / Merovingian Dynasties;
Hollow earth and other alternate cosmologies; Cagilistro , St. Germain, The Wandering Jew, and other legends of immortality...
Participants are encouraged to look not only at these types of theory and text, but at their implications in a broad and multidisciplinary sense. Possible issues could include but are not limited to:
-Masonic symbols in film, effect or affect?
-The conspiracy presented as a hero/villain in literature/film
-Issues of the occult in presentation of conspiracy
-The question of secret knowledge, both as plot device and as cultural marker
-The holy grail and popular imagination
-Codes and Cryptograms, re-interpreting texts to fit the conspiracy plotline
-Or any additional line of inquiry related to perception or presentation of the historical conspiracy
Presentations from a variety of academic and critical perspectives and disciplines are welcome and should be suitable for a 15 to 20-minute reading/presentation time limit. Please e-mail a one page abstract and a working bibliography (optional) along with your contact information to the address below. The deadline for submission is November 10.
Todd B Stevens
Co-Chair Conspiracy Theories and Claims for the Paranormal Area
Villanova University
Thursday, October 21, 2004
CFP - Off-Campus Library Services Conference (2006)
Conference: Off Campus Library Services Conference
Conference Location: Savannah Georgia
Conference Date: April 26-28, 2006
The 2006 Off Campus Library Services Conference (12th) will be held in Savannah, Georgia. The dates of the conference are April 26th to April 28th 2006, and the conference hotel is the Hyatt Regency (which looks pretty nice on their website).
The Call for Presentations will be available December 1, 2004 on the web site at (and of course I'll mention it here too).
Conference Location: Savannah Georgia
Conference Date: April 26-28, 2006
The 2006 Off Campus Library Services Conference (12th) will be held in Savannah, Georgia. The dates of the conference are April 26th to April 28th 2006, and the conference hotel is the Hyatt Regency (which looks pretty nice on their website).
The Call for Presentations will be available December 1, 2004 on the web site at (and of course I'll mention it here too).
CFP - Library History Round Table (ALA)
CFP: The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association (ALA)
Conference: ALA Annual Meeting
Conference Location: Chicago, IL
Conference Date: June 23-30, 2005
Deadline: November 30, 2004
The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association (ALA) seeks papers for its Research Forum at the 2005 ALA Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 23-30 June, 2005. While we encourage the submission of any paper that takes a cultural and historical perspective on libraries, we are especially interested in the submission of papers that illustrate the use of library records as primary sources and that discuss their research processes rather focusing primarily on their
findings.These might include:
* circulation and acquisition records
* registers of borrowers
* library catalogs
* minutes of library board meetings
* annual reports
* library policy manuals
* librarians' work diaries
* correspondence
Although scholars are accustomed to thinking of libraries as containers of useful materials, they have tended to ignore the libraries themselves as sources of historical data. Librarians, too, have not always recognized the value of retaining materials that document their institutions' own past. Scholars, including historians of reading, the Cold War, intellectual freedom, philanthropy and civil rights, are
beginning to make use of this relatively untapped wealth, however, and to encourage librarians to make a priority of preserving the records of their practices and policies.
Proposals for papers should give the paper title, an abstract (up to 400 words), and biographical identification of the scholar. The program will be publicized on or before January 15, 2005. Presenters must be members of ALA and LHRT before May 1st, 2005. See for membership details.
Christine Pawley
School of Library and Information Science
The University of Iowa
3074 Main Library
Iowa City, IA, 52242-1420
phone: (319) 335-5711
fax: (319) 335-5374
For more information, visit the website at
Conference: ALA Annual Meeting
Conference Location: Chicago, IL
Conference Date: June 23-30, 2005
Deadline: November 30, 2004
The Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association (ALA) seeks papers for its Research Forum at the 2005 ALA Convention, Chicago, Illinois, 23-30 June, 2005. While we encourage the submission of any paper that takes a cultural and historical perspective on libraries, we are especially interested in the submission of papers that illustrate the use of library records as primary sources and that discuss their research processes rather focusing primarily on their
findings.These might include:
* circulation and acquisition records
* registers of borrowers
* library catalogs
* minutes of library board meetings
* annual reports
* library policy manuals
* librarians' work diaries
* correspondence
Although scholars are accustomed to thinking of libraries as containers of useful materials, they have tended to ignore the libraries themselves as sources of historical data. Librarians, too, have not always recognized the value of retaining materials that document their institutions' own past. Scholars, including historians of reading, the Cold War, intellectual freedom, philanthropy and civil rights, are
beginning to make use of this relatively untapped wealth, however, and to encourage librarians to make a priority of preserving the records of their practices and policies.
Proposals for papers should give the paper title, an abstract (up to 400 words), and biographical identification of the scholar. The program will be publicized on or before January 15, 2005. Presenters must be members of ALA and LHRT before May 1st, 2005. See for membership details.
Christine Pawley
School of Library and Information Science
The University of Iowa
3074 Main Library
Iowa City, IA, 52242-1420
phone: (319) 335-5711
fax: (319) 335-5374
For more information, visit the website at
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
CFP: 7th ISKO-Spain Conference
Conference: 7th ISKO-Spain Conference
Conference Location: Barcelona, Spain
Conference Date: July 6-8, 2005
Deadline: November 15, 2004
The focus of the 7th ISKO-Spain Conference is on orienting users of systems and applications of information organization and retrieval in companies, public administration, archives and document centres, portals or Internet services, databases and digital libraries.
