The University of Otago Centre for the Book is pleased to announce our sixth annual research symposium. In 2017, we are teaming up with Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature to offer a 3-day extravaganza engagement with books and culture.
The Centre for the Book Symposium will start on Tuesday evening, November 28th, with our usual public lecture at the Dunedin City Library. The lecture will feature Warwick Jordan, proprietor of Hard to Find Books, talking about his wide experience as a bookseller and the variety of book users that he supplies.
The symposium proper will take place on the University campus all day Wednesday, November 29th, at the College of Education and will feature a slate of presentations on the theme “Books and Users.”
The two-day UNESCO Creative Cities symposium will follow, with international and local keynote speakers onThursday November 30th, followed on Friday by facilitated workshops at the Dunedin Athenaeum in the Octagon.
Please note: Thanks to generous support from the University of Otago Centre for the Book, the NZ National Commission for UNESCO and the Dunedin City Council, both of these events will be free to attend, with delegates responsible for providing their own lunch. Delegates are welcome to register for specific days or all three days.
The theme for the Centre for the Book 2017 Symposium is “Books and Users.”
Before the advent of electronic text storage, a whole realm of print existed to record and store information. From instruction manuals to phone books and encyclopedias, these publications were to be consulted rather than read. Today, increasingly, many of these works are no longer printed on paper. They are instead disseminated to users in electronic formats, often only when they are requested. This shift in media has made readers more conscious of how they use books. It also raises questions about which sort of books work well in electronic format and which do not. This symposium seeks to investigate all the ways people use books, not just consciously or as intended, but for any purpose. Some may be propping up an item of furniture in the corner; some used for artistic design; some for elegant wallpaper. Even those books that are actually read are used in many different ways: for self-exploration; for escape; for gifts to others; for inspiration. And there are the readers, an equally diverse lot: some fold down corners; some write in books (some even in ink); some insert all sorts of items such as bookmarks or for storage; others handle a book so delicately that a second reader cannot tell the book has ever been opened. Indeed, in medical contexts, ‘users’ may refer to those in control of their habit or to those harmfully addicted. Is this also true in the book world? Traditionally, libraries recorded the frequency with which books were used. Today, especially because of increased privacy concerns, such information is less publicly available, but is still being used. Indeed, publishers often place restrictions on how many times an e-text may be loaned. Institutions face pressure, often having to buy another copy after the set number of loans has been reached. The variety of uses for books and of users of books creates areas both of mutual benefit and of potential conflict. The codex is a superbly efficient and highly evolved technology with a well-established set of design conventions that permit quite distinctive uses. Change is in the wind, and the book beyond the codex is evolving in new directions, some of which will no doubt succeed and others of which are bound to fail.
Call For Papers
All of these topics are of potential interest for the Centre for the Book symposium. Whether you are an adept or an addict, whether books for you are primarily physical, spiritual or cerebral, and whether you prefer to look up information online or in print, you undoubtedly have thoughts on this topic. So please email a 250-300 word abstract of your ideas to and set aside the end of November for a thought-provoking few days of reflection and engagement with books and users of books. In short – sharpen those pencils!
Abstracts must be received by 1 October 2017, with a final programme announced by mid-October. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Donald Kerr ( or Dr. Shef Rogers (
Have writer's block? Hopefully this resource will help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library & information science, as well as other related fields. I will include calls for papers, presentations, participation, reviewers, and other relevant notices that I find on the web. If you find anything to be posted, please drop me a note. thanks -- Corey Seeman, University of Michigan(
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
CFP: 2017 Georgia Libraries Conference (Columbus, GA - October 2017)
The Georgia Library Association and Georgia Association for Instructional Technology invite proposals for the 2017 Georgia Libraries Conference, nee' GA COMO. This year, as we change our name and our charge to better reflect all types of libraries, our theme is Different by Design. We hope to highlight the interesting, innovative, and thoughtful ways librarians are working to improve their profession, their libraries, and their communities.
This year's conference will take place October 4-6, 2017 at the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia. Proposals are now being accepted for pre-conference sessions, presentations, demonstrations, and posters. Come share your great ideas alongside our keynotes, David Lankes and Siva Vaidhyanathan!
All proposal submissions are due by June 12, 2017. Guidelines and forms for submitting your proposal(s) can be found on the proposal form here:
For questions regarding proposal submissions, please contact Jean Cook at .
Best of luck to potential presenters! We look forward to seeing you in Columbus.
This year's conference will take place October 4-6, 2017 at the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia. Proposals are now being accepted for pre-conference sessions, presentations, demonstrations, and posters. Come share your great ideas alongside our keynotes, David Lankes and Siva Vaidhyanathan!
