Wednesday, August 31, 2022

CFP: Entrepreneurship and Libraries (Entrelib) Conference 2022

Call for Proposals 

Entrepreneurship and Libraries (Entrelib) Conference 2022 explores how libraries and librarians support entrepreneurship in their communities and campuses.Entrelib continues to be a gathering place for academic, public, and special librarians, as well as entrepreneurial ecosystem partners, via our free online events. The event will be free and hosted on Zoom, on Tuesday, November 1, 8am-10am Eastern Standard Time and Wednesday, November 2, 8pm-10pm Eastern Standard Time.

The theme for the Entrelib International 2022 is Libraries Supporting Social Entrepreneurship Across the World. This conference will focus on the importance of libraries and entrepreneurs partnering to affect social good globally. We actively seek out and encourage perspectives from areas outside the Global North and from non-Western viewpoints, so come join us and inspire others with your ideas and initiatives that support social entrepreneurship. We encourage submissions that include but are not limited to:

  • Libraries supporting social entrepreneurship that contribute to UN Sustainability Goals (actions to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity, etc.)

  • Libraries supporting globally-focused initiatives and projects 

  • Libraries partnering with and contributing to diverse social entrepreneurship ecosystems

  • Exploring information about international markets within social entrepreneurship

  • Community specific social entrepreneurship: small-scale initiatives that serve the needs of specific geographies but addresses global challenges

  • Critical analysis of social entrepreneurship in libraries

 We will be accepting the following 2 formats of presentations: 

  1. Workshops (30 minutes)

This session will include 4 longform presentations, 30-minutes each.

The Programming committee invites proposals from the community for 30 minute workshops, presentations, panel interviews, and other long form discussions. These workshops should include an interactive component to engage participants. 

The Programming committee will give priority to submissions that are applicable to and engaging for multiple types of information professionals, (public, special, academic,etc.) working across the globe. 

2.             Lightning Talk (7 Minutes)

This session will include 5 lightning talks, 7-minutes each.

The Programming committee invites proposals from the community for 7 minute lightning talks.The Programming committee will give priority to submissions that are applicable to and engaging for multiple types of information professionals, (public, special, academic,etc.) working across the globe. 

To submit a proposal please fill out the submission form.  To learn more about the conference, please visit

Proposal submission deadline: September 21st 2022

Preview the proposal submission form. Tip: Download or make a copy to draft responses before submitting.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Programming Committee using a self-designed rubric

If you have any questions, please contact the Entrelib International Programming Committee co-chairs Mariah McGregor ( or Céline Gareau-Brennan (

Monday, August 29, 2022

Call for articles: Library Leadership and Management an ALA Core journal

We want to hear from you! 

Library Leadership and Management, an ALA Core publication and a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, is soliciting submissions for both peer-reviewed and editor-reviewed featured articles such as guest essays and opinion pieces related to library leadership and management, as well as topics that may be of interest to library administrators and leaders. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Post-COVID challenges for management and leadership 
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in employee recruitment and retention
  • Inclusive leadership practices
  • Navigating positionality and authenticity
  • Lived experiences of BIPOC leaders
  • Supporting organizational change
  • Dealing with conflict from a person-centered perspective
  • Leading within toxic or hostile workplace cultures
  • Assessment
  • Scholarly communication
  • Library spaces/facilities


We strongly encourage proposals from individuals of all ethnicities, races, countries of origin, gender identities and expressions, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientations, economic backgrounds, scholarly and professional backgrounds and experiences, types and sizes of institutions, and other differences. We are committed to amplifying and highlighting lived experiences from these different perspectives as they relate to leadership and management.


Articles accepted for submission are anticipated to be published in the Spring issue. The submission deadline is October 31st, 2022 but we will accept submissions on a rolling basis for inclusion in future issues. Please send preliminary expressions of interest or questions to Elizabeth Nelson, Editor, or Cinthya Ippoliti, Assistant Editor, 

Instructions for Authors and other journal information can be found here.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Call for Chapters: The Community College Library: Collections and Technical Services #ACRL

Call for Proposals

CFP Submission Form:

We are soliciting chapter proposals for our forthcoming ACRL book, The Community College Library: Collections and Technical Services with an anticipated publication date of Fall 2023..  This book is part of the book series, The Community College Library.   With 1,167 public and independent community colleges across the United States, community colleges are educating nearly half of the undergraduates in the nation.  Community colleges serve a unique student population including high school students, first-generation students, parents, veterans, unhoused students, returning students, those looking to transfer to a four-year university, those seeking technical vocational skills, and many more. This series aims to highlight the work, dedication, challenges, and innovation occurring in community college libraries across the country.  