Knowledge organization has traditionally been centred on representational objects —texts, images and documents in general— or on computer systems that facilitate information retrieval. It is ever more apparent that there is a need to take into consideration the cognitive, physical, and affective characteristics of different types of people when designing applications. Currently, with the availability of personalized systems that facilitate the interaction between persons and organization systems, questions are being asked such as: How to improve universal access to information? How to obtain maximum performance from the management of knowledge in organizations? How to incorporate users into the design cycles of knowledge organization systems? How to respond to differences (social, cultural, etc.) of the users of these systems?
For more information, visit:
Conference Location: Barcelona, Spain
Conference Date: July 6-8, 2005
Deadline: November 15, 2004
The focus of the 7th ISKO-Spain Conference is on orienting users of systems and applications of information organization and retrieval in companies, public administration, archives and document centres, portals or Internet services, databases and digital libraries.
Knowledge organization has traditionally been centred on representational objects —texts, images and documents in general— or on computer systems that facilitate information retrieval. It is ever more apparent that there is a need to take into consideration the cognitive, physical, and affective characteristics of different types of people when designing applications. Currently, with the availability of personalized systems that facilitate the interaction between persons and organization systems, questions are being asked such as: How to improve universal access to information? How to obtain maximum performance from the management of knowledge in organizations? How to incorporate users into the design cycles of knowledge organization systems? How to respond to differences (social, cultural, etc.) of the users of these systems?
For more information, visit:
Monday, October 18, 2004
CFP: Library History Siminar XI (Libraries in Times of War, Revolution & Social Change)
Conference: Library History Seminar XI: Libraries in Times of War, Revolution & Social Changesponsored by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association
Conference Location: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Conference Date: OCTOBER 27-30, 2005
Deadline: December 1, 2004
The Seminar's theme is a particularly timely one in terms of recent history. For example, the pillage and burning of Iraq's National Library in Spring of 2003 sent cultural shock waves around the world. The apparent contradictions of libraries, conventionally taken to represent stability and continuity, and wars and revolutions, involving rapid and disruptive change, suggest a number of urgent historical issues.
We seek papers relevant to the general theme of the seminar which includes:
--Books and libraries as agents of cultural memory to be protected, appropriated or obliterated.
--Library collections and services as instruments of political power in providing, restricting or withholding access to information.
--Libraries as places of refuge, solace and practical help in times of war, revolution and social disruption.
--Libraries and their contents as cultural heritage and as booty.
--The nature of the revolutionary cultural and political regimes in which libraries are situated and the attitudes of the regimes to literacy and learning.
--The responsibilities of the international community in creating and enforcing policies and procedures of protection, reconstitution and restitution of cultural artifacts, including books and libraries.
The conference organizers do not seek to impose any arbitrary limits of time or place on the papers to be submitted but seek to open the discussion of the subject as widely as possible.
For more details about the conference, see its website at the web address given below.
Send 300-500 word abstract and brief c.v. to:
W. Boyd Rayward
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Champaign, IL 61820
217 244-9741 - phone
217 244-3302 - fax
Visit the website at
Conference Location: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Conference Date: OCTOBER 27-30, 2005
Deadline: December 1, 2004
The Seminar's theme is a particularly timely one in terms of recent history. For example, the pillage and burning of Iraq's National Library in Spring of 2003 sent cultural shock waves around the world. The apparent contradictions of libraries, conventionally taken to represent stability and continuity, and wars and revolutions, involving rapid and disruptive change, suggest a number of urgent historical issues.
We seek papers relevant to the general theme of the seminar which includes:
--Books and libraries as agents of cultural memory to be protected, appropriated or obliterated.
--Library collections and services as instruments of political power in providing, restricting or withholding access to information.
--Libraries as places of refuge, solace and practical help in times of war, revolution and social disruption.
--Libraries and their contents as cultural heritage and as booty.
--The nature of the revolutionary cultural and political regimes in which libraries are situated and the attitudes of the regimes to literacy and learning.
--The responsibilities of the international community in creating and enforcing policies and procedures of protection, reconstitution and restitution of cultural artifacts, including books and libraries.
The conference organizers do not seek to impose any arbitrary limits of time or place on the papers to be submitted but seek to open the discussion of the subject as widely as possible.
For more details about the conference, see its website at the web address given below.
Send 300-500 word abstract and brief c.v. to:
W. Boyd Rayward
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Champaign, IL 61820
217 244-9741 - phone
217 244-3302 - fax
Visit the website at
Award: bibliographical and historical guide to research focused on women or gender history
Ther Western Association of Women Historians (WAWH) will award $500 to the best scholarly bibliographical and historical guide to research focused on women or gender history. The Kanner Award is intended to promote the practice of bibliomethodology or autobiography in historical context. The bibliomethodology award should reflect the critical tools of the historian's craft as have been developed to provide research guides rather than library catalogues. The autobiography in historical context award should reflect the craft of history as developed and interpreted in individual lives. Book-length submissions are preferred but substantial guides in other forms(articles, book chapters, internet publications) may also be considered. The bibliographical and autobiography awards will be given on alternate years, with submissions for each award considered for two-year intervals from the date of publication. The 2005 award will be bibliographical and published in 2003 or 2004. Entry deadline is January 15th, 2005. Entrants must be members of WAWH. Please send three copies of a) your Kanner Prize application (found at WAWH website) and b) your submission to the contact listed.
Dr. Regina Lark
Center for the Study of Women
288 Kinsey Hall, 405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1504
PH: 310-206-5898
Visit the website at
Dr. Regina Lark
Center for the Study of Women
288 Kinsey Hall, 405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1504
PH: 310-206-5898
Visit the website at
CFP: Sport Literature Association Session American Literature Assn
CFP: Sport Literature Association Session
Conference: American Literature Association Conference
Conference Date: May 26-29, 2005
Conference Location: The Westin Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts
Deadline: December 1, 2004
"Diverse Voices in American Sport Literature"
Sport fiction, poetry, plays, and nonfiction can sometimes be seen as the exclusive province of the Straight White Able-bodied Upper-Middle-Class College-Educated White Male, a not-entirely mythical creature who can trace a cultural lineage from Frank Merriwell to Bill Bradley. Our 2005 SLA session will challenge this assumption by presenting work on diverse voices in American sport literature: writers and characters who are not Straight, White, &c.