All proposal submissions are due by June 12, 2017. Guidelines and forms for submitting your proposal(s) can be found on the proposal form here:
For questions regarding proposal submissions, please contact Jean Cook at .
Best of luck to potential presenters! We look forward to seeing you in Columbus.
CFP: ACRL Program Proposals for 2018 ALA Annual Conference (New Orleans)
ACRL Program Proposals for 2018 ALA Annual Conference |
ACRL invites its committees, sections, interest groups and individual members to consider submitting program proposals for the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. For the first time, program proposals will be submitted via a centralized submission site for all ALA Divisions, RoundTables, Committees, and Offices. ACRL members must choose "ACRL" on the first screen of the submission form in order to have the program included in the ACRL pool of programs to be reviewed. There will be a virtual meeting at 11:00 a.m. CST on June 1, 2017, for ACRL units and members interested in submitting proposals for a 2018 ALA Annual Conference program. The purpose of this meeting is to provide potential conference program planners with an understanding of the Annual Conference program planning process, including budgets, timelines, and planning tips. RSVP online to attend the June 1 virtual meeting. Once login instructions are available, attendees will be notified. Login instructions will also be posted on the main ACRL page in ALA Connect. 2018 ALA Annual Conference program proposals are due August 25, 2017. The ACRL Professional Development Committee will review proposal and select 2018 Annual Conference programs, with notifications issued in October 2017. More information is available on the ACRL website. |
Friday, May 26, 2017
CFP: ALCTS Programs at the 2018 Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) invites you to submit a program, preconference or symposium proposal for upcoming 2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference.
The ALCTS Program Committee welcomes topics that are of current and ongoing interest to the ALCTS membership, including acquisitions, cataloging and metadata, collection management, continuing resources, preservation and reformatting. Proposals will be reviewed by the ALCTS Program Committee and proposal submitters will be contacted shortly following Annual Conference 2017.
To propose an event, please submit an online proposal form using the links provided in this message.
Call for Proposals
ALA 2018 Annual Conference in New Orleans, June 21-26
· Virtual Preconference – Two or three one-hour virtual sessions held prior to Annual
Virtual Preconference Proposal Form | Submission Deadline: December 15, 2017
Virtual Preconference Proposal Form | Submission Deadline: December 15, 2017
· Preconference – One or two-day interactive training workshop held at Annual
Preconference Proposal Form | Submission Deadline: August 11, 2017
Preconference Proposal Form | Submission Deadline: August 11, 2017
· Program – One-hour educational sessions held at Annual. Log into the ALA system to begin your online proposal. Anyone can submit a proposal, regardless of membership status.
When completing the proposal form, be sure to select the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) to have your proposal reviewed by ALCTS. Program Proposal Submission Site (login or create a new account to enter) | Submission Deadline: August 25, 2017
ALA 2018 Midwinter Meeting in Denver, February 9-13
· Virtual Symposium - Two or three one-hour virtual sessions held prior to Midwinter
Virtual Symposium Proposal Form | Submission Deadline: September 27, 2017
Virtual Symposium Proposal Form | Submission Deadline: September 27, 2017
Proposal and Event Planning Information
Additional information about submitting a proposal can be found using these links:
Questions & Comments
Please send any questions or comments about submitting a proposal to:
Kevin Clair ( – ALCTS Program Committee Co-Chair
Hayley Moreno ( – ALCTS Program Committee Co-Chair
Julie Reese ( – ALCTS Continuing Education & Program Manager
Thursday, May 25, 2017
CFP: 2017 STEM Librarians South Conference (formerly Texas STEM Librarian Conference) - Waco Texas July 2017
2017 STEM Librarians South Conference (formerly Texas STEM Librarian Conference)
July 20-21, 2017
Waco, TX
Please submit by Tuesday, June 6 proposals for
· 5-minute lightning talks
· 15-minute short presentations or
· 45-minute full presentations
on any topic dealing with STEM librarianship including but not limited to
collections, data management, information literacy, outreach, reference/instruction/public service, scholarly communications, and science education
STEM Librarian South is the only conference focused on STEM librarianship.
Even if you’re not submitting, please register for the conference!