Focus of the Book:

This edited volume will comprise chapters written by practitioners in the community colleges across the country.   Collection development and technical services are the silent work that takes place in most libraries.  Although the work takes place in the background, the importance of this work should not be overlooked as it ensures that libraries have relevant, usable content that is easily accessible by students.  Collection development management and technical services processes have a wide range of successful models for implementation.  This book will highlight exceptional practices and innovative approaches to collection development and technical services in community college libraries.   

Possible topics:

  • Cataloging practices
  • Role of adjuncts in collection development
  • Collection development policies
  • Weeding
  • Cooperative collection development and management
  • Specialized collections
  • Interlibrary loan
  • Working with IT
  • Stacks maintenance
  • New technologies
  • Gifts and donations
  • Open access
  • Discovery systems
  • Mobile access  
  • OER /  ZTC
  • Course reserves
  • Systems and electronic resources management

Don’t see a collections or technical services topic here that you would like to write about?   That’s okay!  We want you to submit your proposal! If you have any questions contact the editors at to discuss how your idea may fit within this book’s scope.

Proposal Guidelines:

Interested authors are invited to submit a proposal and fill out the short online proposal form. The form will require:

  • Author names, job titles, emails, and institutional affiliations
  • A working chapter title
  • An abstract up to 500 words
  • A current CV

Proposals are due by October 28, 2022 and must be submitted via online form.


  • Contributors will be notified of their status (acceptance or rejection) within 3-4 weeks of the due date of proposals.
  • Completed chapters will be approximately 2,500 - 4,000 words in length excluding endnotes and bibliography.


  • The first draft of chapters will be due April 21, 2023 and final drafts will be due July 31, 2023.
  • Projected publication date: Fall 2023

Contact us at: 

  • Kaela Casey, Librarian, Ventura College
  • Janet Pinkley, Head of Access Services, CSU Channel Islands, and Adjunct Librarian, Ventura College

Monday, August 22, 2022

CFP: Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for College and Small University Libraries (ACRL Publication)

Call for Proposals

Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for College and Small University Libraries



  • Camille Abdeljawad, Assistant Professor & Instruction & Outreach Librarian, Park University
  • Danielle Theiss, Assistant Professor & Director of Library, Academic, and Career Success Services, Park University



Association of College & Research Libraries


We are excited to invite innovative, creative, and practical chapter proposals for our upcoming publication, Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for College and Small University Libraries, from ACRL with an anticipated publication date of Spring 2024. Visit the publication's website for additional information and to submit your proposal by October 31, 2022.



Collaborations and Outreach for Student Success: Initiatives for College and Small University Libraries consists of three sections highlighting the importance and relevance of small to mid-sized academic libraries partnering with other areas within their institution, with other institutions, and with community partners for student success and wellness. While many volumes have been published about academic library outreach programs, these often showcase libraries with extensive staff, budgets, and materials available to them. As librarians from small-mid-size institutions, we want to provide a volume aimed specifically at libraries found in ACRL’s College Libraries Section (CLS), as they often operate with minimal library staff and smaller budgets. Readers will take away practical examples of collaboration across their campus and community that are suitable for their institution size. They will also be challenged to explore how these programs can be assessed and recreated at their own institution.


Target Audience

The editors are seeking case study submissions from new to veteran library professionals currently working (or previously worked) at small-mid-size institutions. We also welcome submissions from other higher education disciplines and/or departments.


Objective and Focus

The purpose of this volume is to support small to mid-size institutions with limited staffing and/or budgets by providing case studies of institutional partnerships.


Book Sections

The volume consists of three sections highlighting 6-10 case studies within each segment with a focus on student success and wellness. The first section’s case studies will focus on inter-institutional collaborations between libraries and other areas within the institution. The second section’s case studies will focus on intra-institutional collaborations between libraries and other educational entities. The final section’s case studies will focus on community partnerships and academic libraries.