Please send proposals (300-500 word abstracts) by 1 December 2004 to: Tim Morris, English Box 19035, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX 76019; or by e-mail to Our panel will consist of three 20-minute papers. Panelists and proposers will be notified by mid-January 2005.
Conference: American Literature Association Conference
Conference Date: May 26-29, 2005
Conference Location: The Westin Copley Place, Boston, Massachusetts
Deadline: December 1, 2004
"Diverse Voices in American Sport Literature"
Sport fiction, poetry, plays, and nonfiction can sometimes be seen as the exclusive province of the Straight White Able-bodied Upper-Middle-Class College-Educated White Male, a not-entirely mythical creature who can trace a cultural lineage from Frank Merriwell to Bill Bradley. Our 2005 SLA session will challenge this assumption by presenting work on diverse voices in American sport literature: writers and characters who are not Straight, White, &c.
Please send proposals (300-500 word abstracts) by 1 December 2004 to: Tim Morris, English Box 19035, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington TX 76019; or by e-mail to Our panel will consist of three 20-minute papers. Panelists and proposers will be notified by mid-January 2005.
Women and Information Technology
NOTE: This is a late notice. The deadline is October 30, 2004. If you have a topic, contact the editors via email below.
The University of Lapland (Finland) will publish a book entitled Lost and Found in Virtual Reality: Women and Information Technology.
As many researchers struggle to give an account of our immersion in information and communication technology, which resonates with lived experience, there is an increasing turn to phenomenology as a way to get back to the actuality of these experiences. As Merleau-Ponty claims in his famous preface in Phenomenology of Perception: "Phenomenology is a study of essences ... But phenomenology is also a philosophy which puts essences back into existence, and does not except to arrive at an understanding of man and the world from any starting point other than of their 'facticity.'" It is with this challenge in mind that Lost and Found in Virtual reality: Women and Information Technology sees its task.
Contributors are sought for the above book (due for publication in spring 2005) which aims to analyse how women construct their identities and expertise when using information and communication technology. The monograph will aim to develop and explore not only phenomenological analysis and accounts but also a wide range of other approaches to the making of identity, such as cognition, constructivism, and consciousness studies, of phenomena such as (but not limited to):
- Women, media, mediating and mediation
- Women, collaboration and cooperation
- Women, communicating and working
- Women, information and communication technology use
- Women and virtualisation of everyday life
- Women, connecting and being connected
- Women, ethics and mediation
- Women, technology, learning and improvisation
- Women, knowledge, knowing and action
Due date: OCTOBER 30th, 2004
Format: 20 pages, double spaced, MLA style citations.
Additional information: 1) 200-word bio, 2) full name, and 3) contact
information, including e-mail, address, and phone number.
Please, send electronic submissions (MSWord or RTF) to both editors:
Hannakaisa Isomäki, PhD (
Heidi Strengell, PhD, EdD (
The University of Lapland (Finland) will publish a book entitled Lost and Found in Virtual Reality: Women and Information Technology.
As many researchers struggle to give an account of our immersion in information and communication technology, which resonates with lived experience, there is an increasing turn to phenomenology as a way to get back to the actuality of these experiences. As Merleau-Ponty claims in his famous preface in Phenomenology of Perception: "Phenomenology is a study of essences ... But phenomenology is also a philosophy which puts essences back into existence, and does not except to arrive at an understanding of man and the world from any starting point other than of their 'facticity.'" It is with this challenge in mind that Lost and Found in Virtual reality: Women and Information Technology sees its task.
Contributors are sought for the above book (due for publication in spring 2005) which aims to analyse how women construct their identities and expertise when using information and communication technology. The monograph will aim to develop and explore not only phenomenological analysis and accounts but also a wide range of other approaches to the making of identity, such as cognition, constructivism, and consciousness studies, of phenomena such as (but not limited to):
- Women, media, mediating and mediation
- Women, collaboration and cooperation
- Women, communicating and working
- Women, information and communication technology use
- Women and virtualisation of everyday life
- Women, connecting and being connected
- Women, ethics and mediation
- Women, technology, learning and improvisation
- Women, knowledge, knowing and action
Due date: OCTOBER 30th, 2004
Format: 20 pages, double spaced, MLA style citations.
Additional information: 1) 200-word bio, 2) full name, and 3) contact
information, including e-mail, address, and phone number.
Please, send electronic submissions (MSWord or RTF) to both editors:
Hannakaisa Isomäki, PhD (
Heidi Strengell, PhD, EdD (
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
CFP: Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies
CFP: Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies
Deadline: March 1, 2005
Storytelling, Self, Society is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed
journal that publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics related to
storytelling as interpersonal, performance, or public discourse. Papers may
represent disciplines including but not limited to storytelling, folklore,
cultural studies, communication, English, education, library science, health care,
business, peace studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture,
theater and performance studies. For more information on the journal, we
invite submitters to visit our web site:
For consideration in the Fall 2005 issue, please email a completed manuscript by March 1, 2005, to:
Caren S. Neile, MFA, Ph.D.