Go to to submit a proposal
Go to to register for the conference
Go to for more information about the conference
Contact with any questions
STEM Librarians South
2017 Conference Committee
Christina Chan-Park
Ben Johansen
Megan Martinsen
CFP: The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples
The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples
Upcoming, openly licensed University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing title (2017) available as a digital publication using Pressbooks (and possibly as a print on demand title)
Edited by Kristi Jensen ( and Shane Nackerud (, University of Minnesota
Proposal Deadline: June 16, 2017
Notification of Selected Authors/Chapters: June 30, 2017
Chapter Deadline: November 27, 2017
While the movement to utilize open educational resources in a wide range of educational environments began over two decades ago, there has been a surge in interest in both OER and other affordable course content options in the last several years. Much of the recent interest has been tied to strategic initiatives to make higher education more affordable and to improve teaching and learning.
A great deal has been published on open educational resources and open textbooks in higher education. While open textbooks and OER are exciting options, focusing only on OER or open textbooks often excludes many new efforts that present a wide array of affordable content options - options that have broader reach given the lack of quality, open resources available in many subject areas.
The Evolution of Affordable Content Efforts in the Higher Education Environment: Programs, Case Studies, and Examples, will allow authors from across institutions to provide their blueprint(s) for creating successful affordable content programming.
Chapter Ideas:
We are looking for chapters in the following areas but welcome your additional suggestions for review:
- Bookstore models - rentals, all purchase ebook models
- Faculty experiences - collaboration, impact on teaching, impact on students, why a move to affordable content
- Student feedback and experiences
- Library licensed multi-use ebook models
- Hybrid content models - Library Licensed, OER, public domain, Fair Use, etc.
- OER only models
- Purchase models, for example, student fees pay for texts and they “check them out” for the semester
- University wide collaboration models focused on OER and/or affordable content
- Inter-institutional collaboration models focused on OER and/or affordable content
- Incentive grants to utilize or create OER and/or affordable content
- Publishing efforts
- Replicating traditional publishing to create open content
- New views of what textbook is broadly or for certain disciplines
- Developing new models of peer review
- Creating assessments and other supplemental materials
- Education, workshops, culture change
- Responses to legislative dictates
All chapters might include details about:
- Partnerships
- Scalability and sustainability
- Barriers and successes
- Pros and cons of approaches or methods
- Measures of success and assessment efforts
- And lessons learned
Proposal Format:
Proposed chapter title
300-500 word chapter description
Author(s) name, professional title, & contact information
Short 100 word bio for author(s)
Submission Process:
Authors interested in submitting chapters should complete the proposal form
on or before June 16, 2017.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
CFP: Catholic Library World
Submissions are being accepted on an ongoing basis for upcoming issues of Catholic Library World.
Catholic Library World is the official journal of the Catholic Library Association. Established in 1929, CLW is an international refereed quarterly journal, publishing articles that focus on all aspects of librarianship, especially as it relates to Catholicism and Catholic Studies. CLW articles are intended for an audience that is interested in the broad role and impact of various types of libraries, including, but not limited to academic, public, theological, parish and church libraries, and school libraries. CLW respects diverse Christian traditions as well as non-Christian and welcomes relevant articles from a variety of religious traditions.
The preferred method for submitting manuscripts is as a word-processed attachment in e-mail. Author’s full name, affiliation, and e-mail address must accompany any manuscript submission.
Articles should provide something new to the existing literature. The word count should be 3500- 5000 words and should adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style (humanities is preferred). The style should be accessible and well-documented.
See for author guidelines and more information.
Sigrid KelseyTuesday, May 23, 2017
CFP: Nevada Library Association and the Mountain Plains Library Association 2017 Conference - Lake Tahoe NV - October 2017)
NLA-MPLA 2017 Conference
October 16-18, 2017
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Lake Tahoe (Stateline, Nevada)
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Lake Tahoe (Stateline, Nevada)
Deadline - May 31, 2017
The joint conference of the Nevada Library Association and the Mountain Plains Library Association will be held October 16 through 18 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Stateline, Nevada at Lake Tahoe. From the sounds of sensory story time to the whir of a 3D printer, libraries are much more than quiet spaces; they are hubs of experience and knowledge creation that set the stage for vibrant communities. As librarians it’s time to turn up the volume on innovation as we seek inspiration to deliver new models of information literacy and lifelong education; on engagement with listeners, learners, and makers of all ages and from all backgrounds; on advocacy as we share impactful stories of how libraries empower.
Call For Proposals is now open at and closes on May 31. Seeking proposals to support the theme of Turn Up the Volume! in the areas of innovation, advocacy, and engagement.
Room Reservations at a special conference rate may be made at using the group code NLAMPLA17.