Chapter Topics

We invite proposals on the following topics or any other partnership that your library has participated in:

Section One

  • Academic Departments or Co-Curricular programs (such as student publications like student newspaper, broadcasting, etc)
  • Student Success Services or Academic Support staff (including, but not limited to Student Wellness/Counseling Departments, Student Tutoring & Writing Centers, Financial Aid, admissions, retention)
  • Student organizations or governing bodies (such as Student Activities Board, Associated Student Government)
  • Career Services or student employment departments
  • Institutional Faculty Professional Development Entities
  • Alumni Association, University Advancement, Friends of the Library, Donors
  • Distance Education (such as virtual programming or digital support for student success or wellness)
  • Student Veteran Departments

Section Two

  • University-to-University Collaborations on a joint project (joint-programming, events, supports)
  • University Library to K-12 Districts (Such as information literacy instruction for dual-enrolled seniors)
  • Peer institution learning opportunities or shadowing (such as professional development, learning techniques, practices from peer institutions)
  • University Library to K-12 Summer Camp or extra-curricular experiences
  • University to Community College or Technical/Trade School

Section Three

  • Student Emotional Wellness (Such as mental health services, self-care lectures or activities, de-stress crafts or activities, therapy animals)
  • Financial Wellness speaker (Such as financial literacy month, budgeting, or investments)
  • Civic Duty partnerships (Such as voter registration drive, rides to the voting polls)
  • Student Physical Wellness (Fitness classes, yoga, meditation)
  • Information Literacy or Digital Media Wellness (Such as workshops with external organizations)


Chapter Format:

Each case study will contain background information, goals and objectives, collaboration outcomes, program assessment, and takeaways in order to give readers practical application steps as well as generate new ideas for their own programs.


Submit your proposal:

Proposals should include: 1) the names and contact information for all authors; 2) a clear description of the case study you are proposing and how it aligns with student success and wellness.

For more information and to submit your proposal, please see the volume’s website.


Proposals are due October 31, 2022


For questions, please contact the editors at:

Monday, August 01, 2022

CFP: 2022 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium (Nov 17, 2022; CFP Deadline Sept 2, 2022)

The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the second MIRL Symposium, a free event which will take place virtually on Thursday, November 17, 2022 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners and those with an interest in IRs at hospitals, academic medical centers, and other health settings to discuss and share case studies and best practices for digital archiving of institutional content. 


MIRL 2022 will feature a keynote by Dr. Lisa Federer, Data Science and Open Science Librarian, Office of Strategic Initiatives, National Library of Medicine, on "The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy: Roles and Opportunities for Libraries and Institutional Repositories."


We are accepting proposals for:

  • Panel discussions (approximately 50 minutes including Q&A)
  • Presentations (approximately 15 minutes including Q&A)
  • Lightning talks (approximately 5-10 minutes including Q&A)


The MIRL planning committee welcomes proposals on a variety of topics including, but not limited to:

  • Unusual medical/health sciences institutional repository (IR) content, collections, use cases, collaborations, or challenges
  • Migrating repository platforms: stories, processes, and lessons learned
  • IRs in a time of budget cuts: ROI and justifying the cost
  • Finding your champions: marketing your IR 
  • Reporting out: telling your IR story with statistics and metrics 
  • IR harvesting and support tools, workflow 
  • Strategies for management of faculty/researcher publications, conference posters, student collections, digital exhibits, digital archives, preprints, datasets
  • Promoting open access (OA) initiatives
  • Supporting promotion and tenure using your IR
  • Accessibility policies and practices
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion


Submit your proposal here:



  • Deadline for submitting proposals: Friday, September 2, 2022
  • Acceptance emails will be sent no later than September 16, 2022
  • Registration is free for all attendees and will open on September 16, 2022


Please contact Steven Moore ( for any questions about the proposal process or about MIRL.


MIRL 2022 planning group members:

  • Lisa Buda (Rochester Regional Health)
  • Anthony Dellureficio (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)
  • Brenda Fay (Advocate Aurora Health)
  • Sara Hoover (Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, George Washington University)
  • Ramune Kubilius (Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine)
  • Steven Moore (Henry Ford Health)
  • Lisa Palmer (Lamar Soutter Library, UMass Chan Medical School)