Managing Editor, Storytelling, Self, Society
Manuscripts (headings and in-text citations), abstracts, references/works cited, figures, and tables must conform either to: (a) the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, Fifth Edition) guidelines, or (b) to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (2003, Sixth Edition, Modern Language Association of America). Contributors are encouraged to follow the guidelines of these manuals for avoiding bias in language. Each submission should include a single-paragraph abstract of no more than 120 words on a separate page, preceding the manuscript. Submittors should indicate whether their submissions conform for MLA or APA style, and include in the letter to the Managing Editor the history of the manuscript (conference paper, Master's Thesis, Dissertation, part of a larger study, to name a few).
By submitting to SSS, authors warrant that (a) they will not submit their manuscript to any other publication while the manuscript is under review with SSS, (b) the work is original and not previously published in any form, and (c) appropriate credit has been given to other contributors, including students, to the project. Manuscripts should be no more than 20 double-spaced pages (excluding references, tables, figures, or appendixes; 12-pt. Times New Roman, 1-inch page margins all around). Manuscripts that do not conform to the mission of the journal, or do not comply with the submission guidelines, will not be reviewed. In submitting, authors agree to assign copyright of their manuscripts, if accepted, to SSS.
Deadline: March 1, 2005
Storytelling, Self, Society is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed
journal that publishes scholarship on a wide variety of topics related to
storytelling as interpersonal, performance, or public discourse. Papers may
represent disciplines including but not limited to storytelling, folklore,
cultural studies, communication, English, education, library science, health care,
business, peace studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, pop culture,
theater and performance studies. For more information on the journal, we
invite submitters to visit our web site:
For consideration in the Fall 2005 issue, please email a completed manuscript by March 1, 2005, to:
Caren S. Neile, MFA, Ph.D.
Managing Editor, Storytelling, Self, Society
Manuscripts (headings and in-text citations), abstracts, references/works cited, figures, and tables must conform either to: (a) the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, Fifth Edition) guidelines, or (b) to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (2003, Sixth Edition, Modern Language Association of America). Contributors are encouraged to follow the guidelines of these manuals for avoiding bias in language. Each submission should include a single-paragraph abstract of no more than 120 words on a separate page, preceding the manuscript. Submittors should indicate whether their submissions conform for MLA or APA style, and include in the letter to the Managing Editor the history of the manuscript (conference paper, Master's Thesis, Dissertation, part of a larger study, to name a few).
By submitting to SSS, authors warrant that (a) they will not submit their manuscript to any other publication while the manuscript is under review with SSS, (b) the work is original and not previously published in any form, and (c) appropriate credit has been given to other contributors, including students, to the project. Manuscripts should be no more than 20 double-spaced pages (excluding references, tables, figures, or appendixes; 12-pt. Times New Roman, 1-inch page margins all around). Manuscripts that do not conform to the mission of the journal, or do not comply with the submission guidelines, will not be reviewed. In submitting, authors agree to assign copyright of their manuscripts, if accepted, to SSS.
Innovate: Journal of Online Education
New Journal: Innovate: Journal of Online Education
Innovate is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed online periodical focusing on the creative use of information technology (IT) to enhance educational processes in academic, commercial, and government settings. We welcome submissions from a wide community of practitioners—from professors, teachers, trainers, and support specialists to program administrators, software designers, and leaders in the information technology industry. Please read the following material and review our style sheet before submitting a manuscript for publication consideration.
(from the submissions page):
Article Length: We seek articles that are substantive but concise (1,800 to 2,500 words). We encourage authors to expand and illuminate key concepts by linking to supplementary files (e.g., graphic images, tables, exhibits, audio clips, video clips, and embedded flash files) from the article proper. Such materials take full advantage of the Web's multimedia capacities, thereby enhancing the interactive educational experience for readers. Article supplements do not count toward the word limit stated above. They must, however, add meaning to the main text rather than simply repeat information within it. For more information and related policies, see our guidelines for article supplements.
Conference Presentations: We will consider a manuscript that has been presented at a conference or even published in conference proceedings. Disclose conference information at the end of the manuscript, imitating this example: [This article was modified from a presentation at the EDUCAUSE annual conference in Atlanta, GA, October 2002.] If possible, provide hyperlinks for the presentation file (if available in Web conference proceedings), the sponsoring organization, and the conference home page.
Main Journal Page:
Submissions Page:
Innovate is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed online periodical focusing on the creative use of information technology (IT) to enhance educational processes in academic, commercial, and government settings. We welcome submissions from a wide community of practitioners—from professors, teachers, trainers, and support specialists to program administrators, software designers, and leaders in the information technology industry. Please read the following material and review our style sheet before submitting a manuscript for publication consideration.
(from the submissions page):
Article Length: We seek articles that are substantive but concise (1,800 to 2,500 words). We encourage authors to expand and illuminate key concepts by linking to supplementary files (e.g., graphic images, tables, exhibits, audio clips, video clips, and embedded flash files) from the article proper. Such materials take full advantage of the Web's multimedia capacities, thereby enhancing the interactive educational experience for readers. Article supplements do not count toward the word limit stated above. They must, however, add meaning to the main text rather than simply repeat information within it. For more information and related policies, see our guidelines for article supplements.
Conference Presentations: We will consider a manuscript that has been presented at a conference or even published in conference proceedings. Disclose conference information at the end of the manuscript, imitating this example: [This article was modified from a presentation at the EDUCAUSE annual conference in Atlanta, GA, October 2002.] If possible, provide hyperlinks for the presentation file (if available in Web conference proceedings), the sponsoring organization, and the conference home page.
Main Journal Page:
Submissions Page:
CFP UPDATE: (PCA/ACA) Dime Novels, Juvenile Series Books, and Pulp Fiction
CFP UPDATE: Dime Novels, Juvenile Series Books, and Pulp Fiction
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
Joint Annual Conference
San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
San Diego, CA - March 23-26, 2005
The PCA Dime Novels, Juvenile Series Books, and Pulps Division invites interested parties to submit papers for presentation. Papers may cover (but are not limited to) any aspect of these subjects: themes, authors, major characters, audience, readership, bibliography or research methods, matters of gender, race, image, or attitude, social commentary, special collections, early genre forms, and, for added interest, works set in California or San Diego.