Tentative schedule
Monday, October 16 – Nevada Library Association Executive Board Meeting, Mountain Plains Library Association Board Meeting, Nevada Library Directors Board Meeting, Preconference Workshops, Exhibitor Reception
Tuesday, October 17 – Full conference day
Wednesday, October 18 – Full conference day
Getting here is easy by flying into Reno/Tahoe International Airport and taking an airport shuttle or driving one hour to Stateline, Nevada at the southeast corner of Lake Tahoe.
Call For Proposals is now open at and closes on May 31. Seeking proposals to support the theme of Turn Up the Volume! in the areas of innovation, advocacy, and engagement.
Room Reservations at a special conference rate may be made at using the group code NLAMPLA17.
Tentative schedule
Monday, October 16 – Nevada Library Association Executive Board Meeting, Mountain Plains Library Association Board Meeting, Nevada Library Directors Board Meeting, Preconference Workshops, Exhibitor Reception
Tuesday, October 17 – Full conference day
Wednesday, October 18 – Full conference day
Getting here is easy by flying into Reno/Tahoe International Airport and taking an airport shuttle or driving one hour to Stateline, Nevada at the southeast corner of Lake Tahoe.
Monday, May 22, 2017
Call for Chapters - Supporting Today’s Students in the Library: Strategies for Retaining and Graduating International, Transfer, First-Generation, and Re-Entry Students
Supporting Today’s Students in the Library: Strategies for Retaining and Graduating International, Transfer, First-Generation, and Re-Entry Students
For publication with ACRL Press
Proposal submission deadline: June 5, 2017
Editors Ngoc-Yen Tran & Silke Higgins invite the submission of chapter proposals for a book on how academic libraries are addressing the unique struggles of international students, transfer or commuter students, first-generation students, and re-entry or older-adult students. Grounded in learning theories, the book will focus on strategies for retaining and graduating these student populations by exploring methods for overcoming barriers, discussing best practices for engaging students in research and information literacy topics, as well as providing a variety of services that support students beyond the classroom environment.
New and completed research and case studies are welcome, provided any new studies can be completed within the timeline explained below. Chapters based on completed research must not be previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
We are seeking proposals for two types of chapters in support of the aforementioned student populations:
- Research or case studies on:
- Who are our students
- What are their struggles
- What are their needs
- Research or in-depth case studies on the application of learning theories (such as Social Cognitive Learning Theory or Educational Gaming Theory). Topics might include:
- Best practices for instruction, outreach, and/or collection development
- Overcoming language barriers
- Overcoming barriers to access
- Developing meaningful relationships with peers and faculty
- Balancing school, work, and general life responsibilities
Submission procedure: Please submit chapter proposals of up to 500 words, a short author’s statement, a writing sample, and a list of previous publications if applicable to by June 5, 2017. If you are proposing new, uncompleted research, please provide a tentative timeline that includes a date for completion, evidence of institutional approval, if appropriate, as well as any additional dates you believe are relevant. Authors will be notified of acceptance by July 1, 2017.
If there are multiple authors for a chapter, please submit author statements for each author and at least one writing sample. However, writing samples from multiple authors may be submitted if it is felt that doing so will create a better representation of the group’s work.
Note: This initial stage requires a 500 word description, so just planning out your article now is fine. Final manuscripts of between 1500 and 5000 words will be due September 30, 2017, with drafts and edits staggered earlier throughout the year as best fits the schedules of the author(s) and editors. All chapters will undergo peer review by a subject matter expert prior to publication.
For additional information, contact the editors:
Ngoc-Yen Tran, Academic Liaison Librarian, San Jose State University,
Silke Higgins, Academic Liaison Librarian, San Jose State University,
Call for Chapters: Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students
Call for Chapter Proposals
Intended Publisher: ABC/CLIO: Libraries Unlimited
Section 1: One Size Does Not Fit All
Book’s Working Title
Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students
Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students
Edited by Crystal Renfro & Cheryl Stiles, Kennesaw State University
Intended Publisher: ABC/CLIO: Libraries Unlimited
Overview of Book
Graduate Students are critical stakeholders for academic libraries, and as libraries continue to reinvent themselves to remain relevant, spaces, services and instruction targeted specifically for the needs of the graduate student community are critical.
We have created a tentative table of contents for this book and invite proposals on any of the topics listed below, or on a graduate student focused topic of your choice. Completed Chapters are expected to be between 2,000 – 5,000 words.
Proposed Table of Contents
- How Graduate Students differ from undergraduates and faculty: A literature review
- Serving Online (Hybrid) Students
- Serving Online-only Students
- Serving the PhD
- Serving STEM Graduate Students
- Serving International Graduate Students
- Serving the Professional Graduate Student (could be more than one chapter, each focused on different types of Professional Programs which are very distinct)
- Serving the multiple roles of graduate students (GRA; Student; Teaching Assistant, etc.)