Potential participants do not need to be members, academics, or professional writers to submit proposals; however, membership in either PCA or ACA and registration for the conference are required in order to present. The deadline for conference registration is November 2, 2004.
All participants are requested to submit 250 word abstracts with titles. First-time participants should submit a 1-2 page proposal (please include a bibliography of proposed reference sources) along with the 250 word abstract.
Send all materials by October 15, 2004 to:
Marlena E. Bremseth, Area Chair
46 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd.
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 435-6744
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association
Joint Annual Conference
San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
San Diego, CA - March 23-26, 2005
The PCA Dime Novels, Juvenile Series Books, and Pulps Division invites interested parties to submit papers for presentation. Papers may cover (but are not limited to) any aspect of these subjects: themes, authors, major characters, audience, readership, bibliography or research methods, matters of gender, race, image, or attitude, social commentary, special collections, early genre forms, and, for added interest, works set in California or San Diego.
Potential participants do not need to be members, academics, or professional writers to submit proposals; however, membership in either PCA or ACA and registration for the conference are required in order to present. The deadline for conference registration is November 2, 2004.
All participants are requested to submit 250 word abstracts with titles. First-time participants should submit a 1-2 page proposal (please include a bibliography of proposed reference sources) along with the 250 word abstract.
Send all materials by October 15, 2004 to:
Marlena E. Bremseth, Area Chair
46 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd.
Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 435-6744
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
CFP: LITA National Forum (Library and Information Technology Association)
Conference: LITA (Library and Information Technology Association) National Forum Conference Date: September 29-October 2, 2005
Conference Location: San Jose, California
Deadline: December 15, 2004
Theme: The Ubiquitous Web: Personalization, Portability, and Online Collaboration. Wireless connectivity and portable computing devices can take the Web almost anywhere, from the corner cafe to Timbuktu. Fire up a laptop or a handheld and you’re online—and not just online, but in an environment where sites remember you and adapt to you. Now what? Now that the technologies work, how do they work together? How do they help us work together? What does a ubiquitous Web mean for libraries?
The Forum Committee is particularly interested in presentations that highlight specific technology implementations, in any type of library. Proposals on all aspects of library and information technology are welcome.
Possible proposal topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Non-Traditional/New Media (including Streaming media, Electronic books and journals...)
2. Digital Libraries (Resource linking strategies, Creating and sustaining digital libraries, Preservation of digital records...)
3. Authentication and Authorization (Digital Rights Management, Authentication/privacy, Services for remote patrons, customization/personalization...)
4. Portals/Federated/Meta-Searching (Design and management of portals, Integrated access to resources, Search engines...)
5. Information architecture (Web application design and databases, Web content management...)
6. Emerging Technologies (Wireless technologies, Assistive technologies, New user services and new communities...)
7. Technology Management (IT Project Management, Forecasting, budgeting, and managing technological change, Knowledge sharing applications...)
8. Internet Law (Filtering Technology, Privacy...)
9. Open source software
10. Distance education and courseware
Presentations must have a technological focus and they must pertain to libraries and/or be of interest to librarians. Concurrent sessions are approximately 75 minutes in length.
Forum 2005 will also accept a limited number of poster session proposals. Presenters should indicate their interest in a poster session on their proposals. Presenters are required to submit handouts one month in advance for the Forum notebook, and handouts will be made available on the Web site after the event. Your proposals are welcome and much appreciated! To submit a proposal, send the following information via email (in ASCII, PDF, or RTF format):
• Title
• Abstract and brief outline
• Level indicator (basic, intermediate, or advanced)
• Brief biographical information. Include experience as a presenter and expertise in the topic
• Full contact information
• Could this be a possible poster session?
• How you heard about the 2005 Forum Call for Proposals
The 2005 Forum Planning Committee will review proposals at the ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2005. You will be contacted about the status of your proposal by the end of February 2005.
Submit proposals (in ASCII, PDF, or RTF) by December 15, 2004, to: Mary Taylor,, Executive Director, Library and Information Technology Association.
Conference Location: San Jose, California
Deadline: December 15, 2004
Theme: The Ubiquitous Web: Personalization, Portability, and Online Collaboration. Wireless connectivity and portable computing devices can take the Web almost anywhere, from the corner cafe to Timbuktu. Fire up a laptop or a handheld and you’re online—and not just online, but in an environment where sites remember you and adapt to you. Now what? Now that the technologies work, how do they work together? How do they help us work together? What does a ubiquitous Web mean for libraries?
The Forum Committee is particularly interested in presentations that highlight specific technology implementations, in any type of library. Proposals on all aspects of library and information technology are welcome.
Possible proposal topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Non-Traditional/New Media (including Streaming media, Electronic books and journals...)
2. Digital Libraries (Resource linking strategies, Creating and sustaining digital libraries, Preservation of digital records...)
3. Authentication and Authorization (Digital Rights Management, Authentication/privacy, Services for remote patrons, customization/personalization...)
4. Portals/Federated/Meta-Searching (Design and management of portals, Integrated access to resources, Search engines...)
5. Information architecture (Web application design and databases, Web content management...)
6. Emerging Technologies (Wireless technologies, Assistive technologies, New user services and new communities...)
7. Technology Management (IT Project Management, Forecasting, budgeting, and managing technological change, Knowledge sharing applications...)
8. Internet Law (Filtering Technology, Privacy...)
9. Open source software
10. Distance education and courseware
Presentations must have a technological focus and they must pertain to libraries and/or be of interest to librarians. Concurrent sessions are approximately 75 minutes in length.
Forum 2005 will also accept a limited number of poster session proposals. Presenters should indicate their interest in a poster session on their proposals. Presenters are required to submit handouts one month in advance for the Forum notebook, and handouts will be made available on the Web site after the event. Your proposals are welcome and much appreciated! To submit a proposal, send the following information via email (in ASCII, PDF, or RTF format):
• Title
• Abstract and brief outline
• Level indicator (basic, intermediate, or advanced)
• Brief biographical information. Include experience as a presenter and expertise in the topic
• Full contact information
• Could this be a possible poster session?
• How you heard about the 2005 Forum Call for Proposals
The 2005 Forum Planning Committee will review proposals at the ALA Midwinter Conference in January 2005. You will be contacted about the status of your proposal by the end of February 2005.
Submit proposals (in ASCII, PDF, or RTF) by December 15, 2004, to: Mary Taylor,, Executive Director, Library and Information Technology Association.
Monday, October 11, 2004
CFP: Seeking Contributors to an Encyclopedia of Prostitution
Seeking Contributors to an Encyclopedia of Prostitution
The Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution is a reference work about prostitution past and present, both worldwide (mostly in the West) and in the United States to be published by Greenwood Press. With approximately 600 entries on health, cultural issues, migration, boom towns, legislation, technology, literature, movies, and more, this three-volume encyclopedia promises to be a foremost resource devoted to this high-interest yet sensitive topic.
For more information and a list of topics, visit:
You can also visit the main page for the journal (although the list of entries requires a password...not sure why):
Editor: Melissa Ditmore
The Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution is a reference work about prostitution past and present, both worldwide (mostly in the West) and in the United States to be published by Greenwood Press. With approximately 600 entries on health, cultural issues, migration, boom towns, legislation, technology, literature, movies, and more, this three-volume encyclopedia promises to be a foremost resource devoted to this high-interest yet sensitive topic.
For more information and a list of topics, visit:
You can also visit the main page for the journal (although the list of entries requires a password...not sure why):
Editor: Melissa Ditmore
CFP - IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) General Conference
Conference Name: IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions)
Conference Date: August 14th - 18th 2005
Conference Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: varies -- check URLs below
The content of the IFLA Conference Programme is organised by different professional groups (Sections and Core Programmes). All papers have to be submitted through one of these groups which should be approached directly if you would like to contribute a paper. Please note, however, that each group has its own mechanisms of calls for papers, deadlines, refereeing and selection and that some groups do not call for papers but decide on speakers internally.
Authors of accepted papers will receive an official invitation to the conference upon request. However, travel costs to Oslo and other costs (including registration fees and accommodation) cannot be paid by IFLA. These remain the responsibility of the speaker.
For more information, visit:
Main Conference Page:
Call for Papers:
Call for Poster Presentations:
E-mail List for IFLA:
Conference Date: August 14th - 18th 2005
Conference Location: Oslo, Norway
Deadline: varies -- check URLs below
The content of the IFLA Conference Programme is organised by different professional groups (Sections and Core Programmes). All papers have to be submitted through one of these groups which should be approached directly if you would like to contribute a paper. Please note, however, that each group has its own mechanisms of calls for papers, deadlines, refereeing and selection and that some groups do not call for papers but decide on speakers internally.
Authors of accepted papers will receive an official invitation to the conference upon request. However, travel costs to Oslo and other costs (including registration fees and accommodation) cannot be paid by IFLA. These remain the responsibility of the speaker.
For more information, visit:
Main Conference Page:
Call for Papers:
Call for Poster Presentations:
E-mail List for IFLA:
Sunday, October 10, 2004
CFP: ALADN (Academic Library Advancement and Development Network)
Conference Name: ALADN (Academic Library Advancement and Development Network) Conference 2005
Conference Date: March 6-9, 2005
Conference Location: New Orleans, LA
Deadline: November 15, 2004
For more information, visit the links below. The main ALADN page has past programs so you can see what was presented in the past. Some of the program ideas they would like to explore this year include:
-Turning Annual Giving Donors into Major Donors
-Let’s Play Nice Together: Working with Development Officers/Librarians in the Fundraising World
-Popular Library Naming Opportunities and How You Sell Them
-Unique Stewardship and Fundraising Events
-Raising Money for Endowed Positions in the Library
-Working with Administration: What Library Development Officers Need to Know
-Library as a Part of the University Campaign
-Special Collections: We have Artifacts and We’re not Afraid to Use Them!
-Creative Ways to Thank Your Donor
Main Home Page for ALADN:
Conference Home:
Proposal Form (PDF):
For more information, contact: Karlene Noel Jennings (Iowa State University Foundation),
Conference Date: March 6-9, 2005
Conference Location: New Orleans, LA
Deadline: November 15, 2004
For more information, visit the links below. The main ALADN page has past programs so you can see what was presented in the past. Some of the program ideas they would like to explore this year include:
-Turning Annual Giving Donors into Major Donors
-Let’s Play Nice Together: Working with Development Officers/Librarians in the Fundraising World
-Popular Library Naming Opportunities and How You Sell Them
-Unique Stewardship and Fundraising Events
-Raising Money for Endowed Positions in the Library
-Working with Administration: What Library Development Officers Need to Know
-Library as a Part of the University Campaign
-Special Collections: We have Artifacts and We’re not Afraid to Use Them!