Section 2: Structures: Organizational; Technical; Spatial
- Different library organizational structures to support graduate students
- Technical needs of graduate students
- Spaces for graduate students
- Consultation models for serving graduate students
Section 3: Traditional Librarian Functions meet Graduate Students’ needs
- ILL and serving Graduate Students
- Workshops for Graduate Students
- Information literacy and graduate students or ACRL Framework applied to graduate student interactions
- Data and Graduate students
- Digital Thesis & Capstone Processes
- Productivity Tools for Graduate Students and/or Citation Managers
- The Academic Research Cycle
Section 4: Partnerships
- Collaboration with other university units
- Collaboration with graduate associations and clubs
- Collaboration with vendors
- Collaboration with Professional Organizations
Proposal Guidelines
Length of Proposal: 200-400 word abstract of proposed chapter (please include chapter title). Final Chapter will be between 2,000-5,000 words.
Author(s): Name(s), Institution(s), job title(s), Short 2 sentence bio listing how the author(s) is/are involved with graduate students.
Important Dates:
- Proposal due: June 15, 2017
- Authors notified: June 30, 2017
- Full Chapters Due: September 30, 2017
- Edited Chapters Returned: November 30, 2017
- Final Revised Chapters due: January 1, 2018
Please contact Crystal Refro at with any questions regarding your proposal or the submission system.
Monday, May 15, 2017
CFP: Georgia Libraries Conference (October 2017 - Columbus, Georgia)
The Georgia Library Association and Georgia Association for Instructional Technology invite proposals for the 2017 Georgia Libraries Conference, nee' GA COMO. This year, as we change our name and our charge to better reflect all types of libraries, our theme is Different by Design. We hope to highlight the interesting, innovative, and thoughtful ways librarians are working to improve their profession, their libraries, and their communities.
This year's conference will take place October 4-6, 2017 at the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia. Proposals are now being accepted for pre-conference sessions, presentations, demonstrations and posters.
All proposal submissions are due by June 12, 2017. Guidelines and forms for submitting your proposal(s) can be found on the proposal form here:
For questions regarding proposal submissions, please contact Jean Cook at .
Best of luck to potential presenters! We look forward to seeing you in Columbus.
This year's conference will take place October 4-6, 2017 at the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia. Proposals are now being accepted for pre-conference sessions, presentations, demonstrations and posters.
All proposal submissions are due by June 12, 2017. Guidelines and forms for submitting your proposal(s) can be found on the proposal form here:
For questions regarding proposal submissions, please contact Jean Cook at .
Best of luck to potential presenters! We look forward to seeing you in Columbus.
CFP: ALCTS/LITA Library Linked Data Interest Group (LLD-IG) at ALA Annual (Chicago - June 24, 2017)
The ALCTS/LITA Library Linked Data Interest Group (LLD-IG) seeks proposals for
its meeting on Saturday, June 24th at 8:30-10:00 AM during the 2017 ALA Annual
Conference in Chicago. LLD-IG facilitates active conversation among librarians
and information professionals to discuss projects, ideas, and practical use
cases related to library linked data. We welcome proposals that offer
practical applications of library linked data and encourage audience
participation and discussion.
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
Please email proposals to Anne Washington ( and Jee Davis
( by Wednesday, May 17th, 2017. Your proposal
should include:
We will notify you by Wednesday, Friday, May 26th, 2017 if your proposal has
been accepted. We look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Anne Washington (Co-chair) and Jee Davis (Co-chair)
its meeting on Saturday, June 24th at 8:30-10:00 AM during the 2017 ALA Annual
Conference in Chicago. LLD-IG facilitates active conversation among librarians
and information professionals to discuss projects, ideas, and practical use
cases related to library linked data. We welcome proposals that offer
practical applications of library linked data and encourage audience
participation and discussion.
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- Linked data projects in libraries, museums, archives, and other information communities.
- Developing tools to support cataloging, organizing, browsing, and discovering resources using linked data.
- Developing ontologies or linked data applications.
- Collaborative linked data projects among diverse communities.
- LOD and Administration (linked data from library administrators’ viewpoints)
Please email proposals to Anne Washington ( and Jee Davis
( by Wednesday, May 17th, 2017. Your proposal
should include:
- Proposal title
- Proposal description (up to 150 words)
- Name and position of presenter
We will notify you by Wednesday, Friday, May 26th, 2017 if your proposal has
been accepted. We look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Anne Washington (Co-chair) and Jee Davis (Co-chair)
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