-Creative Ways to Thank Your Donor
Main Home Page for ALADN:
Conference Home:
Proposal Form (PDF):
For more information, contact: Karlene Noel Jennings (Iowa State University Foundation),
Saturday, October 09, 2004
CFP: Workshop on Instruction in Library Use
Conference: Workshop on Instruction in Library Use (34th Meeting)
Conference Date: May 18-20, 2005
Conference Location: Guelph, Ontario
Deadline Date: November 26, 2004
The WILU 2005 program will challenge participants to reflect on the placement of information literacy in the broader context of other forms of literacy. Join us to explore a broad range of the theories and practices of the many faces of literacy: reading and writing, computer, information, media, visual, statistical and academic literacy. What role do libraries and librarians play in addressing, promoting, and collaborating with partners to advance these forms of literacy?
Presentation formats
Paper: a theoretical, comparative, or other analytical consideration relevant to the theme. Time allotted: 45 minutes (including 15 minutes discussion time)
Case study: description of and reflections on a particular activity or ongoing project. Time allotted: 45 minutes (including 15 minutes discussion time)
Hands-on Workshop: following a brief introduction and explanation of the goals all attendees participate in a group activity with concluding input by the workshop organizer. Time allotted: 90 minutes
Round Table: A max of three to speak for ~15 minutes each followed by a general discussion which is moderated by a chairperson. Please supply names of the chairperson and all panelists. Time allotted: 90 minutes
Call for Papers Home:
Conference Home:
Conference Date: May 18-20, 2005
Conference Location: Guelph, Ontario
Deadline Date: November 26, 2004
The WILU 2005 program will challenge participants to reflect on the placement of information literacy in the broader context of other forms of literacy. Join us to explore a broad range of the theories and practices of the many faces of literacy: reading and writing, computer, information, media, visual, statistical and academic literacy. What role do libraries and librarians play in addressing, promoting, and collaborating with partners to advance these forms of literacy?
Presentation formats
Paper: a theoretical, comparative, or other analytical consideration relevant to the theme. Time allotted: 45 minutes (including 15 minutes discussion time)
Case study: description of and reflections on a particular activity or ongoing project. Time allotted: 45 minutes (including 15 minutes discussion time)
Hands-on Workshop: following a brief introduction and explanation of the goals all attendees participate in a group activity with concluding input by the workshop organizer. Time allotted: 90 minutes
Round Table: A max of three to speak for ~15 minutes each followed by a general discussion which is moderated by a chairperson. Please supply names of the chairperson and all panelists. Time allotted: 90 minutes
Call for Papers Home:
Conference Home:
Thursday, October 07, 2004
CFP - Innovative Users Group (IUG) 2005
Conference Name: Innovative Users Group (IUG)
Conference Date: May 1-4, 2005
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Deadline: November 5, 2004
NOTE: Follow the link below for the full list of topics. This is the description information.
This is a list of topics that YOU told us you would like to hear about at the next Innovative Users Group Meeting (May 1-4, 2005, San Franciso, CA). We need volunteers to give these presentations. Don't be shy - you know more than you think you do! If you don't want to go it alone, think about participating in a panel discussion or coordinating a program and finding other presenters. You are certainly not limited to topics on this list, but this is a good place if you’re looking for ideas.
Program Tips:
Both novice and advanced user levels are needed:
-Overview of a module or a function for beginners (including experienced users starting to use the module or function)
-Real-life examples from libraries using the module/functionality
-Programs that delve with more depth into one smaller area or function
Include both public and academic libraries as much as possible on panels
Users like "nuts and bolts", "this is how to do it", "what it can do for you" and "we had this problem and here is what we did about it" programs
All submitted programs will be reviewed by the Committee before being accepted. We are working with a finite number of program.
Suggested Topics:
Main Conference Page:
Main IUG Page:
For more information, contact the Program Committee Chair, Cheryl Gowing, University of Miami
NOTE: The webform for submitting conference proposals is not online yet.
Conference Date: May 1-4, 2005
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Deadline: November 5, 2004
NOTE: Follow the link below for the full list of topics. This is the description information.
This is a list of topics that YOU told us you would like to hear about at the next Innovative Users Group Meeting (May 1-4, 2005, San Franciso, CA). We need volunteers to give these presentations. Don't be shy - you know more than you think you do! If you don't want to go it alone, think about participating in a panel discussion or coordinating a program and finding other presenters. You are certainly not limited to topics on this list, but this is a good place if you’re looking for ideas.
Program Tips:
Both novice and advanced user levels are needed:
-Overview of a module or a function for beginners (including experienced users starting to use the module or function)
-Real-life examples from libraries using the module/functionality
-Programs that delve with more depth into one smaller area or function
Include both public and academic libraries as much as possible on panels
Users like "nuts and bolts", "this is how to do it", "what it can do for you" and "we had this problem and here is what we did about it" programs
All submitted programs will be reviewed by the Committee before being accepted. We are working with a finite number of program.
Suggested Topics:
Main Conference Page:
Main IUG Page:
For more information, contact the Program Committee Chair, Cheryl Gowing, University of Miami
NOTE: The webform for submitting conference proposals is not online yet.
CFP - NASIG Annual Conference (2005)
Conference Name: NASIG 2005 Annual Conference (North American Serials Interest Group)
Conference Date: May 19-22, 2005
Conference Location: Minneapolis, MN
Deadline: November 3, 2004
The Program Planning Committee is issuing a second and final targeted call for proposals. After reviewing the proposals we have received during the first call and trying to identify elements of a comprehensive program, the Committee is interested in proposals that address the following topics:
-Funding strategies
-Off-site storage issues related to cataloging, inventory & management
-Helping patrons understand the serials crisis
-New licensing issues
-How to write and respond to RFPs
-Blogs and wikis in libraries, including whether to catalog and/or provide
access, how they are being used
-Archiving debates: PubMED vs LOCKSS vs publisher sites
-Embargo vs open access for NIH articles
-Effect of the aggregator-neutral record on serials cataloging practice
-FRBR and continuing resources
-The idea of seriality in cataloging
-MARC holdings
-Presentation Skills
-Profession in general (recruiting, etc.)
The Program Planning Committee will review all submitted proposals for their content, timeliness, and relevance to the conference theme and reserves the
right to combine, blend, or refocus proposals to maximize their relevance and
to avoid duplication. In addition, the Committee will treat all submissions
as suggestions and guideposts. Time management issues and reimbursement guidelines generally limit each session to two speakers. Also note that proposals may be suggested as one type of session and/or format and ultimately be accepted as any one of the other types of sessions or formats; this decision is the purview of the Program Planning Committee.
For more information about the North American Serials Interest Group,
please see:
For complete program information, please see the original Call for
Proposals and Program Ideas Suggestions at:
NASIG has a reimbursement policy for conference speakers whose organizations do not cover expenses. For more information about this policy, please see:
To suggest a proposal, please fill out the submission form available at:
Conference Date: May 19-22, 2005
Conference Location: Minneapolis, MN
Deadline: November 3, 2004
The Program Planning Committee is issuing a second and final targeted call for proposals. After reviewing the proposals we have received during the first call and trying to identify elements of a comprehensive program, the Committee is interested in proposals that address the following topics:
-Funding strategies
-Off-site storage issues related to cataloging, inventory & management
-Helping patrons understand the serials crisis
-New licensing issues
-How to write and respond to RFPs
-Blogs and wikis in libraries, including whether to catalog and/or provide
access, how they are being used
-Archiving debates: PubMED vs LOCKSS vs publisher sites
-Embargo vs open access for NIH articles
-Effect of the aggregator-neutral record on serials cataloging practice
-FRBR and continuing resources
-The idea of seriality in cataloging
-MARC holdings
-Presentation Skills
-Profession in general (recruiting, etc.)
The Program Planning Committee will review all submitted proposals for their content, timeliness, and relevance to the conference theme and reserves the
right to combine, blend, or refocus proposals to maximize their relevance and
to avoid duplication. In addition, the Committee will treat all submissions
as suggestions and guideposts. Time management issues and reimbursement guidelines generally limit each session to two speakers. Also note that proposals may be suggested as one type of session and/or format and ultimately be accepted as any one of the other types of sessions or formats; this decision is the purview of the Program Planning Committee.
For more information about the North American Serials Interest Group,
please see:
For complete program information, please see the original Call for
Proposals and Program Ideas Suggestions at:
NASIG has a reimbursement policy for conference speakers whose organizations do not cover expenses. For more information about this policy, please see:
To suggest a proposal, please fill out the submission form available at:
General Info - Library Philosophy and Practice
Library Philosophy and Practice is a refereed electronic journal publishing articles that demonstrate the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory which are behind it. Issues appear twice a year, in Fall and Spring. The reviewing process takes four to six weeks, and the deadline for submissions to be considered for each issue is August for the Spring issue, and May for the Fall issue.
Submit manuscripts of approximately 2,000-6,000 words electronically to the editors in any IBM-compatible word-processing format, or in HTML. Articles may include graphics and embedded objects.
LPP does not accept simultaneous submissions. Please do not submit manuscripts which are being considered elsewhere. Please do not submit manuscripts to LPP and other journals at the same time.
Authors Information:
Main Journal Page:
Submit manuscripts of approximately 2,000-6,000 words electronically to the editors in any IBM-compatible word-processing format, or in HTML. Articles may include graphics and embedded objects.
LPP does not accept simultaneous submissions. Please do not submit manuscripts which are being considered elsewhere. Please do not submit manuscripts to LPP and other journals at the same time.
Authors Information:
Main Journal Page:
Monday, October 04, 2004
Deadline Extended -- Encyclopedia of African American Literature
The editors of *An Encyclopedia of African American Literature,* under contract with Greenwood Press, seek contributors to write entries on the following authors and topics: Hilton Als, *The Amsterdam News,* Samuel A. Beadle, Frank London Brown, Barbara Chase-Riboud, James D. Corrothers, Creole, Nathaniel Dett, Education (in Literature), A. R. Flowers, T. Thomas Fortune, E. Franklin Frazier, O. O. Gabugah, Jewelle Gomez, Sutton E. Griggs, Carl Hancock, Humor, Edward Smythe Jones, Jake Lamar, Lesbian Literature, Los Angeles (in Literature), Love (in Literature), Victoria Earle Matthews, Middle Passage (in Literature), Opal Moore, Robert Deane Pharr, Prose Poem, Prosody, Eugene Redmond, Robert Reid Pharr, Revolutionary War (in Literature), San Francisco Bay Area (in Literature), Sexuality/Sexual Identity (in Literature), Signifying, Venture Smith, Spirituals, Quincy Thomas Troupe, Jr., Richard Wesley, and Shay Youngblood.
Entries will range in length from 350 to 2000 words, depending on the topic, and will be due by November 15, 2004. Detailed information about the *Encyclopedia* is available online at
If you would be interested in contributing to the *Encyclopedia* or would like more information about this project, please contact David Macey at the University of Central Oklahoma (, 405-974-5641) or Hans Ostrom at the University of Puget Sound (, 254-879-3434).
Entries will range in length from 350 to 2000 words, depending on the topic, and will be due by November 15, 2004. Detailed information about the *Encyclopedia* is available online at
If you would be interested in contributing to the *Encyclopedia* or would like more information about this project, please contact David Macey at the University of Central Oklahoma (, 405-974-5641) or Hans Ostrom at the University of Puget Sound (, 254-879-3434).
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